cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 12 Jan, 2008 08:11 pm
ican's use of the word "exterminated" should be a clue to his Humanity.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Jan, 2008 08:26 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
ican's use of the word "exterminated" should be a clue to his Humanity.

I think it inhumane to defend the mass murderers of civilian non-murderers by claiming it inhumane to exterminate them.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 12 Jan, 2008 08:30 pm
Who's defending mass murderers? Straw man.
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Sat 12 Jan, 2008 08:39 pm
ican711nm wrote:
The people I want exterminated are fanatic-extremists. They are fanatic-extremists about knowingly mass murdering civilian non-murderers. For example, the Palestinian Arabs--not the Israeli Arabs--refuse to support the UN's 1947 resolution partitioning Palestine into an Arab state and a Jewish state, and refuse to accept Israel's right to exist. What the Palestinian Arabs do support is knowingly mass murdering Israeli, civilian non-murderers.

Got it.

So you only advocate the mass murder of the Palestinian Arabs. Not of the Israeli Arabs.

Sooo... the Palestinian Arabs - how many people would that roughly be? About 10 million people?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Jan, 2008 08:47 pm
ican711nm wrote:
The people I want exterminated are fanatic-extremists. They are fanatic-extremists about knowingly mass murdering civilian non-murderers. For example, the Palestinian Arabs--not the Israeli Arabs--refuse to support the UN's 1947 resolution partitioning Palestine into an Arab state and a Jewish state, and refuse to accept Israel's right to exist. What the Palestinian Arabs do support is knowingly mass murdering Israeli, civilian non-murderers.

People who are fanatic-extremists about knowingly mass murdering civilians are CLASS A fanatic-extremists.

People who are fanatic-extremists about exterminating CLASS A fanatic-extremists are CLASS B fanatic-extremists.

I am a CLASS B fanatic-extremist.

People who oppose both CLASS A fanatic-extremists and Class B fanatic-extremists are CLASS C fanatic-extremists.

CLASS C fanatic-extremists remain such until they are threatened by CLASS A fanatic-extremists. Then they immediately convert from CLASS C to CLASS D fanatic-extremists. They do this by blaming CLASS B fanatic-extremists for causing the CLASS A fanatic-extremists to directly threaten CLASS D fanatic-extremists.

CLASS D fanatic-extremists also blame the victims of CLASS A fanatic-extremists for causing CLASS A fanatic-extremists to victimize their victims.

You know what you've said and what you mean.

I know what you've said and what you mean.

Unfortunately, there are those who prefer to criticize what they want you to have said instead of what you said. Or else they are simply too ignorant to understand it. Okay, there may be one or two who honestly read it wrong and simply inadvertently misunderstood. And there are probably some who still think that if everybody would just understand and play nice with the terrorist extremists they would be model citizens of the Earth.

But it is because some won't or are incapable of having a rational discussion about it, and instead prefer to cast personal aspersions, that makes it so darn difficult to arrive at effective policy consensus either here in this format or at the national or international level.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Jan, 2008 09:34 pm
from wikipedia :


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to: navigation, search
Look up Extermination in
Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Extermination is the act of killing or murdering with the intention of eradicating demographics within a population.

When applied to humans, the term genocide is more often used. However, extermination is categorized in international criminal law as a crime against humanity that is a crime distinct from genocide.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jan, 2008 05:42 am
What if the United States were at war during a presidential election — and none of the candidates wanted to talk about it? Iraq has become the great disappearing issue of the early primary season, and if nothing fundamental changes on the ground there — a probable result of current policy — the war may disappear even more completely in the new year.
The reasons for Iraq’s political eclipse begin with the unfortunate fact that candidates strive to create feel-good associations, and the war is a certain downer.

The challenge we face now is what to do when the public has not even been asked what its opinion is. The presidential election is our one chance to put these issues to the democratic test. Otherwise we will be getting a war policy born of neglect — and that will be the policy that we deserve.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jan, 2008 07:16 am
from AP... Baathist Dead-Enders - We love you now.

