Is This a Racist Flag?

Reply Sun 1 Jun, 2008 12:21 pm
In reference to 1,500 racist A-hole's plans, the St. Petersburg Times wrote:
Adams insists the flag isn't about racism or slavery. "It's about honoring our ancestors and about celebrating our heritage," he said. "It's a historical thing to us."
Can anyone offer an intelligent explanation of how celebrating Confederate heritage isn't about racism or slavery? I don't understand how such an idiotic contradiction could even be offered, as if it's an alternate motive.
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Joe Nation
Reply Sun 1 Jun, 2008 03:24 pm
I would like to know where are the other museums dedicated to those who took up arms against the United States? Not counting the Native Americans, that's not fair. We were stealing their land fair and square, right? They shoulda just let us be.

Where is the Tory Museum? There ought to be one somewhere in New York City, the place was chock a block with them. The Benedict Arnold Museum?

Should there be a museum for the guys from Puerto Rico who tried to kill Truman? They were cut from the same cloth as the Confederates, trying to gain freedom for their loved ones. Right? Not afraid to use a gun to get what they wanted. Yet, no museum.

How about the Weatherman? They set off more bombs than any group has and yet, no museum. Hard to figure, when the criteria is honoring armed insurrection, why these men and women have no museum? How are their terrorist attacks on US targets (people) any different than those of the Confederacy? Oh, yeah. Uniforms. Right. and a Flag. Right. un huh.

By the way, I don't think there should be a John Brown Museum, there are at least two, one in Harper's Ferry. He was a terrorist too. Interestingly, he was found guilty of treason against the State of Virginia, not against the United States, although he crossed several State lines before his attack on a Federal Armory.

Joe(I guess the Federals had no rope.)Nation
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Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2008 11:37 am
They say they're just "good ol' boys" who, like the song goes, were "never meaning no harm." But three Bloomington Kennedy seniors were not allowed to attend their commencement Wednesday night after bringing a Confederate flag to school on Tuesday.

"We're all big fans of the Dukes of Hazard," said Dan Fredin, who was suspended, along with Joe Snyder and Justin Thompson. "It's just us showing we have our own style and we aren't going to conform to whatever anyone else thinks."

School officials say at least one of the students waved and carried the flag in the parking lot.

The boys argue they never took the flags off their trucks, but they admit they brought them to the school.

Officials asked the students to remove the flags. Eventually, all three students were suspended for three days -- which, in this case, included graduation.

Officials say a Student Code of Conduct prohibits behavior that may provoke or offend other students.

"We are very clear that the Confederate flag is a symbol of hatred, bigotry and racism," said Rick Kaufman, the Executive Director of Community Relations at Bloomington Kennedy High School.

"It's truly unfortunate that the bad decision they made will prevent them from walking across the stage in graduation," Kaufman said adding that the school has dealt with students bringing confederate flags to school before.

But the students argue the punishment doesn't fit the crime. They say they show the flag as a sign of rebellion, not racism.

"The confederate army was in rebellion to the U.S. Army who were about money and power," Fredin said. "We never took it as racial or anything like that."

Meantime, the American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota said the students would likely not have a case in court.

"If the authorities can make the claim that the presence of the flag can reasonably disrupt the educational process than they can censor it," said Charles Samuelson with the ACLU of Minnesota.

The three students will still receive their diplomas. Already they have plans for next year, which for two of them, includes serving in the U.S. military.
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Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2008 11:37 am
Apparently Rick Kaufman flunked high school history.
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Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2008 11:51 am
cjhsa wrote:
Apparently Rick Kaufman flunked high school history.
There's no evidence to suggest that in your quoted piece. You, on the other hand, may very well have.
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Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2008 12:11 pm
"We are very clear that the Confederate flag is a symbol of hatred, bigotry and racism," said Rick Kaufman

That is an opinion, not an historical fact...

Sorry bill...
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Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2008 12:19 pm
cjhsa wrote:
"We are very clear that the Confederate flag is a symbol of hatred, bigotry and racism," said Rick Kaufman

That is an opinion, not an historical fact...

Sorry bill...
You are sorry.

You haven't quoted him claiming it's a fact, (so your point is mute) but a fact it is, none the less.

Google: symbol of hatred, bigotry and racism

and see what you come up with.

