Abby sounds like a great pooch.
Looking forward to photos...
Woof Woof
Welcome Abby Welcome
<and where are the baby pix?>
Two quick pics. She's skeered of the camera (the flash mostly) so getting pics has been a bit of a chore so far. More to come as I can take them!
What a pretty baby - and look at that stance! She's a stylin' grrrl.
Oh man, that's a sweet little face...
Curious about her age... is she a rescue? Just the one you liked best from a certain breeder?
She will be 4 months old on Saturday (I'd better make a puppy cake for her!).
She isn't a rescue. She was the only female puppy in my area that I could find through a breeder. Apparently this is a bad time of year to be looking. Most breeders seem to have had litters in August and September so their pups were available in October and November and they went fast. A few breeders told me they were planning May litters so I could have had a wider choice if I was willing to wait.
Aw, puppy cake...!
Right, I knew she was 4 months old and was wondering why 4 months as opposed to 8 weeks...
The ONLY one you could find, wow. Must be fate. :-)
Is Abby any more camera-ready yet?
We've been waiiiiiiiting.
That hiking stuff is hard work!
I'm gonna climb into bed...
Awwwwwwwwwwww... she's gorgeous.
ehBeth wrote:She's lovely!
Thanks fishindoggieDad.

She's 7 months old as of last week and doing great. She's got all the basic commands down pat and isn't much of an issue on the leash at all. She's great with other dogs but tends to be shy around new people for some reason. Still working on getting her to be more friendly with new people.