Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Bella Dea wrote:I feel bad for her kids. Not because she's an airhead, or shaves her head or gets a tattoo.
But beause she's out drinking, doing drugs and acting like a complete ass 4 days a week. Those kids probably don't even know her. And she claims she wants custody. God, which is worse: Brit or K-Fed?

either way they'll be raised by nannys so what difference does it make?
This is true. But would you rather have mommy or daddy stumbing home drunk with a new guy/girl in his/her bed every night?
She got a rat's ass tattooed on her bald head?
November 6th, 2006:
February 17th, 2007:
Grew that much in 3 months? Don't think so.
Wait, she was giving bald head to some rat's ass?
she has checked back into rehab. Oops... she did it again. :wink:
Victor Murphy wrote:shewolfnm wrote:im so glad i dont have tv.
Everyone has a TV in 2007.

not so much
some people have enough to make up for those that don't though
Aw, no fair! How are the paparazzi going to get us naked pictures now!!!
Lash wrote:Merry Andrew wrote:Victor Murphy wrote:shewolfnm wrote:im so glad i dont have tv.
Everyone has a TV in 2007.

Wrong. Roger is another A2Ker who doesn't own one. I have one but literally never turn it on. Don't know why it's taking up space there in the corner except that on rare occasions I do put on a VCR tape. Don't own a DVD player.
Me! I gave mine up. 3
In Holland I never owned a TV. Here, one came with the apartment, but since I dont pay for cable it cant actually receive any channels.
I wonder if she's sporting a merkin?
Me!!! with no tv either. Odd for an old tv enthusiast, but my interest waned.
At the least, I'd rather read blogs. Mostly I dumped it because it was heavy to cart from near Oregon to mid New Mexico, heavy cost in dollars. Too bad, it was a Sony... my garden helper has it now.
I might have one again if I could get a plethory of cable channels for zero money. I haven't for example, seen the Sopranos.. but regular tv will only make my eyes glaze.
Agreed. Only miss Sopranos, Carnivale...HBO.
Never watched reg TV.
Have a TV. Watch "Survivor," occasionally, but that's it by way of adult TV. Sozlet watches some PBS, some Nickelodeon, not much. We had no TV for quite a stretch there, wasn't the end of the world. Main effect was that I had to go to a bar (or Yahoo) to watch Packers games.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:I wonder if she's sporting a merkin?
I thought she was wearing a rats ass on her bald head?
I'm check-out aisle challenged.
From what I understand, she got in some argument with Federline, and he said he was going to "get her hair and test it for drugs" (thats definitely possible, and it would definitely be positive). So she got all freaked and cut it all off. Very childish. She doesnt deserve those kids, not that Federline does. IMO, they are ruining the gene pool.
Well I've got a TV!
And I watch a load of rubbish on it!
(of course that's inbetween reading the classics, working on my dissertation, doing extreme needlepoint, you know, snooty things like that - wouldn't want to give the impression that I was PWT - which I am)
But... (sniff) I havn't got one for the next few weeks, nor access to a PC, just about to move. What a sociological experiment this will be for me, and a whole new thread.
You know I'm only teasing about the checkout thing. I blame the Romans!
See ya'll soon, take care of yourselves.
wraith313 wrote:From what I understand, she got in some argument with Federline, and he said he was going to "get her hair and test it for drugs"
i started the drugs in the hair rumor not even 20 posts ago....
shewolfnm wrote:wraith313 wrote:From what I understand, she got in some argument with Federline, and he said he was going to "get her hair and test it for drugs"
i started the drugs in the hair rumor not even 20 posts ago....
Yeah, I remember. What a wonderful example of how easy it is to start and spread a rumor!
Shewolf in cahoots with "K-Fed" ? Who'd have thought it?
Britney Spears is the greatest woman in the history of the world.