Dem wants to make the minutemen "terrorists"

Reply Tue 30 Jan, 2007 11:13 am
CalamityJane wrote:
This morning there was another disturbing article in our local newspaper
of how migrant workers are targeted by the "we-take-justice-in-our-own-hands" racists. Let's remember, these are the poorest of the poor who
are targeted here. I am spitting mad about such incidents, and they're not isolated by any means - unfortunately. Evil or Very Mad

Several small encampments throughout Rancho Peñasquitos were targeted in a string of attacks, said attorney Claudia Smith of the California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation.
"It was truly stunning to see and pick your way through maybe 100 items, and every one of them is slashed. Jackets right down the middle," said Smith, who notified police after reports of the attacks began to pour in Saturday. "This was so vicious and so deliberate."

entire article

And you blame that on the minutemen?
What evidence do you have that they did it?

Should I start postingf the reports where illegal immigrants have committed child molestation,murder of police officers,murders along railroad tracks thru Texas,and other violent crimes?
Or are you going to dent that those crimes happen?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Jan, 2007 11:52 am
It is still under investigation and we don't know who is responsible,
however, these migrant camps existed for over 20 years, and only
when the so called "minuteman" projects started popping up everywhere,
migrant camps started to get raided.

The article said further down that the landowners in accordance with
the police had a year long plan to relocate the migrant camps. Loud
protests by minuteman and supporters halted the project last November.

What gripes me the most is that every little darn racist can call
himself minuteman and has - under the cover of justice - free reign
over harassing poor migrant workers.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Jan, 2007 11:59 am
CalamityJane wrote:
It is still under investigation and we don't know who is responsible,
however, these migrant camps existed for over 20 years, and only
when the so called "minuteman" projects started popping up everywhere,
migrant camps started to get raided.

The article said further down that the landowners in accordance with
the police had a year long plan to relocate the migrant camps. Loud
protests by minuteman and supporters halted the project last November.

What gripes me the most is that every little darn racist can call
himself minuteman and has - under the cover of justice - free reign
over harassing poor migrant workers.

Are you really that ignorant?
Those camps have been attacked and harrassed for 40 years that I know of.
I dont know how long you have lived in SoCal,but I grew up there and can remember those camps being harrassed back in the 60's.

And you just admitted that someone can claim to belong to an organization,whethere they are or not,and people like you believe it.
Are you really that blinded that you want to blame every bad thing that happens to illegals on a group that you disagree with?
Will you admit to being wrong when it is proven that the minutement didnt do it?

Somehow,I dont think you will.
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Reply Tue 30 Jan, 2007 12:02 pm
Being called ignorant by you is almost a compliment. Laughing
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Reply Tue 30 Jan, 2007 12:03 pm
CalamityJane wrote:
Being called ignorant by you is almost a compliment. Laughing

So,you admit to having a lack of knowledge?
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Reply Tue 30 Jan, 2007 12:20 pm
CalamityJane wrote:
It is still under investigation and we don't know who is responsible,
however, these migrant camps existed for over 20 years, and only
when the so called "minuteman" projects started popping up everywhere,
migrant camps started to get raided.

The article said further down that the landowners in accordance with
the police had a year long plan to relocate the migrant camps. Loud
protests by minuteman and supporters halted the project last November.

What gripes me the most is that every little darn racist can call
himself minuteman and has - under the cover of justice - free reign
over harassing poor migrant workers.

What gets me is that they know these camps are there but they don't deport the people staying in those camps. Why even bother moving them when that would give the impression that what they did by crossing the border illegally is ok. They should be rounded up and deported if they are illegal. The fact that they don't is a failure of the fed govt to act as the citizens of the US want them act.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 30 Jan, 2007 12:55 pm
Baldimo wrote:
What gets me is that they know these camps are there but they don't deport the people staying in those camps. Why even bother moving them when that would give the impression that what they did by crossing the border illegally is ok. They should be rounded up and deported if they are illegal. The fact that they don't is a failure of the fed govt to act as the citizens of the US want them act.

