@cicerone imposter,
This thread is about health care, but even with all the favorable press for Obama, his ratings I think are about the same as Bush's this far into his presidency. Obama's ratings for how far he is into his term is not outstanding at all. I don't feel like looking it up, but that is my recollection of it.
When you discuss the press lying, I don't feel like going off on that tangent, a long ways, but it is pretty obvious the press can merely insinuate and concentrate on certain stories, use language that implies various things, and they can report without informing of the proper context.
Hurricane Katrina I think was a good example, it was the Louisiana governor and mayor of New Orleans that were 95% to blame, but the spin did not report all of that. Anybody with common sense however could figure out who was responsible for what. In the first place, FEMA is not responsible for evacuating New Orleans, they are responsible for fixing things after disasters occur, I could go on about that, but it was actually Bush that finally called the governor, even though it was not his responsibility, and told her to evacuate the city. She was too stupid to know what to do.
There are many many examples, ci, but what it boils down to is opinion on how all the issues played out and who did what and how. Admit that you don't like Bush, the press despised him, but I liked him okay, although I do not at all agree with some of his policies. In contrast, you must like Obama, I do not, I think he is a fraud and a cheap Chicago policitian with no experience, none. So you will defend him, the press defends him, I look for things he has screwed up and is screwing up, and there are plenty, most of which is not adequately reported, but if it was, his approval ratings would tank completely. I find it encouraging that they are quite a bit anyway, without the main press reporting the sleeze. Thanks to conservative pundits that at least provide some balance, otherwise the country would be lost.