Was he attracted to me?

Reply Mon 15 Jan, 2007 08:00 pm
Chai, I love you. Will you scratch under my chin?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Jan, 2007 08:19 pm
Laughing See that's better, funny even... and since I'm not a child like your last two victims; it's perfectly OK.

What in the world are you talking about?

Would you care to say that in plain english?

If you think I'm making victims of young people here, you are living in some kind of fantasy world.

I just don't buy into that bullshit that these are innocent little angels that need to be protected from the big bad world who doesn't particularly think their problems are that earth shattering. These aren't children.

Sure, we've all been there, "oh, but he's so cute, I wonder if he likes me?" Lemme tell you something staight out, most 15 year old girls are much more savvy than you seem to think. I don't have a maternal gene in my body, so I've tended to talk to teens like the adults they almost are, not drawing out the childhood they're no longer a part of.

There's been more than one occassion a 15/16 year old girl when talking to me has put on the "but I'm just an innocent girl" routine, because it works with 15 year old boys, and grown men too. When a woman tells them to cut the crap and there's no guy around to play up to, you'd be amazed at how mature and realistic they suddenly become.

You just like playing big daddy to women, especially young woman, because, the same as most men, it strokes your ego. Nothing wrong with that. It's what men do.

and 15 year olds play you. It's what they do.

Unless of course, this chick is gus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Jan, 2007 08:35 pm
Chai wrote:
15 year old boys think every girl is cute.

Aww, thats not true.

15 year old boys, surprise surprise, fall in love (and out of love) as excitedly and capriciously as 15 year old girls. Ever seen a 15 year old boy in love? They're just as cute (and stupid) as the girls.

The whole "oh guys dont care, they go for anyone" stuff is just lazy stereotypes. About any age. Or unjustified cynism - either, I dunno.

And tho I gotta admit that Chai's scored home a few points about O'Bill there (ouch, ouch), on the whole I dont think its such a big or strange thing to ask that, if youre gonna respond to a R & M thread, you show some empathy with the person asking/writing - like, take his/her age, background, etc into account.

Like Cypher said - just remember how you were at the time (well it could be that you were wise and perfect, but in general I mean). Its easy to be a thirty-something laughing at the teens for being so stupid and silly and self-centred, but also a little mean - I mean, they're teens, a lot of that stuff just comes with the territory, we were like that too. So I disagree that the tactic of just 'calling them on it' from on high stands to achieve much.

Oh dear, meta-level alert.. like thats gonna interest waterdrops9...
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Region Philbis
Reply Mon 15 Jan, 2007 08:42 pm
i just shed a tear for ya, cypher-pook.

your simple request for a little chin-scritchin' from Chai went largely unnoticed...
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Reply Mon 15 Jan, 2007 08:48 pm
Chai wrote:
I don't have a maternal gene in my body
You've thoroughly proven my every instinct about you correct. You really don't have a clue how idiotic you sound, do you? Yes, 15 year olds have some grownup skills and experiences. They're also kids who play and dance and giggle and gang up and be mean to others... kind of like you. Perhaps you think they're grown up because you stopped maturing at about that age? I've seen them laugh and I've seen them cry and however old they may look or act; I assure you; they are still kids. I've seen them flirt with the fellas only to get spooked down to their very core when the wrong guy flirts back. They are kids. Sometimes it's cute to behave childish at 15 and sometimes it's not. At your age; it never is. Picking on children exhibits something you should be ashamed to show about yourself... even anonymously. This is twice in a row now you've gotten all catty with a child. Believe me; your actions say more about you than they do about them. Idea
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Reply Mon 15 Jan, 2007 08:48 pm
Aw, true. I'll scratch your chin, Cypher.. any time.
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Reply Mon 15 Jan, 2007 08:51 pm
Region Philbis wrote:
i just shed a tear for ya, cypher-pook.

your simple request for a little chin-scritchin' from Chai went largely unnoticed...

*schniff* Thank you, Reege! I guess now I see why cats demand attention, rather than asking for it nicely...I'm gonna go curl up on nimh's lap now...
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Reply Mon 15 Jan, 2007 08:53 pm
Waterdrops, early teen or late teen, does show bossiness along with a developed mean streak and odd placement of self in the universe of beauty and reverence for the import of that. On the other hand, most of that showed up after she was challenged. Maybe she does think that way, which is interesting, and bears talking about.

When I was 13 - 17, I was a near idiot, so I'm defensive regarding immediate taunts/dumps on people posting here from the wide world. Sometimes one is right with suspicions, and sometimes not. What's the hurry?

She, on the other hand, posted a near immaculate description of a gnat in flight, or was it a moment of sheer adoration? I tend to think the boy liked her.

How could we know? These two people could write or talk.
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Reply Mon 15 Jan, 2007 08:58 pm
cyphercat wrote:
I'm gonna go curl up on nimh's lap now...

