Free/Affordable Health Care in Massachusetts.
Boston Medical Center HealthNet plan
Individuals and families meeting income guidelines receive free or low cost hospitalization, doctor's visits, mental health, prescription medicines & clinical tests.
Members should call:
888-566-0010 (English and other languages)
888-566-0012 (Spanish)
1-800-421-1220 (Hearing impaired - ask to be connected to the Member Services Call Center)
Non-Members should call:
Health insurance for working disabled adults and children under 18
800-841-2900 (Customer Service Center)
800-497-4648 (TTY)
Health Care for All - Health Helpline
Health Care For All is dedicated to making quality and affordable health care accessible to everyone in Massachusetts. They seek to educate Massachusetts residents about the health care system and encourage them to join in changing it.
617-350-0974 (TTY)
Healthy Start
Insurance for eligible pregnant women and referrals to health care and other services; provides one pediatric exam for newborn baby; all immigrants eligible
800-531-2229/Greater Boston
800-531-2229/Central MA
800-992-6111/Western MA
800-992-1895/Northeastern MA
800-642-4250/Southeastern MA
MassHealth State Program (within the Dept. of Health & Human Services
formerly called Medicaid)
The MassHealth program provides comprehensive health insurance-or help in paying for private health insurance-to nearly one million Massachusetts children, families, seniors, and people with disabilities.
800-497-4648 (TTY)
Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers
Referrals to local health centers and information about free or reduced-cost health care; open to all immigrants
Medical Security Plan
Program that provides health insurance to individuals and their families who receive unemployment benefits
Pharmacy Plus For low-income seniors and disabled persons who have no pharmacy coverage, have exhausted other drug benefits, are not receiving MassHealth and have excessive drug.
Substance abuse and mental health free care is listed under a different heading.