okie wrote :
Quote:For example, we don't carry auto insurance to have oil changes performed, and there is no reason to carry health insurance for an annual checkup that may cost not much more than a couple of tanks of gasoline or so.
i understand that most new car warranties require that scheduled oil changes are being done or the warranty will lapse !
i doubt that many drivers will neglect the oil changes to save a few bucks and instead pay for a major engine repair out of their own pocket .
btw the cost of the new car warranty is build into the price of the new car - and we quite readily seem to accept the fact that we cannot by a new car WITHOUT paying the built-in WARRANTY PREMIUM .
to apply that to human life , why would we want to save a few dollars on preventative health-care only to have to pay much more later for a MAJOR OVERHAUL ?
as has been stated , many hospitals and other health-care providers will pay for MAJOR OVERHAULS even if the patient does not have any insurance .
just from an economic point of view it doesn't seem to make much sense to save on(relatively inexpensive) preventative health-care only to sink loads of money into a MAJOR OVERHAUL later - or does it ?
it is my VERY PERSONAL OPINION that all basic/regular kinds of health-care should be available to EVERYONE (and especially to mothers-to-be and children - compare it to the inspection of a car before delivery and mandatory oil changes , if you will) .
IMO that's part and parcel of living in a civilized society ; but as i also stated , it would make economic sense - isn't that what is called a "WIN-WIN" deal in business - there don't seem to be any losers in such a deal ?
i know that it is not possible for every imaginable type of treatment to be available to everyone - we all know that we are frail humans and our life on earth is short .
i'm not sure what the exact dollar figures are , but i understand the largest outlays for medical health care are often made during the last few months of a patients life .
again , just my VERY PERSONAL OPINION : i think it would make much more sense to spend that kind of money on PREVENTION of disease and sickness .
i believe i'm old enough to be allowed to state that , while i do enjoy life now , i wouldn't want to be hooked up to a machine in the last stages of life just to vegetate .
i was privy to a conversation a doctor had about a year ago with a spry 80+ year old patient in a local rehab facility .
my friend was in the bed next to him and i had exchanged a few friendly words with the SPRY fellow .
(since i didn't write down he words of the conversation , i'll do my best to tell you what i remember)
a surgeon came in , closed the curtain around the patient and spoke to him in a very quiet and low voice about his upcoming knee-replacement operation that was to take place the next day .
he assured the patient that it was pretty well a routine operation and that he was quite sure he would be up-and-about again in a few weeks .
after a few more words had been exchanged , the surgeon said :
"now while i expect everything to work out just fine , i'm sure you realize
that it is after all a major operation . while i do not foresee any complications , i can't be absolutely sure ; i'm sure you understand ? " .
the SPRY fellow told the surgeon that he did understand that .
the surgeon went on - after re-assuring the patient again : "i would appreciate it if you'd tell me what you would want us to do in case the operation is not succesful at all . of course we could hook you up to all kinds of machinery and try to prolong your life or you can request that no drastic measures be undertaken ."
after only a few seconds - that seemed like hours to me - the reply came : "doctor , i wouldn't want to have all kinds of hoses poked into my body - that's not how i lived my life and that's not how i want it to end ."
after a pause the surgeon said : "i'll leave a form with you for you to sign . please call me anytime if you have any questions , i'll be on duty this evening . if you still feel the same way tomorrow morning , please sign the form and hand it to the nurse . "
after a few more pleasantries , the surgeon said good-night and pulled the curtain back again .
my friend and i felt a bit awkward - didn't know what to say .
but the spry fellow wasn't embarrassed at all . "you know " , he said , "i sure hope it works out , but i sure as h..l wouldn't want to live like that woman in florida that recently died . i think i better sign the form " .
and that finished it for him . we talked about his family , his hobbies , his wife came in , i said good-night and left .
i learned a VERY VALUABLE lesson that evening .
if you think the second part of my post bears absolutely no relationship to the first part , simply ignore it , please .