Iraq to reinstate Saddam party followers

Iraqi Lawmakers Agree to Bill Reinstating Ex-Supporters of Saddam's Baath Party
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jan, 2008 01:03 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
ican711nm wrote:
The people I want exterminated are fanatic-extremists. They are fanatic-extremists about knowingly mass murdering civilian non-murderers. For example, the Palestinian Arabs--not the Israeli Arabs--refuse to support the UN's 1947 resolution partitioning Palestine into an Arab state and a Jewish state, and refuse to accept Israel's right to exist. What the Palestinian Arabs do support is knowingly mass murdering Israeli, civilian non-murderers.

People who are fanatic-extremists about knowingly mass murdering civilians are CLASS A fanatic-extremists.

People who are fanatic-extremists about exterminating CLASS A fanatic-extremists are CLASS B fanatic-extremists.

I am a CLASS B fanatic-extremist.

People who oppose both CLASS A fanatic-extremists and Class B fanatic-extremists are CLASS C fanatic-extremists.

CLASS C fanatic-extremists remain such until they are threatened by CLASS A fanatic-extremists. Then they immediately convert from CLASS C to CLASS D fanatic-extremists. They do this by blaming CLASS B fanatic-extremists for causing the CLASS A fanatic-extremists to directly threaten CLASS D fanatic-extremists.

CLASS D fanatic-extremists also blame the victims of CLASS A fanatic-extremists for causing CLASS A fanatic-extremists to victimize their victims.

You know what you've said and what you mean.

I know what you've said and what you mean.

Unfortunately, there are those who prefer to criticize what they want you to have said instead of what you said. Or else they are simply too ignorant to understand it. Okay, there may be one or two who honestly read it wrong and simply inadvertently misunderstood. And there are probably some who still think that if everybody would just understand and play nice with the terrorist extremists they would be model citizens of the Earth.

But it is because some won't or are incapable of having a rational discussion about it, and instead prefer to cast personal aspersions, that makes it so darn difficult to arrive at effective policy consensus either here in this format or at the national or international level.

Ok foxfrye; tell us what he said and what he meant and how it is different than what and others have said he said. I bet you can't do it but I know you will give it a try and call it a success and claim others just refuse to see or can't see or whatever.

Ican admits he thinks Israel should exterminate Palestinian Arabs because they don't accept Israel's right to exist. He said that; he just resaid it. That is what we have been saying he said. What are you saying he said (and meant) and how is it different than what we have been saying (and meaning)?

This is getting to be a silly argument; but then I remember so many of discussions with you seem to go down the same path as this one. Not casting aspersions or whatever; just stating facts.

The reason the middle east problem ain't never been solved is because Israel and Israel supporters expect Palestine to just take what ever they are given and be peaceful about it. They have been held down ever since the creation of Israel and expected to be happy and content with it or else called terrorist or mass murderers. I think they are freedom fighters fighting for their own right to exist which was taken away from them. Although I think their methods (which are the only weapons they have) are self defeating plus being inhumane in that it kills innocent children. I know you disagree and I can live with that without having to go on about it or comment on it. It is only your style of posting I quibble with; not your views or opinions.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jan, 2008 01:41 pm
revel wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
ican711nm wrote:
The people I want exterminated are fanatic-extremists. They are fanatic-extremists about knowingly mass murdering civilian non-murderers. For example, the Palestinian Arabs--not the Israeli Arabs--refuse to support the UN's 1947 resolution partitioning Palestine into an Arab state and a Jewish state, and refuse to accept Israel's right to exist. What the Palestinian Arabs do support is knowingly mass murdering Israeli, civilian non-murderers.

People who are fanatic-extremists about knowingly mass murdering civilians are CLASS A fanatic-extremists.

People who are fanatic-extremists about exterminating CLASS A fanatic-extremists are CLASS B fanatic-extremists.

I am a CLASS B fanatic-extremist.

