Setanta wrote:What is truly hilarious in all of this hair-splitting about assault rifles (and CJ attempting to claim there ain't no such a thing) is that the term was apparently, understood by all in the Zumbo flap. Zumbo, and those among the gun crowd lunatic fringe who went ballistic over his remark--they all seemed to have understood what the term means and that there is such a thing. Yet, we have page after page of people quibbling over the term, and either attempting to suggest that there is no significant difference between an assault rifle and a hunting rifle, or that assault rifles don't in fact exist.
Hilarious, marvelously hilarious . . .
Marvelously hilarious that you are completly missing the point of the last several pages.
Who is saying that there isn't a significant difference. An assult rifle is fully automatic. A hunting rifle is semi-automatic. Semi-automatic rifles are not assult rifles. Of course assult rifles exist, the M16 used by the military is an assult rifle, the AK-47, when fully automatic is an assult rifle.
Some semi-automatic rifles LOOK like fully automatic assult rifles, and that is where the topic is currently at. There are significant and extreme differences between a fully automatic rifle and a semi automatic rifle. So much so that to own a fully automatic rifle you must forego or give up some of your privacy rights to even own one. If you break this law I believe there is up to a 10 year jail sentence and/or a $250,000 fine. You get less time for rape.
The 'hair-splitting' is coming from your side Set.
The side I'm on pretty much agrees that a fully automatic rifle is an assult rifle. A semi-automatic is not.
Your side seems to think that by adding a knife to the end of the barrel, or putting a barrel shroud on your hunting rifle makes it one too, but you can have a knife on the end if you forego the barrel shroud, or you can have a pistol grip, but then you can't have a knife, or you can have a 10 round mag, but not an 11,.......seems like you're doing the hair splitting.
When asked to explain the differences between a rifle and an assult rifle your side pulled out an expired law that only continues to split hairs. Then you accuse my side of doing the same....pretty inconsistent.