while i do have some problems getting a connection - usually 3 to 10 times a day - it doesn't bother me much . usually i have plenty of other things to do - both on the computer and off , such as drinking tea

if i have do a posting of more than one or two lines i usually go the "preview" route . if i can't get the posting done , i "cut" the entry and "paste" it later .
it seems to me that there are certain times when the problems are a little more severe , such as 3 pm to 7 pm .
early part of the morning , late evening are often quite trouble free .
i think the problem could be solved easily by giving users with the prefix "ham" priority service :wink: .
if you are all in agreement perhaps my solution could be implemented now .
since a2k is not a commercial site , i have no real problems with it .
i enjoy reading your comments , entering my own comments , starting a thread - what more can i ask for
i'm glad we have a2k
see , i have even learned how to enter 'emoticons' - not too shabby for an old dog .
ps. certainly wouldn't want to see it bite the dust !