People who oppose both CLASS A fanatic-extremists and Class B fanatic-extremists are CLASS C fanatic-extremists.

CLASS C fanatic-extremists remain such until they are threatened by CLASS A fanatic-extremists. Then they immediately convert from CLASS C to CLASS D fanatic-extremists. They do this by blaming CLASS B fanatic-extremists for causing the CLASS A fanatic-extremists to directly threaten CLASS D fanatic-extremists.

CLASS D fanatic-extremists also blame the victims of CLASS A fanatic-extremists for causing CLASS A fanatic-extremists to victimize their victims.

You know what you've said and what you mean.

I know what you've said and what you mean.

Unfortunately, there are those who prefer to criticize what they want you to have said instead of what you said. Or else they are simply too ignorant to understand it. Okay, there may be one or two who honestly read it wrong and simply inadvertently misunderstood. And there are probably some who still think that if everybody would just understand and play nice with the terrorist extremists they would be model citizens of the Earth.

But it is because some won't or are incapable of having a rational discussion about it, and instead prefer to cast personal aspersions, that makes it so darn difficult to arrive at effective policy consensus either here in this format or at the national or international level.

Ok foxfrye; tell us what he said and what he meant and how it is different than what and others have said he said. I bet you can't do it but I know you will give it a try and call it a success and claim others just refuse to see or can't see or whatever.

Ican admits he thinks Israel should exterminate Palestinian Arabs because they don't accept Israel's right to exist. He said that; he just resaid it. That is what we have been saying he said. What are you saying he said (and meant) and how is it different than what we have been saying (and meaning)?

This is getting to be a silly argument; but then I remember so many of discussions with you seem to go down the same path as this one. Not casting aspersions or whatever; just stating facts.

The reason the middle east problem ain't never been solved is because Israel and Israel supporters expect Palestine to just take what ever they are given and be peaceful about it. They have been held down ever since the creation of Israel and expected to be happy and content with it or else called terrorist or mass murderers. I think they are freedom fighters fighting for their own right to exist which was taken away from them. I know you disagree and I can live with that without having to go on about it or comment on it. It is only your style of posting I quibble with; not your views or opinions.

No Revel. He thinks Israel should "exterminate" Palestinian extremist terrorists who are determined and who are actively engaged in efforts to exterminate Israelis and Israel. Hamburger wants to make it an issue of what word is used. Maybe you do too. I prefer to take people's comments within context instead of criticizing the semantics. But that's just me.

I accept that you think it is okay for Palestinian extremist terrorists to exterminate Israelis because you think Israel is mean to the Palestinians. Ican thinks that if the Palestinian extremist terrorists would leave Israel in peace and allow them to exist in peace, the Palestinians would have absolutely nothing to fear from Israel. I am guessing that if the Palestinians offered friendship and mutual cooperation with Israel instead of trying to blow up Israelis with bombs and rockets, that Israel would be an excellent friend of the Palestinians.

So far the Palestinians have chosen the route of bombs and rockets and have rejected every single compromise the UN has proposed and to which Israel has agreed.

We can rightfully accuse Israel of overreaction or wrong decisions in how they have chosen to deal with that. But I hardly think Israel is the one proposing genocide of anybody.

Nor is Ican if you can get past the prejudice against how he chooses to express his opinions and are willing to see what he is actually saying.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jan, 2008 01:44 pm
old europe wrote:
ican711nm wrote:
The people I want exterminated are fanatic-extremists. They are fanatic-extremists about knowingly mass murdering civilian non-murderers. For example, the Palestinian Arabs--not the Israeli Arabs--refuse to support the UN's 1947 resolution partitioning Palestine into an Arab state and a Jewish state, and refuse to accept Israel's right to exist. What the Palestinian Arabs do support is knowingly mass murdering Israeli, civilian non-murderers.

Got it.

So you only advocate the mass murder of the Palestinian Arabs. Not of the Israeli Arabs.

