Sure, I'll take the vehicle! Thanks. [engages in tug-of-war with registration papers] Hey! You offered it!
I've got a bus pass, anyone up for that? Just kidding....I prefer taxis, bigger tax write-off.
I'm in for that SVT (what is that?) - a/c is a definite plus, as is 5-speed. errrrrrrrr, i do get to drive, don't i? you can just sit in the passenger seat and look pretty in yer boots, M. Andre. :wink:
SVT stands for Special Vehicle Team. Less than 6,000 of these vehicles were manufactured in the years 1998-99 combined. It's a Ford Contour body, but the rest of the vehicle was put together by the folks who design the Ford racecars. 200 hp V-6 engine, dual exhausts, speedometer calibrated to 180 mph, but I've been told by people who know such things that there's no reason it couldn't do over 200 mph on a straightaway. There's no governor on that engine. My only problem is, it's expensive to run. You can't fil 'er up w/regular unleaded. To keep that engine purring, it has to be high octane unleaded. So every time I fill up it's another double-saw plus out the window. (Cuts down on my purchases of boots. But, what the heck, five pairs should be enough for anybody.)
I had no idea technology was so advanced in the 19th century!
(Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm sure you'll get me bavk.

(Oops, typo corrected before I got this in ... was
i'll excuse the Contour look to get at that engine, baby!
Sorry to bust your bubble...but that car wouldn't come close to 180!!!
Boy, you're quick, Sozobe. I corrected that almost the moment it was posted. Fat finguhs.
Slappy, you may be right. I'm no mechanical engineer. But that's what I was told by a couple of people who have no financial interest in the car and who work with engines for a living.
a fast car and a man in tall leather boots
That girl spends more time unconscious on the floor than she does upright . . .
Whew, Andrew, that's worth quit a few of those white horses.
(Did ya know you can drive along the beach here in Texas? :wink: )
Put on some boots and drive on down
Have you seen that Cobra SVT Andrew? WOWWWWWW
Welcome to A2K (and to this thread), KEhleyr17!
Unfortunately, every time I've been in Texas, I've had to settle for whatever rental car I can get. Maybe next time I'll just drive down instead of flying.
KEhleyr17, welcome.
There will be a Texas Gathering Oct. 10-13 in Austin. You can find more information on the Texas gathering thread under North America.
It's doubtful that Merry Andrew will come, but lots of other handsome, beautiful and always interesting a2kers will be there.
Leggings, boots, I plan on having sweet dreams tonight. Beth, take care of yourself honey, the big guy is getting worried, I can tell.
Reporting from the great and beautiful SW of Canada: I've seen not a single mountie in tall boots.
Gotta hit the gay bars for that littlek...
i saw more of those dang guys in tall leather boots on horses again last night. the police have a mounted [thud] squad for crowd control. we're having a huuuuuuuuuuge street festival this weekend. as brenda and i passed the police headquarters on the streetcar, whaddid we see. yup. [thud] [sigh] [thud]
ehBeth !!!!!! That's it - I am moving to where ever you are !!