@Joe Nation,
Joe Nation wrote:
Did anyone notice that in the otherwise well-written article about passage of the healthcare bill, the headline quoted words "Nuclear Option" were never attributed to anyone. So, it's known as ....by whom?
Joe(mebbe to be fair and balanced was once again too much.)Nation
maporsche wrote:Dick Durbin?
Joe, you are like most of the Fox News haters here, you have a pre-disposed template, that when it doesn't fit what your template is, you accuse, but just maybe you need to take a closer look at your own templates and why you believe alot of the stuff you believe.
To be fair, I do not favor their use of the phrase, "Fair and Balanced," but to be fair to them, it is an advertising phrase, and everyone knows that every news organization claims to be fair and balanced whether they use the advertising phrase or not. I would rather their news speak for itself, and I believe that although Fox News is far from perfect, they are infinitely better than their competition, and that is why they are doing well. After all, most people are not stupid and they see the bias. It has become so common as to be totally transparent.
I have pretty much given up on reading newspapers with AP news items. I read one a couple of days ago about Obama and his response to Haiti, and it was nothing more than an editorial in support of how wonderful Obama has responded to Haiti, while claiming it was a news column. It was so blatantly bad that I threw the paper down in disgust. Such so-called AP news is not uncommon, it is nothing more than liberal editorial crap. Face it, so-called news organizations, the main stream news, are one big reason why we have one of the most inexperienced and incompetent presidents in history, and Marxist leaning one at that, that is turning out to be totally and absolutely incompetent on top of being an ultra socialist, not a centrist as he was trumped up to be. Just maybe more people should have watched and believed Fox News, as they had the guy pegged.