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Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2008 12:22 pm
Usually I come up with an image of Senator Robert Byrd, D-WV...
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Joe Nation
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2008 04:23 am
What's interesting is the spin some try to put on this issue. There have been anxious efforts from the very last days of the war to make the Southern cause about something other than racial superiority, although it was difficult to do whilst the White League Rifle Clubs, the White Citizen's Sabre Clubs and the Klu Klux were burning Negro schools and churchs, lynching Negro elected officials and shooting White Republicans in broad daylight throughout Mississippi, South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama.

It took about ten years of terrorist action, of fraud and intimidation, which is what they called it themselves, in order to beat down the efforts of anyone who attempted to achieve any sense of equality between the races in the South. By 1878, the Democrats of the South managed through murder and threats to disenfranchise anyone who was black or sympathized with them.

The flag that is the subject of this thread was used as a ripe symbol of white superiority during those times because that's what the murders and beating and lynchings were about.

What is attempted from time to time is the rehabilitation of that symbol. It's use in the Dukes is a perfect example and such rehabilitations are not unknown in history. They are efforts to make us forget. That's why we can have, in the middle of the Viet Nam War, a program like "Hogan's Heros" where the Nazis are just bumblers.

But they were not bumblers and the lynch mobs who terrorized the South were not just good old boys.

Joe(Don't forget that.)Nation
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Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2008 05:42 am
I serve in the US Army (until June 2010), right now at the Army hospital at Ft Polk. Three mornings ago, after arriving at work and parking I walked past someone's truck whose front vanity plate caught my eye. It had a confederate flag on it, and right next to the flag embossed in red white and blue, the words "Protect The New Endangered Species".

This was in the staff parking lot of a US government institution.

This shyt makes me sad.
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Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2008 07:13 am
I just caught up on Joe(eminently sensible)Nation's recent posts. Some of the best reading on the topic yet. Thanks, Joe.
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Joe Nation
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2008 12:41 pm
Thanks Edgar, that means the world to me.

Snood, you know it's the oddest thing, but the Daughters of the Confederacy began saying in 1875 that neither slavery nor racial superiority were underlying reasons for the War Between the States. Heavens to Betsy, no. Um. It was a Constitutional conflict over the Right of Secession because, I just love this, slavery and white supremacy were already settled issues and the Will of God. So the only victims of the war were the white citizens of the South and God, because He had his Will subverted. Don't cha know?

That's the hundred and forty three year old seed of that license plate you saw. The Southern White Man has played the victim for nearly 150 years all while preventing blacks from voting, owning property, going to public schools, obtaining jobs, receiving decent medical or legal help,holding elective or appointed office or entering into higher education at State Universities.

Joe(and this is the land of free.)Nation
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Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2008 04:25 pm
The Southern White Man has played the victim for nearly 150 years all while preventing blacks from voting, owning property, going to public schools, obtaining jobs, receiving decent medical or legal help,holding elective or appointed office or entering into higher education at State Universities.

Joe, I think I just may print this and attach it to the windshield of my anonymous co-worker's vehicle.
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Joe Nation
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2008 05:33 pm
You guys are making me blush. Thank you.

If you do, please put my name on it.

