@Debra Law,
Debra Law wrote:
From Okie's RUTHLESS DICTATORS thread.
Post # 3,731,800
Debra Law wrote:
okie wrote:
And seriously, have you read Obama's books? Have you read about Saul Alinsky? Have you read about the Reverend Wright and Black Liberation Theology? Do you even know what Obama is about?
Okie is a mindless minion of the conservative movement (that caters to the money interests of big business). He spews the talking points that his puppeteers have fed to him. The above shows that he is spewing his master's (Glenn Beck's) racially divisive garbage:
When okie asks you if you know what Obama is about, he's trying to tell you that he's a racist, his association with Reverend Wright proves he's a racist, and he's a radical, a communist, a socialist, etc.
Okie doesn't have an original thought. He swallows and regurgitates whatever propagandist, hate-monger, fear-monger, Glenn Beck says on FOX News.
All of my thoughts are mine, Debra. I do listen to other opinions, such as Becks. To repeat, just because I use Beck as a reference for some information, that does not mean that I agree with every word he says. I do however agree that Obama must have some agreement with Black Liberation Theology, because that is the belief he adhered to for years. I also believe he agrees with Alinsky, because he used his philosophies as a community organizer, this is pretty well established. I don't know if you have researched these two entities, BLT, or Alinsky, but I recommend you do that, you seem to pretend as if they are totally benign and meaningless, or that Obama has no relationship to them at all.
Quote:Okie. You claim to address my posts, pronto. Why haven't you addressed this one? Why do you claim that you never heard Beck say that Obama is a racist when I posted the clip for you on your Ruthless Dictators thread?
Why did I say I never heard Beck say that, its because I did not remember those specific words, Debra. He probably did accuse Obama of it, and I think I have to agree that Obama is highly suspect in this area, yes, and that is based upon pretty solid information. Obama would plead innocent to this, of course, but I think relationships mean something, beliefs mean something. Maybe you could try to argue that BLT has no connection to Obama, or that BLT is not racist, or that Wright is not racist. You have a right to your opinion, but let us just disagree, if that is your opinion, I think you are flat wrong, okay. I am comfortable with my opinions, and I will state them as they are. Also as Foxfyre has posted, other black conservatives also believe Wright and Obama are using racist politics. I am in good company with solid and sound opinion.