446. I think I've had a good week. They hired a man to work with and ultimately succeed me. Got all the work caught up and built a substantial length of fence.
447. I think my puppy has finally begun to mature. She still plays with me, but she spends a lot more time relaxing than getting into mischief. I'm going to get her one of those super big bones this week end. Her old one is getting pretty short.
448. I think I better work on some honey-dos this week end. Lot of small jobs piled up.
449. I think it's one of life's good mysteries, how a friend, whom I haven't seen since 1968, could still be in constant touch, and just as good a pal as ever. We served aboard a destroyer, in the mid 1960s. I'm a working stiff and he's a dentist; we have argued religion and evolution a number of times (he's Seventh Day Adventist, and I'm an atheist); but it hasn't made a dent in our mutual respect.
450. I think - Excuse me, while I kiss the sky. (Are you experienced?)
451. I think Roger needs all our best wishes. Hope there are no long lasting after affects.
452. I think the woodpecker I keep hearing is on the neighbor's tree. Hope it keeps out of mine.
453. I think the buzzards of Tomball are among our best citizens. They keep the streets and roads clean. Some crowded all over a deer that had been struck by a driver and cleaned it up in a day's time.
454. I think the new freeway through Tomball will increase the congestion, in the long run. It encourages more folks to move here from Houston.
455. I think I will take a vacation, just as soon as the new hand gets oriented to the job.
456. I think there are race baiters and/or so called religious, who harbor deep grudges against me. No names or further information will be mentioned.
457. I think the so-called manifest destiny of our past has, for many, morphed into a global manifest. Not good news.
458. I think it's a travesty that many commercials have higher production and entertainment values than the programs.
459. I think djjd ought to have a cold Lone Star with me some time.
500. I think it's a relief, I've made it half-way in my little project.
edgarblythe wrote:
459. I think djjd ought to have a cold Lone Star with me some time.
i agree, the first rounds on me
I think Edgar has reached a mini-milestone with his
500th think.
The first 500 were the easy ones. Now, it gets harder. Unlike setanta, I can't write a book with every thought that comes to mind.
501. I think it would be good to be young, to be on the road again, for a bit. If only I could shuttle back and forth in time, like Alley Oop.
502. I think it is a good idea that one victim had, to reopen the Kent State killings investigation.
503. I think the water in the lake at The Woodlands looks much like Willie Wonka's chocolate stream. No way I would soak my feet in it; and, yet, people were swimming in there, yesterday.
504. I think I need to be a bit more cautious, talking to the old ladies at work. Today, as I carried a heavy package upstairs for one, I listened to her explain how old and broke down she is. I almost said, "I'm sure to be in the same shape, when I get your age." I figured her to be about 74. Then, she said she just turned 61. I am her senior, by 3 years. Close call.
505. I think the fuss about mercury in the compact fluorescent bulbs has a potential to be big, like the toxic mold crap. Not that I don't believe in toxic mold. It's just that, every time a resident sees a little mildew, they holler, "toxic mold," and I have to jump through hoops trying to make them happy.
506. I think our new hired hand is showing me tricks I didn't think I needed to learn. He's very smart.
507. I think Michelangelo's art is sheer genius, but reading The Agony and the Ecstacy is pure torture.
508. I think it is imperative that we remember 9/11, but we shouldn't let others steer our thinking about it. We, most of us, know what happened, without the hysteria or fundamentalist tilt.
509. I think it interesting that one is expected to gather the morning dew, and drink it, for May Day. The originators of it obviously didn't live in or around Houston.
510. I think my friend, Charles, has learned a valuable, but painful lesson. He has very good hygiene, but for a long time went about his daily tasks with a bottle of pop in his hip pocket. He did this, he told me, to always stay hydrated. Then, one weekend, he had to have emergency surgery to remove some wisdom teeth. The dentist said his habit of sipping soda all day kept his teeth coated with acid. It made no difference how often he brushed, the damage was ongoing, all day long.
511. I think I'm a bit startled, that an ex girlfriend from the 1960s thought to send me an email. She got the address from my sister. She has been a widow about ten years. Don't know why she thought about me. I parted company with her in a fairly unfriendly breakup.
512. I think it odd that every time my inlaws are involved with anything at all with my wife, they ask her, "Did Edgar get mad?" After 28 years, still asking that, and I rarely have gotten mad without a damn good reason.
513. I think I'm going to make a bouquet for a lady that used to live in the apartments. I did a thread about her, "the gardening terrorist." She lives in Tomball at a retirement center. The roses would come from a magnificent plant she left outside the old apartment.
514. I think I need more red wine in my diet. Excuse me, while I go to the kitchen for a minute.
515. Still there? I think my new work partner will be better than I bargained for. I tried to shield him from the labor of fence building, but he jumped in and helped immensely.
edgarblythe wrote:511. I think I'm a bit startled, that an ex girlfriend from the 1960s thought to send me an email. She got the address from my sister. She has been a widow about ten years. Don't know why she thought about me. I parted company with her in a fairly unfriendly breakup.
This sounds like a real blast from the past! Isn't it weird how things from 20 and 30 years ago sometimes have a habit to stealthly creep back into our lives?
Or, even weirder, one finds out about something than one didn't know before which puts a whole new slant on those events.