According to the police report, not all people living there were illegal (though "many").
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ebrown p
Reply Tue 30 Jan, 2007 01:40 pm
What gives you the right to say what "the citizens" of the US want.

I am a citizen and don't speak for me.
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Reply Tue 30 Jan, 2007 01:50 pm
ebrown_p wrote:
What gives you the right to say what "the citizens" of the US want.

I am a citizen and don't speak for me.

And you dont speak for the majority of citizens in this country.
You once said that if the majority voted for something,you would accept that.
Now it seems a majority want illegal immigration curbed,but you dont accept that or want it.

You are being a hypocrite.
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ebrown p
Reply Tue 30 Jan, 2007 02:28 pm
We have already been over this.

The majority of Americans say they want a comprehensive immigration solution that includes employer enforcement, border enforcement along with a path to citizenship for people who are here now.

I am certainly fine with this.
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Reply Tue 30 Jan, 2007 02:49 pm
ebrown_p wrote:
We have already been over this.

The majority of Americans say they want a comprehensive immigration solution that includes employer enforcement, border enforcement along with a path to citizenship for people who are here now.

I am certainly fine with this.

A majority? Do you have proof of this or are you just refelcting your own bias in what you want to happen?
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ebrown p
Reply Tue 30 Jan, 2007 04:19 pm
Of course I have proof (as if the recent midterm elections aren't enough).

Collection of recent polls by reputable (not politically inspired) organization

As you will see all reputable polls (i.e. those not put out by clearly partisan anti-immigrant groups) have similar findings. Most Americans want both stricter enforcement for employers and at the border combined with a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants who don't commit a serious (i.e. non-immigration) crimes and pay taxes.

In every non-partisan poll I have seen, the number of who support a "comprehensive bill" (i.e. enforcement combined with a path to citizenship) is around 66% (two thirds).

Of course the far right is louder. But they still have no more that a third of Americans behind them.

Gallup June 2006 wrote:

"Which comes closest to your view about what government policy should be toward illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States? Should the government deport all illegal immigrants back to their home country, allow illegal immigrants to remain in the United States in order to work but only for a limited amount of time, or allow illegal immigrants to remain in the United States and become U.S. citizens but only if they meet certain requirements over a period of time?" Options rotated

Deport All Remain for
Limited Time Remain if
Meet Certain
Requirements Unsure
% % % %
6/8-25/06 16 17 66 1
5/5-7/06 21 15 61 3
4/7-9/06 18 17 63 2

LA Times/ Bloomberg wrote:

"One proposal would allow undocumented immigrants who have been living and working in the United States for a number of years, and who do not have a criminal record, to start on a path to citizenship by registering that they are in the country, paying a fine, getting fingerprinted, and learning English, among other requirements. Do you support or oppose this, or haven't you heard enough about it to say?"

Support Oppose Haven't Heard Unsure
% % % %

6/24-27/06 67 18 12 3
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Reply Tue 30 Jan, 2007 09:26 pm
I don't think deportation is necessary. If they don't have jobs or any government benefits as provided to legal citizens, then most would probably need to return to their country of origin on their own. Then they could apply for legal entry under an immigration program that would allow a very liberal number into this country. Good work records, all taxes paid, and other favorable accomplishments, as well as no criminal record should be considered. I suppose returning to their country of origin might end up being a procedural step, or mostly figurative, but I think it is an important element of this problem, if only to establish the fact that they could then enter this country on a totally legal basis with all the proper paperwork and requirements met. After some period of time, then anyone caught without proper citizenship could be deported immediately.

The important measures that need to be instituted are heavy fines to any employers that knowingly hire illegals and a total ban of any government services to illegals, and that would seriously curtail the problem without ever having to round up or punish illegals. This should have been done on a routine basis from Day 1, and if it had been, we wouldn't have the problems we are having now, and furthermore, we would have a very healthy and vibrant community of immigrants, totally legal, and not having to evade the law. They could be proud Americans and there would be far less antagonism and resentment in the population. Also, we would not have people dying in the desert, dying in overheated trucks, drowning in the Rio Grande, dying in auto crashes where smugglers have 8, 10, or 12 people in vans driving 85 on bald tires, and so on.
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