Dem wants to make the minutemen "terrorists"

Reply Tue 23 Jan, 2007 01:00 pm
CalamityJane wrote:
Listen, you're just a tad too ignorant for my taste. It seems you actually
cannot comprehend the serious violations of human rights here.

Interesting that you use that phrase "human rights"

What about the legal citizens "right" to not have illegals crossing their property and causing problems?
What about the legal residents "right" to not have to pay for the medical treatment of illegal aliens?

What about the legal citizens "right" to not have to deal with the related crime that comes with illegals entering the US and squatting on other peoples property?

You ae quick to throw the term "human rights" around,but you seem to forget that the legal residents of San Diego county also have rights.
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Reply Tue 23 Jan, 2007 01:10 pm
Human rights as the name says itself, is a right for all humans regardless
of their color, race, and religion, and let me spell this out for you - ALL
HUMAN BEINGS including illegal Mexicans.

You do know about the US Constitution when it comes to carrying weapons,
however you have no clue about the most important amendment of
the US Constitution.

Despicable, just despicable.
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Reply Tue 23 Jan, 2007 01:12 pm
I hate to do this,but a link posted by blueflame,a person I NEVER agrees with,makes my point perfectly.

I wont post the whole article,but here is the link...


I want you to notice this one paragraph...

During the immigration demonstrations, which were orchestrated by Rob Allyn of Rob Allyn & Co. who is closely tied with George W. Bush, alarming reports of illegals carrying out violent beatings began to surface. In Santa Ana California, illegal aliens swarmed around in mobs invading schools, carrying out violent beatings and in one incident a county worker had a Mexican flag plunged into his chest.

I suggest you read the whole article,so here it is...
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Reply Tue 23 Jan, 2007 01:18 pm
CalamityJane wrote:
Human rights as the name says itself, is a right for all humans regardless
of their color, race, and religion, and let me spell this out for you - ALL
HUMAN BEINGS including illegal Mexicans.

You do know about the US Constitution when it comes to carrying weapons,
however you have no clue about the most important amendment of
the US Constitution.

Despicable, just despicable.

Then lets do the most fair thing possible,and treat illegals from MNexico the same way their govt treats illegals.
Nothing could be more fair then that,using their own laws against them.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 23 Jan, 2007 01:24 pm
Re: Dem wants to make the minutemen "terrorists"
okie wrote:
mysteryman wrote:

I'm so glad we have individuals like this looking out for our rights. Aren't you?


I agree wholeheartedly, mysteryman, as does everybody that believes in the rule of law. As expected, the leftie kooks and nutcases come out and poke fun of your thread.

If you think border security is bad now, just imagine the disaster of a leftie gaining the presidency, coupled with a possible Democrat Congress.

hopefully theyll give oklahoma back to the indians and mexicans
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Reply Tue 23 Jan, 2007 01:33 pm
What about Kentucky, bear? Laughing
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Reply Tue 23 Jan, 2007 01:48 pm
CalamityJane wrote:
Human rights as the name says itself, is a right for all humans regardless
of their color, race, and religion, and let me spell this out for you - ALL
HUMAN BEINGS including illegal Mexicans.

You do know about the US Constitution when it comes to carrying weapons,
however you have no clue about the most important amendment of
the US Constitution.

Despicable, just despicable.

You say human rights like it is the catch phrase that should silence all debate with you.

What part of breaking the law do you not understand? Illegals should be treated fair, but they have no right to be here. If they are harassed while in a public place then so be it, they shouldn't be here illegally in the first place. Who commited the first crime in this case? The illegals entering our country without permission broke the first law.

If they are beaten and killed then we should do what we can to help them or protect them and if that means sending them home is in the best interest of their protection then so be it.

I lived in San Diego 6 years ago and worked with many illegal aliens in the construction field for about 4 years. I know how it works and I know how they work. When it came to working, I would rather work with a mexican because they knew their jobs and were very good at them. White people can be lazy and they don't seem to work as hard.

If you have ever lived in East county you would have a much different look on how illegal aliens have an impact on the local community.
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Reply Tue 23 Jan, 2007 01:56 pm
This is from an article posted here...



What about this little girls "human right" to not be molested?
Since it was done by an illegal alien,are you actually going to say it doesnt matter,or are you going to defend this "poor,downtrodden,illegal that just wanted a better life for himself and his family?

This little girl might not have been molested if this illegal hadnt been in the US.
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Reply Tue 23 Jan, 2007 02:05 pm
I guess CJ ran away,instead of staying to defend her position.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 23 Jan, 2007 02:26 pm
mysteryman wrote:
I guess CJ ran away,instead of staying to defend her position.

I guess, CJ has some work to do.