Sooo... the Palestinian Arabs - how many people would that roughly be? About 10 million people?

You have almost got it. I'll try to make what I advocate clearer. I advocate the mass murder of those Palestinian Arabs who:
(1) Refuse to support the UN's 1947 resolution partitioning Palestine into an Arab state and a Jewish state: AND,
(2) Refuse to accept Israel's right to exist; AND,
(3) Aid, abet, or perpetrate the mass murder of Israeli, civilian non-murderers.

I do not know how many Palestinian Arabs possess all three of those characteristics. Whatever their number, I advocate their murder, to stop them murdering, to stop them abetting murdering, or to stop them aiding murdering.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 13 Jan, 2008 01:45 pm
Words and context has everything to do with communication. DUH!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jan, 2008 01:52 pm
Old europe, I also advocate the mass murder of all the members of al-Qaeda--and anyone else you care to name--who knowingly and intentionally aid, abet, or perpetrate the mass murder of civilian non-murderers.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 13 Jan, 2008 01:53 pm
hamburger wrote:
from wikipedia :


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to: navigation, search
Look up Extermination in
Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Extermination is the act of killing or murdering with the intention of eradicating demographics within a population.

When applied to humans, the term genocide is more often used. However, extermination is categorized in international criminal law as a crime against humanity that is a crime distinct from genocide.

Words have meaning; and they have definitions. "Exterminate" as applied to humans is comparable to "genocide." That anyone would justify "exterminate/genocide" against humans also implies the individual is mentally deficient about humanity.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jan, 2008 02:02 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Who's defending mass murderers? Straw man.

You are!

You are defending mass murderers of civilian mass murderers.

You do that by criticizing those who are attempting to exterminate mass murderers of civilian non-murderers, and excusing their mass murdering of civilian non-murderers with the claim that the exterminators of such mass murderers are causing such mass murderers to mass murder.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jan, 2008 02:16 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
hamburger wrote:
from wikipedia :


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to: navigation, search
Look up Extermination in
Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Extermination is the act of killing or murdering with the intention of eradicating demographics within a population.

When applied to humans, the term genocide is more often used. However, extermination is categorized in international criminal law as a crime against humanity that is a crime distinct from genocide.

Words have meaning; and they have definitions. "Exterminate" as applied to humans is comparable to "genocide." That anyone would justify "exterminate/genocide" against humans also implies the individual is mentally deficient about humanity.


Main Entry:
ex•ter•mi•nate geno•cide

The deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group that knowingly and intentionally mass murders civilian non-murderers is not a crime against humanity. It is a defence of humanity and a blessing to humanity that serves to protect the existence of humanity.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jan, 2008 02:18 pm
ican711nm wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
Who's defending mass murderers? Straw man.


You are!

You are defending mass murderers of civilian mass NON-murderers.

You do that by criticizing those who are attempting to exterminate mass murderers of civilian non-murderers, and excusing their mass murdering of civilian non-murderers with the claim that the exterminators of such mass murderers are causing such mass murderers to mass murder.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jan, 2008 04:10 pm
revel wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
ican711nm wrote:
The people I want exterminated are fanatic-extremists. They are fanatic-extremists about knowingly mass murdering civilian non-murderers. For example, the Palestinian Arabs--not the Israeli Arabs--refuse to support the UN's 1947 resolution partitioning Palestine into an Arab state and a Jewish state, and refuse to accept Israel's right to exist. What the Palestinian Arabs do support is knowingly mass murdering Israeli, civilian non-murderers.

People who are fanatic-extremists about knowingly mass murdering civilians are CLASS A fanatic-extremists.

People who are fanatic-extremists about exterminating CLASS A fanatic-extremists are CLASS B fanatic-extremists.

I am a CLASS B fanatic-extremist.

People who oppose both CLASS A fanatic-extremists and Class B fanatic-extremists are CLASS C fanatic-extremists.

