cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 13 Jan, 2010 05:02 pm
I'll never trust him again. He's already lost my vote before he even declares his candidacy for 2012. Even Palin is beginning to look good! LOL
Reply Wed 13 Jan, 2010 05:06 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Let's not get too carried away LOL!
Reply Wed 13 Jan, 2010 05:12 pm
@cicerone imposter,
This is almost funny, coming from you.

Why did it take you this long to realize what those of us who opposed Obama knew from the beginning?

When we said that he wasnt to be trusted, you said something to the effect that he was different and could be trusted.
You now see what all of us saw during the campaign.
Welcome to the dark side.
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 13 Jan, 2010 05:13 pm
I know, but at least we know not to expect too much from Palin, and she won't disappoint us.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Jan, 2010 05:24 pm
There's an easy answer MM.

We (I include myself) wanted to believe Obama, so many of your critisms were either overlooked, or believed to be no worse than McCain. And I think that's key.
Reply Wed 13 Jan, 2010 05:26 pm
mysteryman wrote:

This is almost funny, coming from you.

Why did it take you this long to realize what those of us who opposed Obama knew from the beginning?

When we said that he wasnt to be trusted, you said something to the effect that he was different and could be trusted.
You now see what all of us saw during the campaign.
Welcome to the dark side.

The whole group of you are still wrong. Obama has been pretty consistent with what he campaigned on... there have been some disappointments, sure. But when is that not the case with governance? He was never going to be able to do all the things that I (a liberal guy) wanted him to do, that was obvious from the beginning...

The dark side. Snort. You guys crack me up!

0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Jan, 2010 06:04 pm
There were problems with McCain as well, you know. I still haven't solidified my position on torture, but this is a case where I considered his change to be dishonorable, rather than just an evolving viewpoint. Likewise, his solution to mortgage foreclosures wasn't up to scratch in my opinion.

I still prefer McCain; I'm just saying to not be so hard on yourself. You were deceived by an expert. I was deceived on all the weapons of mass destruction we never found in Iraq.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Jan, 2010 09:08 pm
Ya'll are being a little harsh on Obama. I trust no one really thought he was the Messiah. His cave in on Healthcare is a crying shame, but it's not like he just forgot what he campaigned on. Perhaps some patience is in order. A while back, Robert posted a promise tracker....
I haven't seen similar trackers on other Presidents, but I'd bet he's doing better than average... and has quite a few irons in the fire too.
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 13 Jan, 2010 10:08 pm
I don't think so. Here's a list of lies by Obama:
1. "Will double funding for the main federal support for afterschool programs, the 21st Century Learning Centers Program, to serve one million more children."
2. Allow bankruptcy judges to modify terms of a home mortgage: "so that ordinary families can also get relief that bankruptcy laws were intended to provide."
3. Pay for the national service plan without increasing the deficit: "Will maintain fiscal responsibility and prevent any increase in the deficit by offsetting cuts and revenue sources in other parts of government.
4. Reduce earmarks to 1994 levels: "Barack Obama is commited to returning earmarks to less than $7.8 billion a year, the level they were at before 1994."
5. Create a $3,000 tax credit for companies that add jobs: "During 2009 and 2010, existing businesses will receive a $3,000 refundable tax credit for each additional full-time employee hired."
6. Allow penalty free hardship withdrawals from retirement accounts in 2008 and 2009: "Obama and Biden are calling for legislation that would allow withdrawals of 15% up to $10,000 from retirement accounts without penalty..."
7. End income tax for seniors making less than $50,000: "Will eliminate all income taxation of seniors making less than $50,000 per year.."
8. End no-bid contracts above $25,000: "Will ensure that federal contracts over $25,000 are competively bid."
9. Direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct a comprehensive study of federal cancer initiatives: "As president, Barack Obama will immediately direct his Secretary of Health and Human Services, in collaboratioin with agency officials, academic researchers, cancer survivors and advocates for people with cancer..."
10. Allow five days of public comment before signing bills: "Obama "will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American Public an opportunity to review and commend on the White House website for five days."
11. Tougher rules against revolving door lobbyists and former officials: "No political oppointees in the Obama-Biden administration will be permitted to work on regulations or contracts directly and substantially related to prior employer for two years. And no political appointee will be able to lobby the executive branch after leaving government service..."
12. Recognize the Armenian genocide: "Two years ago, I criticized the Secretary of State for the firing of US Ambassador to Armenia, John Evans, after he properly used the term 'genocide' to describe Turkey's slaughter of thousands of Armenians..."
and 13. Negotiate health care reform in public sessions televised on C-SPAN: "I'm going to have all the negotiations around a big table. We'll have doctors and nurses and hospital administrators..."