That's because I know her personally.
How do you come to your guess, MM?
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Reply Tue 23 Jan, 2007 02:28 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
I guess CJ ran away,instead of staying to defend her position.

I guess, CJ has some work to do.

That's because I know her personally.
How do you come to your guess, MM?

Because as soon as we started showing her where she was wrong,she went silent and hasnt responded to anything that has been posted showing her to be wrong.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 23 Jan, 2007 02:43 pm
You mean she has no idea because she lives in .... where was it again? Laughing

In any case: as often as I notice that you don't answer ...
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 23 Jan, 2007 02:54 pm
I guess, now MM ran away, instead of staying to discuss his nonsense.
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Reply Tue 23 Jan, 2007 06:17 pm
Thank you Walter. I guess, MM is under the impression, I have nothing
else to do than wait and see what rubbish he comes up with. Rolling Eyes

Baldimo wrote
What part of breaking the law do you not understand? Illegals should be treated fair, but they have no right to be here. If they are harassed while in a public place then so be it, they shouldn't be here illegally in the first place. Who commited the first crime in this case? The illegals entering our country without permission broke the first law.

If they are beaten and killed then we should do what we can to help them or protect them and if that means sending them home is in the best interest of their protection then so be it.

You see that's where you are wrong. It is not the job of private citizens
to decide who'll have to leave, and who can stay in this country. You are interferring with the government and immigration if you take the initiative towards harassing alleged illegals.

If you're so eager to help law enforcement, why not chase after criminals, Baldimo? Or drug dealers? They certainly break the law and
engage in illegal activities. Go and get those people, they're far more
dangerous as a Mexican day-laborer.

Why go after the Mexicans and not the drug dealer, hm?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Jan, 2007 06:31 pm
mysteryman wrote:
This is from an article posted here...



What about this little girls "human right" to not be molested?
Since it was done by an illegal alien,are you actually going to say it doesnt matter,or are you going to defend this "poor,downtrodden,illegal that just wanted a better life for himself and his family?

This little girl might not have been molested if this illegal hadnt been in the US.

Yes, and how many girls are molested by American citizens?
A crime could haven been prevented had we sent the perpetrator to

You're giving me hair raising examples why it is okay for people your
likes to discriminate against and harass people of hispanic origin.
Write it behind your ears MM: It is not okay, no matter how long you
self proclaimed vigilante persecutors are trying to defend your actions.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Jan, 2007 10:50 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
I guess, now MM ran away, instead of staying to discuss his nonsense.

MM makes perfect sense, and is totally logical. He is probably learning, as I have, that arguing with illogical liberals is virtually hopleless of yielding anything positive whatsoever.
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Reply Tue 23 Jan, 2007 10:59 pm
okie wrote:
MM makes perfect sense, and is totally logical. He is probably learning, as I have, that arguing with illogical liberals is virtually hopleless of yielding anything positive whatsoever.

How funny to hear the two of you speak about logic.
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Reply Wed 24 Jan, 2007 07:58 am
You see that's where you are wrong. It is not the job of private citizens
to decide who'll have to leave, and who can stay in this country. You are interferring with the government and immigration if you take the initiative towards harassing alleged illegals.

Your right it isn't the job of the private citizens to deceide who leaves and who stays. It doesn't mean you can't harass people who break the law. If a child molester moves into your neighborhood are you just going to let them be or are you going to notify your neighbors that he has moved there? You going to put signs up letting everyone know that a child molester has moved in? Well you might not because you think everyone deserves a fair shot. Me I'm going to let everyone know and if I have to I'm going to place signs on his lawn to also let everyone know who lives there.

If you're so eager to help law enforcement, why not chase after criminals, Baldimo? Or drug dealers? They certainly break the law and
engage in illegal activities. Go and get those people, they're far more
dangerous as a Mexican day-laborer.

I have considered being a cop but at my age serving in the military is enough for right now. Have you ever heard of a citizen's arrest? Yes it still exists and I'm sure is still used in some places. People who live in drug infested neighborhoods have for years harassed the drug dealers have done lots of things to try and get them out of their areas.

If you drive around in any area of San Diego it isn't very hard to tell where the illegal's hang out. Most Home Depots are a great place for ICE to start their rounds. If your here in the states legally then there is no reason to hang out at the day laborer areas because you can get a job with no issue. You know this as well as I do. Have you ever lived in East County? I'd be surprised if you did.

This immigration thing is like the war on terror if we don't handle it the way the Dem's or Libs want then it is the wrong action at the wrong time. We attacked Iraq and you guys started pointing towards North Korea and other such regimes which you thought we should attack. We start making a big push on illegal aliens and you want us to go after different types of crime. If it isn't what you want then it shouldn't be done.

