tryingtohelp wrote:I did not mean it as an insult either. It is a shortcoming of mine so please just leave me alone instead of insulting me over this. I do not need it today.
Keep your cruel thoughts about me to yourself.

I have no cruel thoughts about you today or any other day, darlin. Sorry you took it that way.
nimh wrote:OCCOM BILL wrote:tryingtohelp wrote:nimh wrote:I hate uninformative information..
That was a good one. I actually get it too. I did not know you had this sense of humor.
He's not kidding. He
really hates that.
was joking, of course.. language joke. Cool that TTH got it.
As Osso said; Nimh is VERY respected as an information junky; so I was kidding by saying he
wasn't kidding about hating uninformative information. Like you, he's also very nice and caring.
As for the rest of you; lay off... she's obviously having a tough day.