So much for "keeping track of Obama lies."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Jan, 2010 10:32 pm
Obama: "But what we will do is, we'll have the negotiations televised on C-SPAN, so that people can see who is making arguments on behalf of their constituents, and who are making arguments on behalf of the drug companies or the insurance companies. And so, that approach, I think is what is going to allow people to stay involved in this process."

He said that in 2007, in 2008 and again in 2009. He didn't break a promise. He flat out lied.

Reply Wed 13 Jan, 2010 11:14 pm
We didn't elect a king, guys. Failing to keep a promise is not an outright lie. I happen to think “Universal Insurance” is a horrible idea too... but I'm not ready to lay all the blame on a guy whose only real authority on the matter is to sign his name to the bill. I would have preferred he went on National Television and pitched his case to the American people before caving in; but I'm willing to accept for the time being that he may just be trying to use his political capital to effect as much change as he thinks he realistically thinks he can; rather than risk expending it all on a losing proposition.

Let's keep in mind he inherited an economy that was in shambles, and this isn't something anyone could wave their magic wand at and fix. I haven't agreed with his every decision, but neither do I have any confidence that I or anyone else could have made any better decisions. I have yet to read the solution that I'd be happy to second.

Read the list of promises kept:
Then read the list of "those in the works" and I think most Obama voters will find more than a few promises they're happy about him keeping. As I sit here today, I do not believe any of the other candidates would be fairing any better in the public approval polls at this time, had they been elected.
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 13 Jan, 2010 11:32 pm
And your proof for your statement:
Then read the list of "those in the works" and I think most Obama voters will find more than a few promises they're happy about him keeping.

Have you kept abreast of Obama's performance ratings? If his voters are "happy," it's funny that the polls aren't showing it.

CNN and CBS have recently released polls.

According to CNN, voters have mixed feelings as to whether or not Obama's presidency has been a success or a failure. 48% say it has been a failure thus far, 47% say success.

Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2010 08:55 am
@cicerone imposter,
I think that CNN poll shows only 36% approve on the issue of health care. Part of the reason, IMO, healthcare reform failed in 1993 was that Hillary insisted on the secret meetings. On one of the numerous occasions that Obama stated the need for transparency is the healthcare debate, he even cited that problem, stating that his proceedings would be UNLIKE 1993.

In a townhall meeting during his campaign, he specifically answered a question by a voter, stating that ANYONE who liked their current plan could keep it.

He campaigned by ridiculing the idea of an excise tax on healthcare plans. He campaigned by ridiculing those politicians in bed with big pharma and insurance companies.

Excusing him because he's only told a FEW lies and hasn't lied about everything...yet...isn't what most signed up for.

Even if he exempts the unions, millions will still be affected. There are plenty in this country that don't belong to unions and/or live in right-to-work states who will be heavily taxed.

Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2010 09:40 am
Yep, the truth is Obama has lied so many times about Obamacare that most people have lost count. One of the biggest lies of his administration is having open and transparent debate and proceedings, and this guy has to be one of the most covert and sneaky presidents of all time. All Marxists are until they can hope to gain power. They cannot afford to be open about their true beliefs and intents, because they will lose support.

The more open and transparent the Obamacare becomes, the more unpopular it will become.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2010 10:04 am
What the hell are you talking about? The debates on both bills were covered extensively on C-Span. BTW, Obama doesn't control C-Span. Congress does.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2010 11:05 am
I agree; Obama's promises to keep the health care debates open has cost him dearly in approval ratings.
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2010 11:12 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

I agree; Obama's promises to keep the health care debates open has cost him dearly in approval ratings.

No, it hasn't. I doubt more than 3% of Americans know or care about this transparency. What has cost him ratings is the fact that he let the Congress be in charge of the health care debate, instead of aggressively pushing his vision the entire time (in the way that Bush and others would have).

Even that is not inconsistent with his campaign rhetoric; however, it is extremely frustrating. Obama hasn't bled support from the right, he's lost it from the left, who see the legislation being wrecked by Conservative Democrats, the hundreds of millions the Health Care industry spent to bribe Congress on this issue, and the united Republican party of doom and destruction.

cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2010 11:21 am
Cyclo wrote:

No, it hasn't. I doubt more than 3% of Americans know or care about this transparency. What has cost him ratings is the fact that he let the Congress be in charge of the health care debate, instead of aggressively pushing his vision the entire time (in the way that Bush and others would have).

A direct contradiction in one paragraph. See if you can "see" it? LOL
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2010 11:30 am
@cicerone imposter,
Can't see it, you'd better point it out

cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2010 01:12 pm
Maybe somebody else can; giving you the benefit of the doubt concerning how I interpreted your statement.
0 Replies

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