671. I think of the tangled web that is our relationship with other humans. The guy I mentioned on some threads for taking away my truck unjustly, for instance, used to do all he could to honor me. He went to the boss to convince her we needed an Honor Edgar Day, and she complied. He always called me his father figure. But, the mainest reason I have mixed feelings about him: I had a medical condition I won't here disclose. He gave me some of his medicine and it gave me the help and time I needed to make my alternative healing work. Without him, I would have been in the hospital. My entire life would now be radically different. So what if he turned on me? My life is actually improved because of him.
672. I think one of the health issues I have avoided is the ph balance within our bodies. This week, I have been adjusting my diet, to make my body more alkaline.
673. I think of my brother, now undergoing chemotherapy, and recall how close I have been in my life to taking the same path.
674. I think of a guy I hitched a ride with in Kansas, or Missouri, during the height of the Vietnam War. When I mentioned the need to bring the soldiers home, he said, "Do want to be fighting them over here?" "No, I guess not," I replied, to avoid confrontation. Of course, we finally got out without winning, and, lo and behold, they didn't come over here to continue the struggle.
675. I think we put too much stock in whipping up on others.
676. I think my hair has become more white than gray. What there is of it.
677. I think I need some James Joyce this evening. Going to randomly read passages.
678. I think how small I am in the vastness of the universe. Then I look at the ant on my sleeve, and gloat.
679. I think about simple things, like the figs in my back yard, the seven sisters roses in the front. I pat my dog's head and look for her a treat.
680. I think the music in my son's guitar, and wish I was in Pasadena to let him play it for me.
681. I think my air conditioner will have to be replaced by summer's end, if not before.
682. I think that Buck Mulligan's one sorry s o b.
683. I think Canada is sorry for taking my romantic notion of the Yukon away from me.
684. I think it's about time for my annual reacquaintance of Marat/Sade. Just one of my rituals each year. In about a month, I will be watching the 50s British film of A Christmas Carol. By November, I will read a Henry Miller book.
685. I think about what a man was Frederick Douglas. One of our great Americans.
686. I think reyn is hiding. (He's Canadian, you know). Let's put out a big maple leaf until he shows up.
687. I think djjd is having more computer problems than he expected.
688. I think gnarly knots on knuckles are kool, as is walking with a stoop and allowing one's fingers to drag along the ground.
689. I think I shall quietly expire this evening, after a long day in the oppressive heat. I question the worth of such ordeals.
690. I think I shall soon have my Mustang grape jelly. The grapes are turning color on the vines already.
edgarblythe wrote:687. I think djjd is having more computer problems than he expected.
had to do a complete reinstall, lost a complete hard drive of info, oh well easy come, easy go, now have to replace drivers and assorted software, will be a slow process but every journey, as they say, begins with a single step
begins with a single step
Just watch the dog poo.
edgarblythe wrote:686. I think reyn is hiding. (He's Canadian, you know). Let's put out a big maple leaf until he shows up.
I'm here every day, but I'm fairly quiet these days.
Give me something to talk about. :wink:
Something to talk about? What about the poor girl who took an overdose of Ben Gay and died? Who woulda thunk?
edgarblythe wrote:Something to talk about? What about the poor girl who took an overdose of Ben Gay and died? Who woulda thunk?
Ben Gay? Who's that? I've never heard of Mr. Gay, sorry.
There are over the counter pain medications, such as Icey Hot and Ben Gay. The girl was a 17 year old athlete, who rubbed so much of it on herself, she overdosed and died.
691. I think there may be a poem about model A Fords, in which they are described as one would describe a herd of wild horses. If anybody knows about it, I would appreciate a link.
692. I think it's sad that Mr Wizard has died. He was a good guy.
693. I think I've bottomed out on The Doors. Jim Morrison's songs no longer interest me.
694. I think the reason I dislike Forest Gump so much is because of the secondary theme in the movie. Anyone even slightly to the left of a conservative is portrayed in the worst light.
695. I think I've had more than enough Paris Hilton "news."
696. I think it's getting dangerous, living in my neighborhood. For the second time this year, a tree has fallen across the street, due to a fairly minor storm.
697. I think that if we were not intended to eat cows they would not have been made of meat.
698. I think it's exciting they are soon opening a movie theater complex, with the mega screen in it, near Tomball.
699. I think in terms of movies I want to watch over and again as the best ones, without reguard for the selections made by the experts. Some of the "greatest" have put me to sleep.
700. I think there will be some kind of political movement on the part of the ones in power, next year. Elections have a way of making them spiff up the song and dance.
11. You can work night and day, take a chance on a promotion or you can fall though a hole in the ground.
Grab your coat and get your hat
Leave your worries on the doorstep
Life can be so sweet
On the sunny side of the street
Can't you hear the pitter-pat
And that happy tune is your step
Life can be complete
On the sunny side of the street
701. I think it's the eternal child in each of us causes folks to look to a "god." We cannot always have our actual parents, but a god-parent can be with us to the end, holding out rewards for our being obedient children.
702. I think, nostalgically thinking, the first TV show I ever saw was Art Linkletter's House Party. I believe it was when I was age twelve.
703. I think my earliest memory of a motion picture was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The witch had me pretty terrified. The only other film that ever frightened me was King Kong. I had to watch that monkey with periferal vision, to keep up with the action in a way that kept me from confronting the horror straight on. Which was better than the kid next to me did. He asked me to save his seat, but never returned.
704. I think the reason I hated The Shining was because Jack Nicholson so reminded me of my stepfather.
705. I think setanta has the best grasp of history of anyone I have ever known. Good stuff, dood.
706. I think I could be rich very soon. Spent $1 on a lottery ticket today. Got my fingers crossed. (Statistics say a person can reasonably expect to win the Texas lottery once each 700 years. I may be at the winning point, or may have to pass these numbers along to my descendants, until it pays off. Let's see; $104 per year, times 700 = $72,800, minus $1,o42 for the ten years I've played. Somebody stands to make a decent profit, since the pots begin at 3 or 4 mil.)
707. I think I shall dine on salmon this eve.
708. I think setanta's thread to write an original story may turn out to be pretty good.
709. I think jlnobody gets less recognition than he deserves on this forum.
710. I think I shall start wearing backward baseball caps.
i think that 16 hours is too long a work day
7 am to 11 pm, i'm beat
That's a full eight hours too many.
considering we actually squeezed three days work into one (masquerading as two), it's not bad
but did i mention i'm beat