Reply Sat 27 Oct, 2007 09:18 pm
And is the playing field level when it comes to dealing with those that do no adhere to the same views?
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Reply Sat 27 Oct, 2007 09:46 pm
We can only work to make it so, or else be lesser of a person.
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Reply Sun 28 Oct, 2007 08:09 pm
977. Society has a knack for kicking the famous when they are down. In fact, it has a knack for kicking the poor unknowns when they are down. Just get a bad mark or two on your credit, and see how they make you pay even more of what you already don't have.
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Reply Mon 29 Oct, 2007 05:07 pm
978. I suppose everybody has at least one book they always meant to read, but haven't. For me, it's Nicholas Nickleby. It isn't the length of the work that stymies me. I just haven't gotten emotionally involved, early on. I love all the Dickens novels that I have read. Eventually, I will love that one, too.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 04:59 pm
979. I made a mistake with my dog, Saturday. I brought her one of those huge bones in hope she would quit taking shoes and other stuff from the house to chew on. Where I went wrong was, I put the bone on the step for her to take, as I was busy hauling in some bags of groceries. She grabbed it and hauled ass. She buried it some place I am not smart enough to find. She took it out once, but, when my wife noticed, she ran back and reburied it. Because I didn't go through the presentation ceremony with her, she thinks she's not supposed to have it. She makes sure I can't take it back. I need to get it back and then give it to her properly.
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Reply Wed 31 Oct, 2007 04:51 am
980. In the twisted, macabre world of edgar(mwahahahaha)blythe, today marks the start of holiday season, the best time of year. Holiday haters beware.
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Reply Wed 31 Oct, 2007 05:42 pm
Have you seen that vigilante man?
Have you seen that vigilante man?
Have you seen that vigilante man?
I been hearin' his name all over the land.
Well, what is a vigilante man?
Tell me, what is a vigilante man?
Has he got a gun and a club in his hand?
Is that a vigilante man?

Rainy night down in the engine house,
Sleepin' just as still as a mouse,
Man come along an' he chased us out in the rain.
Was that a vigilante man?

Stormy days we passed the time away,
Sleepin' in some good warm place.
Man come along an' we give him a little race.
Was that a vigilante man?

Preacher Casey was just a workin' man,
And he said, "Unite all you working men."
Killed him in the river some strange man.
Was that a vigilante man?

Oh, why does a vigilante man,
Why does a vigilante man
Carry that sawed-off shot-gun in his hand?
Would he shoot his brother and sister down?

I rambled 'round from town to town,
I rambled 'round from town to town,
And they herded us around like a wild herd of cattle.
Was that the vigilante men?

Have you seen that vigilante man?
Have you seen that vigilante man?
I've heard his name all over this land.

Woody Guthrie
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Reply Thu 1 Nov, 2007 05:24 pm
982. There are those who insatiably chase the other sex, and no bonds of love and marriage can curtail them. The more the merrier, as it were. I am not like that. I am one who knows but one love at a time. I gave all of myself to my first wife, until the marriage became raveled and there was no point to go on. Today, I have a true love in Mrs edgarblythe, and I doubt we shall be parted or unfaithful to one another. I don't crave the hunt and the chase, don't desire what I don't have. My one regret is, I have not always provided for her as well as I might. Fortunately, she understands and does not blame me there. I hope the rest of you are as fortunate as am I.
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Reply Thu 1 Nov, 2007 09:04 pm
983. Scientists say, "We must keep an open mind," sometimes to the point of absurdity. I have noted some, who refuse to say that evolution is a proven fact (even though they defend it to the death). I regard it as proven and make no apologies.
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Reply Fri 2 Nov, 2007 08:00 pm
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Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 07:25 am
985. I've mentioned my help before. His baby was born by c section, weighing a bit over two pounds. He was removed from the incubator, still less than four pounds, and will probably go home in a week or two. My boss has been having a ball, searching clothing for one so small, and the owner of the property even bought him a cradle that can rock and play music. It's nice to see this man fitting in so well, as he is slated to assume my duties when I leave there. He is prparing to get his GED and was questioning me about how to get an electrician's license. That tells me he will eventually outgrow his job with us. But, in the meantime . . . Did I mention he is from Chihuahua, Mexico, working on a green card? If he spoke more perfect English, he could pass for Texas born.
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Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 07:53 am
So, how do you feel about losing some of that big mop of hair? :wink: Laughing
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Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 07:57 am
Reyn wrote:
So, how do you feel about losing some of that big mop of hair? :wink: Laughing

It was just slowing me down, weighing me down. Now I'm free.
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Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 01:39 pm
986. from Tom Joad, by Woodie Guthrie, based on The Grapes of Wrath:

Tom run back where his mother was asleep
He woke her up out of bed.
Then he kissed goodbye to the mother that he loved
Said what Preacher Casey said, Tom Joad,
He said what Preacher Casey said.

"Ever'body might be just one big soul
Well it looks that a way to me.
Everywhere that you look in the day or night
That's where I'm gonna be, Ma,
That's where I'm gonna be.

Wherever little children are hungry and cryin
Wherever people ain't free.
Wherever men are fightin' for their rights
That's where I'm gonna be, Ma.
That's where I'm a gonna be.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Nov, 2007 08:22 am
987. I am ever amazed at how long the elderly hang on to their driving privelege. They hobble around, using walkers to keep themselves aright, then drive through the fence, return with new dents and gashes, get tickets for running lights, hold up traffic at the intersection before impulsively plunging into oncoming traffic to the sound of blowing horns - Yesterday, I watched one sideswipe the county sign at road's edge in front of the property. The entire side of the car scraped along the unyielding post, losing a two foot piece of door trim. She slowed, slightly, then went on down the road. I understand, on the one level, that they have had to surrender their autonomy, one degree at a time, and many regard driving as the final bastion against the march of time. Few are willing to recognize when it's all over. I hope that I have the ability, when my time comes, to recognize and acknowledge my limitations.
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Reply Sun 4 Nov, 2007 07:51 pm
988. We were the first family to live on our street. We watched a man build the stucco house you see, pretty much by himself. Beyond that home is a cotton seed processing plant.
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Reply Mon 5 Nov, 2007 06:57 pm

If ya wanna dance with wolves, ya gotta bring a porkchop.
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Reply Mon 5 Nov, 2007 07:06 pm
11 bottles of beer left on the wall?
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Reply Mon 5 Nov, 2007 08:13 pm
Take one down, pass it around . . .
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Reply Mon 5 Nov, 2007 08:52 pm
990. Well, I've diddled around more than two months beyond my 65th b'day. Time to select one of those bullshit plans for Medicare, of which I've been deluged with daily for months and months. I don't like anything that's being offered, but, oh well . . .
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