Surprisingly - I don't recollect falling for someone big time (apart from having a new TV/Movie star as flame every week) till I reached college. Where (gasp, shudder) I fell for this gorgeous girl big time and for a couple of years we had a roaring affair (mind you, I was dating a guy on the side as well, but in India two guys holding hands and walking on the road together is as normal as normal can be - its a girl and a guy holding hands which raises eyebrows)...
It was all sleeping arnd after I broke up with that girl (and discovered my true preferance) till I actually came into LOndon and discovered the gay scene - and it was like letting a kid loose in a candy shop
Yeah, I do remember all those guys who fell big time for me (they were all blind

), and I also keep a record of my one night stands - no name or numbers, just a notch in my belt

whenever I have a new conquest - so I know excatly how many men have I schmoozed in the last 8 years (I always get dizzy spells when I look at that number
