Guwhah? I don't understand either of what you just said.
Just look in the links I posted for Advocate. I'm pretty sure you'll find more than one reference to that.
Sorry for you, but I not only looked at the links, I read the whole things - and I found nothing like what you claimed Fitzgerald said when you stated that he stated
Quote:No indictments of any kind were forthcoming and he stated there would be none forthcoming on that issue.
You actually need to show where he stated this, or claim that you don't know if he said this or not; the vagueness of your memory of where you saw him say this, doesn't help the discussion much.
Well I saw it on the website with my own eyes. I'm not sure about the Who's Who entry but it is widely reported that her name appeared and appears in his bio there.
picture has never been secret.
name has never been secret.
marriage to Joe Wilson has never been secret.
The only secret was the fact that she
worked for the CIA. I guarantee that you didn't read that in
Who's who or on Wilson's website. You aren't answering my point that this info has nothing to do with the case at all.
Quote:At any rate the links I posted for Advocate pretty much put that issue to rest.
Actually, not a single one puts this issue to rest, at any point. You're going to have to point out where they do instead of Appealing to Authority, or drop the point.
Quote:Or perhaps you have credible links of your own--articles that have not subsequently shown to be in significant factual error--to dispute the facts in the links I posted?
Is this an honest request? I don't want to be accused of muddying the sacred waters of the thread. If so, here's a letter to the WaPo from LC Johnson - an actual CIA member, who was Plame's compatriot and worked with her for years
Quote: Dear Ms. Howell:
Instead of turning to someone who actually knows the truth you prefer to bury your head in the sand of ingnorance. It is not just my word. You can ask a host of retired CIA officers who can verify that Valerie Plame was covert until her identity was compromised in the Robert Novak article. The willful ignorance of the Post is a disgrace to journalism. The number of people who can vouch for Valerie's identity is significant. Ask Tyler Drumheller, Chief of the European Division of the CIA Directorate of Operations. Ask Robert Grenier. Ask me. Ask Jim Marcinkowski.
Ask Mike Grimaldi. Ask Brent Cavan. Ask Gary Berntsen. Ask Mike Gorbel. instead of talking to CIA officers who know firsthand, you rely on Victoria Toensing, who has ZERO experience as a CIA officer. Hell, ask John McLaughlin. Ask Bill Harlow (oops, I forgot, he already told your reporters she was undercover and asked them not to report it.)
Your ignorance and cowardice on this is breathtaking.
Larry Johnson
Now, will you claim that Johnson is not credible? He seems to assert - from a greater position of knowledge than
any Republican pundit or writer - that she was in fact covert. He specifically names about a dozen others who back up his assessment, each with personal and actual experience with the CIA and Plame. I'm afraid I'd have to take the word of those with experience in the matter over that of Republican pundits.