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Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2008 09:28 pm
the flag
first, that pic of the KKK ass wipes holding the flag is a disgace to me as someone who flies a confed. Those stupid fucks make the rest of us look bad. I cant speak for everyone, but I know that my friends and I fly our confederate flags without a racist thought in our minds, but rather as a symbol of our being a crew of backwoods badd asses. In fact, the last time I flew em down main street and got pulled over for havin 10 people ridin in the back of the truck, there were actually a couple of blacks that go to my school in the back as part of our little hick-town party-on-wheels. They didnt seem to mind, and in fact were even doin a little rebel yellin themselves - yeeeeee-haw. and that flag is a part of our country's history which had no racial ties and actually as ive said before the war was fought over government stickin its nose where it dont belong and it still means the same thing today- just being a rebel- and the only people who believe otherwise are the dumb ass dickweed liberal fucks about to ruin this great country that i love. And thats why our country's in the shape its in now because those democratics jack asses dont belive in just letting the people of our free country living freely cause theyre fuckin dumb. thats probably why every democratic public official in racine county wisconsin hates my ass too- cause im sick of them tryin to run my life and so i dont give a flying **** what they say and do whatever the hell i want ayways. **** em. thanks for gettin me all pissed off. i needed that. anyway, as i was aying, the confederate flag isnt racist, people who fly it arent racist and the people who are are fuckin idiots, and thats the end of it. period. and yes, there were numerous black confederate soldiers and they werent forced because if that was part of the story then it would definitely be taught by high school history classes when they teach about the black soldiers given how god damn biased and propaganda-like these liberals have our school systems these days christ they might as well be fricken nazis.
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Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2008 09:35 pm
Re: the flag
ncoons22 wrote:
first, that pic of the KKK ass wipes holding the flag is a disgace to me as someone who flies a confed. Those stupid **** make the rest of us look bad. I cant speak for everyone, but I know that my friends and I fly our confederate flags without a racist thought in our minds, but rather as a symbol of our being a crew of backwoods badd asses. In fact, the last time I flew em down main street and got pulled over for havin 10 people ridin in the back of the truck, there were actually a couple of blacks that go to my school in the back as part of our little hick-town party-on-wheels. They didnt seem to mind, and in fact were even doin a little rebel yellin themselves - yeeeeee-haw. and that flag is a part of our country's history which had no racial ties and actually as ive said before the war was fought over government stickin its nose where it dont belong and it still means the same thing today- just being a rebel- and the only people who believe otherwise are the dumb ass dickweed liberal **** about to ruin this great country that i love. And thats why our country's in the shape its in now because those democratics jack asses dont belive in just letting the people of our free country living freely cause theyre **** dumb. thats probably why every democratic public official in racine county wisconsin hates my ass too- cause im sick of them tryin to run my life and so i dont give a flying **** what they say and do whatever the hell i want ayways. **** em. thanks for gettin me all pissed off. i needed that. anyway, as i was aying, the confederate flag isnt racist, people who fly it arent racist and the people who are are **** idiots, and thats the end of it. period. and yes, there were numerous black confederate soldiers and they werent forced because if that was part of the story then it would definitely be taught by high school history classes when they teach about the black soldiers given how god damn biased and propaganda-like these liberals have our school systems these days christ they might as well be fricken nazis.

There are individual ways of looking at it, but that don't erase the racist symbolism of that flag.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2008 09:37 pm
Re: the flag
ncoons22 wrote:
first, that pic of the KKK ass wipes holding the flag is a disgace to me as someone who flies a confed. Those stupid **** make the rest of us look bad. I cant speak for everyone, but I know that my friends and I fly our confederate flags without a racist thought in our minds, but rather as a symbol of our being a crew of backwoods badd asses. In fact, the last time I flew em down main street and got pulled over for havin 10 people ridin in the back of the truck, there were actually a couple of blacks that go to my school in the back as part of our little hick-town party-on-wheels. They didnt seem to mind, and in fact were even doin a little rebel yellin themselves - yeeeeee-haw. and that flag is a part of our country's history which had no racial ties and actually as ive said before the war was fought over government stickin its nose where it dont belong and it still means the same thing today- just being a rebel- and the only people who believe otherwise are the dumb ass dickweed liberal **** about to ruin this great country that i love. And thats why our country's in the shape its in now because those democratics jack asses dont belive in just letting the people of our free country living freely cause theyre **** dumb. thats probably why every democratic public official in racine county wisconsin hates my ass too- cause im sick of them tryin to run my life and so i dont give a flying **** what they say and do whatever the hell i want ayways. **** em. thanks for gettin me all pissed off. i needed that. anyway, as i was aying, the confederate flag isnt racist, people who fly it arent racist and the people who are are **** idiots, and thats the end of it. period. and yes, there were numerous black confederate soldiers and they werent forced because if that was part of the story then it would definitely be taught by high school history classes when they teach about the black soldiers given how god damn biased and propaganda-like these liberals have our school systems these days christ they might as well be fricken nazis.
Spoken like an ignorant fool. You might want to try reading your high school history book before opining about its contents. Wisconsin remains ashamed you. Rolling Eyes
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Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2008 09:43 pm
kiss my country ass
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Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2008 12:41 pm
The liberals of A2K are the same ones you see holding up the signs after their failed presidential bids that say "F*** Middle Amerika".

More power to ya ncoons. They are truly wolves in sheeps clothing - often they don't even realize what they are doing. Truly stupid.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2008 04:55 pm
cjhsa wrote:
The liberals of A2K are the same ones you see holding up the signs after their failed presidential bids that say "F*** Middle Amerika".

More power to ya ncoons. They are truly wolves in sheeps clothing - often they don't even realize what they are doing. Truly stupid.

Name one.
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