You're right, reyn. This sort of thing happens with increasing regularity as I age more. I need to investigate this phenomonen more thouroughly, if I can get a handle on it.
516. I think he who would dance with wolves might better bring a pork chop along.
517. I think nutrition and the effect on brain function is often overlooked, but it can affect every phase of what we do. Twenty five years ago, I could begin a story, but rarely give it a middle, and almost never an ending. The year I began eating as I do now, I suddenly found myself completeing my works.
518. I think many of the great writers loved to play word games, at least in the early pages of their masterpieces, perhaps wishing to inpress with their cleverness. A Tale of Two Cities, and Moby Dick come readily to mind. But, they didn't need to do it; they dazzled me anyway.
519. I think my son is very talented. Here is one of his song lyrics (copyrighted):
Madman Jack
He came riding in,
With the setting sun.
Out of breath,
He was on the run.
Tall and handsome,
His features built.
Pressed with fear,
He was loaded to the hilt.
Come again, play some more.
He`s quick to tell you what`s in store.
Live hard, die fast, a gunmans creed.
Death`s in his eyes, his voice you heed.
Madman Jack,
His story I tell.
Three steps from living,
One foot in hell.
No turning back,
The deed is done.
Madman Jack,
He was on the run.
The bullet in his side,
Didn`t tell the tale.
Riding through the streets,
From the gates of hell.
Defending the honor,
Of a maiden so fair.
The ice of her eyes,
The gold of her hair.
Come again, play some more.
He came in heeled to do the chore.
Live hard, die fast, a gunmans creed.
No time to lose, no time to bleed.
Madman Jack,
His story I tell.
Three steps from living,
One foot in hell.
No turning back,
The deed is done.
Madman Jack,
He was on the run.
Drinking in a bar,
Down in Ft. Cheyenne.
Ace of spades,
Eluding his hand.
Two hands up,
He drew the last card.
Old Lady Luck,
Played real hard.
Come again, play some more.
Lady Luck had set the score.
Live hard, die fast, a gunmans creed.
Her brother Fate, ate the cards that he`d need.
Madman Jack,
His story I tell.
Three steps from living,
One foot in hell.
No turning back,
The deed is done.
Madman Jack,
He was on the run.
He was quick on the draw,
And the first to shoot.
But against three men,
He had nothing to lose.
The first shot rang out,
And found it`s mark.
As that man fell,
It all went dark.
Come again, play some more.
He took it in stride, that`s for sure.
Live hard, die fast, a gunmans creed.
Even outnumbered, Jack died on his feet.
Madman Jack,
His story I tell.
Three steps from living,
One foot in hell.
No turning back,
The deed is done.
Madman Jack,
He was on the run.
Old Lady Luck,
She shed not a tear.
Her brother Fate,
Turned a deaf ear.
A man so proud,
Died that day.
With a smile on his face,
I heard people say.
Come again, play some more.
Death knocked hard, he opened the door.
Live hard, die fast, a gunmans creed.
With the Reapers hand he took the lead.
Madman Jack,
His story I tell.
Three steps from living,
One foot in hell.
No turning back,
The deed is done.
Madman Jack,
He was on the run.
520. I think the medium is no longer just the message; it is the person.
521. I think I'm too old to run with a thirty year old guy for forty straight hours. Next week, I'm walking some.
522. I think a cold Lone Star would now be in order.
523. I think one of my favorite song collections is a CD set that includes everything Elvis recorded in the 1950s. I been listening to it steady all week. The only part I don't like is of his first Vegas appearances.
524. I think there may be some hope for Gunga after all. He sees the death penalty issue pretty much as I do.
525. I think often of our fallen a2k members - - Cav, Timber, Joanne Dorel, as well as certain Abuzz members - - Himself, Mary Pope, Joan Lee, and a few others I can't bring to mind just now, and then of the friends still with us. I feel truly blessed to be on the internet with such a group.
526. I think I've got to start taking the dog to be bathed by a professional. I lifted her into the tub today and have been worn out ever since.
527. I think I have caught up to my son. I shared a Guns N Roses song with him today, and he reminded me he was listening to it maybe 20 years ago. Only, then, people were trying to tell him not to be listening to it.
528. I think I'm having baked salmon for dinner. Mmmmmmmm.
529. I think our next Democrat candidate for president, regardless of who it is, may well be assassinated. There are those who are not willing to return to such an agenda.
530. I think voting machine fraud will become a national issue, to no longer be swept under the rug, at the end of the next election.
edgarblythe wrote:528. I think I'm having baked salmon for dinner. Mmmmmmmm.
My wife and I are having salmon tonight as well. With it we're also having shrimp.
It's a special dinner that's been delayed since May 3rd, as we were sick with flu.
It's our 28th wedding anniversary.
Congratulations. I love salmon.
I'm not much of a salmon girl myself.
edgarblythe wrote:Congratulations. I love salmon.
What time are you eating your salmon? We, at about 5:30pm PST.
We can collectively let out a "hmmm-hmmm-hummm!" Finger-licking good.
I'm not a big fan of canned salmon, but a fresh steak is nice, and much milder.
Montana wrote:Congratulations Reyn :-D
Thank you! The years seem to have flown by!
Montana wrote:I'm not much of a salmon girl myself.
Are you still laid off? If so, not much into crabs these days either, I reckon? Hope things get better for you soon.
The only salmon I don't care for is croquets.