Illegal immigration is a bad thing, it doesn't benefit anyone but those that hire illegals and it places hardships on the communities that have to support them. How many hospitals on the border have had to close because the illegal's flooded the emergency rooms and no one was paying for their care but the tax payers and even then it wasn't enough money to keep up with the amount of care that was provided?
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Reply Wed 24 Jan, 2007 08:11 am
First of all,I havent run away from anything.
I'm a firefighter and we were busy last night.
Sorry to dissapoint you.

It IS the job of citizens to decide who gets to stay and who doesnt.
Remember,the govt is supposed to do what we want it to,not the other way around.

Why are you so positive that having illegals in the US is a good thing.
There have been cops killed by illegals,is that a good thing?
There have been people raped and murdered by illegals,is that a good thing?

While I will admit that illegals do jobs that Americans dont want to do,that does not justify them being allowed to stay here when caught.

You didnt answer my question earlier.
Lets treat illegals here the same way the laws in their home country treat illegals.

And no matter what you say,it is obvious that you havent lived in SD county for very long,because you are blind to the problems caused by illegals,and the expense of them being there.

I suggest you talk to the billing dept at University Hospital and see for yourself how many millions of dollars that they are owed by illegals,and ask them what services they have had to cut.

Go to Otay Mesa and ask those business's there the problem they have with illegals committing burglaries there.

Go out to the east county,go to Campo or Boulevard or Descanso and see the trash left at immigrant camps.
Those camps are a health hazard by themselves.

Now,you can remain blind to the problems caused by illegals,but the rest of us know the problems and will continue to try and stop illegals from violating our laws by entering the country.
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Green Witch
Reply Wed 24 Jan, 2007 08:43 am
okie wrote:
Green Witch wrote:
Yeah, America needs more vigilante clowns to keep us safe from the people that pick our crops, clean our toilets and mow our lawns. Rolling Eyes

In case you haven't heard, we abolished slavery with the Civil War. And we clean our own toilets and mow our own lawn. Try it sometime. Either that or pay a competitive wage to legal citizens like everybody else is expected to.

Plenty of Americans do not clean their own toilet, mow their own lawn and they certainly do not process their own food. I have done all of the above for some American at some point.

Actually Okie, Im willing to agree - partly. I assume because of this belief you do not eat at McDonalds (or any other fast food) chicken from Tyson or pork from Jimmie Dean. And of course you would never shop at Walmart - a big employer of illegals and the number one destroyer of well paying jobs in the US.

All factory farms use illegal labor and McDonald's started the problem years ago by demanding cheaply processed meat. Meat cutting was once a well paid profession until Big Agra started to bow to the demands of places like McDonalds. I agree that restoring this industry back to it's pre-factory farm days would give well paying jobs back to our citizens. Of course, the whole industry would have to be literally cleaned-up and I don't think people want to give up their cheap flesh, Personally, If I eat it I raise it or I buy it from the local guy who did.

However, on one thing I can argue from personal experience. I'm a landscaper and I know a lot of landscapers. I never use illegal labor, but I do look for carded latinos. Why? Because they are the best workers. I pay $15 per hour for someone who can dig a hole and move heavy objects, good money in my parts. I have tried to hire American men, most last about two weeks and go off to the mall to work for less money in an air conditioned big box. The Americans that last are usually the pot heads and only agree to work stoned. The latinos that have worked with me have all put in longer hours (willingly), were drug free and did a better overall job.

You say "mow the lawn" yourself. Well I don't do lawns anymore, but some of my best friends do. If you are a little old lady and/or disabled you are going to have a hard time finding someone affordable to help you around the house. Teens are too busy playing on computers to start a lawn mowing service. The lawns guys who use legal labor are twice the price of the guys who use illegal. I do what we call "estate gardening" - the reason being I can't hire a crew for less than what a millionaire can afford to pay for the job. Even when I offer a discounted rate to the elderly I always end up seeing some illegal latino clipping their hedges in the end. Lowest bidder always wins in America.

Ever pick strawberries on a commercial farm? I did and you could not pay me enough to ever do it again. How much should we pay for strawberries to make it affordable for farmers to hire Americans willing to do the job? Recently in my state they did a roundup of farm workers - 1/4 of the cabbage crop ended up rotting in the fields. Farmers could not find the population willing to go out and pick them.

Illegals are here because Americans want cheap labor. The Bush adminstration is willing to do a guest worker program because they know the Agra Biz needs them to keep their corporate machines running. Americans want cheap food and cheap servants.

A few years ago a garden pottery company in my area moved to Mexico. They claimed Americans did not want to pay the price for their products to be produced in this country with well paid labor. Either way the Mexicans (or Chinese) are going to get our jobs, and we have no one to blame but ourselves.
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