Your rhetoric really distresses me (and perhaps this warrants a separate thread). You say some things, and take some positions that are progressive, and pro-justice.
But then you combine it with totally looney theories laced with rhetoric that relies on racial stereotypes and hysterical lies.
I agree with some of the things you say... but I am forced to strongly disagree with the malicious, paranoid currents that run underneath the surface of your politics.
For example, the idea of race war is a position that is constantly enflamed by the far right. Street gangs are street gangs and are expected to kill each other for any reason. Racial attacks by street gangs are nothing new.
But then to say this is being controlled by a White-run conspiracy to kill white people-- it is pure lunacy.
What really is amusing is the fact that you post contradictory things. The article you posted describes the Paranoid fantasy of a far rightwind nutjob complete with brown-skinned conquest leading to Communism (scary Communism).
Aztlan's goal, known as La reconquista, is to cede and take over the entirety of the southern and western states by any means necessary and impose a Communist militant dictatorship.
But then your last post is the angry ranting of a far left wing socialist, with the imperialists keeping down the people.
round the world indigenous people are banding together to bring change against oppressive policies that have kept them down forever. Elections throughout this hemisphere show much success in turning back imperialist policies and corporate fascism. But history shows the reaction of the oppressor is to arm and train and pay victims to kill other victims.
You are unique in combining the lunacy of both rightwing and leftwing extremists.
It would be nice if you would at least pick a side...