I'm neither a criminal nor a gun nut and do not, in fact, own a single gun. "Assault rifles" are not "like" the others... they are identical. The conversion argument is absurd, on several levels.
A. Wood stock or plastic makes no difference. Notice in the pics I provided above; I put the deer rifle in black and the much hated AK-47 in a wood stock. Switch the clip styles and sighting devices and then tell me which one is the "assault rifle". There is no difference
save the 30.06 is both more powerful and more accurate
and is widely accepted as a standard deer rifle. To see the essentially identical mechanics click
B. The prevalence of fully automatic conversions is damn near zero. It is a very rare day when you see a fully automatic weapon involved in a crime in the United States. It is you who is buying the hype. And what possible difference could it make what the gun looks like? I've looked at the business end of a gun before and it scared the crap out of me. It would matter not at all if it was also black, or shiny, or had a bigger clip, or a bayonet mount. A semi-automatic weapon is a semi-automatic weapon, and there really is no definition for "assault weapon" unless it's used for that purpose. Watch that video and see how simple it is to change the appearance back and forth.