Merry Andrew wrote:Yeah, I'm begining to agree with you, Sturgis. I made a sizeable donation to the site about a week ago and all I see is a downhill slide. Today has been a nightmare of frustration. I find I'm logging in every time I try to post a reply; it takes about five minutes to actually open a thread or post; error messages keep proliferating. Is there any relief at all in sight?
OK, I'm just gonna ask....
What (this is to anyone) is considered a sizeable donation?
I was about to donate last week, and stopped because I had absolutley no idea what was appropriate.
And don't say "whatever you feel you can give"

or similar.
I need some guidelines here, I get a lot of enjoyment out of A2K, and like others, am getting frustrated/steamed at the problems.
If making a donation will help, I'm right there, but what $10, $20, $50, $100, $200, etc....?
Also, if a donation is made one week/month, should we be making another one next week/month?
Help a sistah out...