CLASS C fanatic-extremists remain such until they are threatened by CLASS A fanatic-extremists. Then they immediately convert from CLASS C to CLASS D fanatic-extremists. They do this by blaming CLASS B fanatic-extremists for causing the CLASS A fanatic-extremists to directly threaten CLASS D fanatic-extremists.

CLASS D fanatic-extremists also blame the victims of CLASS A fanatic-extremists for causing CLASS A fanatic-extremists to victimize their victims.

You know what you've said and what you mean.

I know what you've said and what you mean.

Unfortunately, there are those who prefer to criticize what they want you to have said instead of what you said. Or else they are simply too ignorant to understand it. Okay, there may be one or two who honestly read it wrong and simply inadvertently misunderstood. And there are probably some who still think that if everybody would just understand and play nice with the terrorist extremists they would be model citizens of the Earth.

But it is because some won't or are incapable of having a rational discussion about it, and instead prefer to cast personal aspersions, that makes it so darn difficult to arrive at effective policy consensus either here in this format or at the national or international level.

Ok foxfrye; tell us what he said and what he meant and how it is different than what and others have said he said. I bet you can't do it but I know you will give it a try and call it a success and claim others just refuse to see or can't see or whatever.

Ican admits he thinks Israel should exterminate Palestinian Arabs because they don't accept Israel's right to exist. He said that; he just resaid it. That is what we have been saying he said. What are you saying he said (and meant) and how is it different than what we have been saying (and meaning)?

This is getting to be a silly argument; but then I remember so many of discussions with you seem to go down the same path as this one. Not casting aspersions or whatever; just stating facts.

The reason the middle east problem ain't never been solved is because Israel and Israel supporters expect Palestine to just take what ever they are given and be peaceful about it. They have been held down ever since the creation of Israel and expected to be happy and content with it or else called terrorist or mass murderers. I think they are freedom fighters fighting for their own right to exist which was taken away from them. Although I think their methods (which are the only weapons they have) are self defeating plus being inhumane in that it kills innocent children. I know you disagree and I can live with that without having to go on about it or comment on it. It is only your style of posting I quibble with; not your views or opinions.

Foxfrye; I edited an important distinction; I said I think the methods Palestine uses is inhumane because the method kills innocent children although I agree with their reasoning 100%.

As for as what Ican meant and what he said verses what he said and you said. So I take it Ican does not mean (anymore) to kill all Palestinians; just those who want to kill Israelis. How would it possible to distinguish who wants to kill Israelis and who is just an innocent bystander when they all look and act the same? Its not like they have an army and uniforms. They can't which is why they feel justified in plowing down whole neighborhoods to make room for their settlements.

In any event; we are bringing the Israel thread over here.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 13 Jan, 2008 04:54 pm
revel wrote: As for as what Is meant and what he said verses what he said and you said. So I take it Icon does not mean (anymore) to kill all Palestinians; just those who want to kill Israelis. How would it possible to distinguish who wants to kill Israelis and who is just an innocent bystander when they all look and act the same? Its not like they have an army and uniforms. They can't which is why they feel justified in plowing down whole neighborhoods to make room for their settlements.

That's the reason it's called genocide. There is no way for anybody to distinguish the terrorist from the innocent. ican is blind to his own hatred and bigotry.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jan, 2008 05:09 pm
Whether it is in Israel or in Iraq or anyplace else in the world, those who fire rockets indiscriminately into civilian neighborhoods hoping to hit any man, woman, or child who might be there are terrorists, and they deserve to be annilihated. The same goes for those who persuade and/or finance those who blow up crowded markets or school busses filled with children. The same goes for those who place car bombs along the side of the road hoping to kill somebody, anybody who comes along. The same goes for those who fire their rockets from amidst women and children so that they can use the dead civilians to condemn anybody who returns fire.

Neither Israel nor peaceful Iraqis are guilty of any of these things.

I probably wouldn't choose the word 'exteriminate' as what needs to happen to people who do, but when you really think about it in relation to vermin or scum of the Earth, it is appropriate.
0 Replies

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