There, there... <pats Cypher>

Osso - yes, to all you say.. <nods>

<turns back to rubbing Cypher's belly>
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Jan, 2007 09:34 pm
Mmm...that's how all a2k discussions should end...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Jan, 2007 09:40 pm
Chai wrote:
I don't have a maternal gene in my body
You've thoroughly proven my every instinct about you correct. You really don't have a clue how idiotic you sound, do you? Yes, 15 year olds have some grownup skills and experiences. They're also kids who play and dance and giggle and gang up and be mean to others... kind of like you. Perhaps you think they're grown up because you stopped maturing at about that age? I've seen them laugh and I've seen them cry and however old they may look or act; I assure you; they are still kids. I've seen them flirt with the fellas only to get spooked down to their very core when the wrong guy flirts back. They are kids. Sometimes it's cute to behave childish at 15 and sometimes it's not. At your age; it never is. Picking on children exhibits something you should be ashamed to show about yourself... even anonymously. This is twice in a row now you've gotten all catty with a child. Believe me; your actions say more about you than they do about them. Idea

I couldn't care less what you think of Bill. You don't see me defending myself to you, do you? I know who I am, and certainly don't need to explain myself to you.

BTW, I've got good instincts too,Bill. You just don't like it because I don't think you're some sort of babe magnet. I don't flirt and I don't play clever little word games where a person can't even figure out what being said half the time. You want to play the wise elder, go ahead.

Your silly thread about "boobing" pretty much nails your personality. This "why can't all these women leave me alone and stop touching me with their breasts, why do you think they keep doing that to me?" thing was pretty embarrassing coming from a grown man.
However that's perfectly fine to use a childs term for womens breasts, and this false wonderment about how they just can't seem to stop themselves around you. You might as well just do what this girl here did and as "Do you think that means they like me?"

nimh....sorry if you misunderstood my intentions when I said a 15 year old boy thinks every girl is cute. mmmm...how to say this.....ok, a 15 year old boy see's every girl as a potential score, in that it's just his hormones raging. Same for a 15 year old girl, there's plenty of chemical imbalances there too.
If you read me, you'll see I did say we've all been there. I just personally think a lot of girls of that age come on here with the sweet innocent act, just to see who they can twist around their fingers with concern for their terrible dilema.
You'll notice, like with this chick, how quickly they can drop the dewy eyed angel thing.
Girls that age will rip you apart. Don't fool yourself.
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Reply Mon 15 Jan, 2007 09:48 pm
<Gus sees Bill and Chai going at it again, looks from one to the other, then stands alongside Chai. (no chance of getting boobage from Bill)>
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Reply Mon 15 Jan, 2007 10:21 pm
I'm still in the Philippines. I'm staying in a house about two hours away from the boarding school- in a city. I'm not in school for the semester.

I asked someone, "Can a boy at 15 who falls in love with a girl still be in love with her later in life- like when he's 20 or for the rest of his life?" The person said "Yes. As long as he keeps in touch with her." And another person said, "As long as it's strong." I should have talked to this boy more. Then I'd see if something would have come out of it. Chai may be right- he probably would have said that to any silly girl who was sitting with him on that bench. That's what I thought. Out of all of the boys I've talked to so far- he's my best choice. I shouldn't have been shy and I should have talked to him more. We could have developed a relationship. I should have responded to him, "Why don't you take flowers from the bush- put some in my hair- and let's see if you're right?" Something better might have come out of that.
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Reply Mon 15 Jan, 2007 10:34 pm
Laughing Chai... There's nothing inherently funny about the word breast or breasting... so I was left with little choice but to use boobing. See, now that's funny. I wasn't exactly talking in tongues before... but you had already proven my point. How about you just pick on me and my boyish fixations and leave the kids alone?

No waterdrops9, Chai is still not right about boys, either. boys don't like all girls any more than you like all boys. She probably thinks gay guys like all men too, but it just isn't so. Probably for the best anyway if you're now wishing you had a long distance waiting relationship. Long odds at your age and a lot of wasted time.

Ratzentraitor wrote:
Gus sees Bill and Chai going at it again, looks from one to the other, then stands alongside Chai. (no chance of getting boobage from Bill)
You are correct Gus... probably a wise move.
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Reply Tue 16 Jan, 2007 05:58 pm
Hi waterdrops,

waterdrops9 wrote:
I asked someone, "Can a boy at 15 who falls in love with a girl still be in love with her later in life- like when he's 20 or for the rest of his life?"

Of course it's possible! It happens. It's true, let's be honest, most teenage relationships dont last much beyond half a year or a year tops. But there's plenty of exceptions too - kids who got together when they were 14, still together at 18, or who got together at 16, still together at 20.

waterdrops9 wrote:
Chai may be right- he probably would have said that to any silly girl who was sitting with him on that bench. That's what I thought.

No no no.. not unless he is one smooth guy for his age. I think Chai is way too cynical here, or at least too prone to sweep all 15-year olds over one end.

It sounds really sweet what he said, and I'm sure it means he liked you. Doesnt mean something would've come of it, or that it would've been any good, let alone that it would've lasted for years - but no, there's few 15 year old boys who play "any silly girl" they find - that kind of 'suaveness' only comes a little later, way I remember it being 15. (I'm 35, for the record..)

waterdrops9 wrote:
I shouldn't have been shy and I should have talked to him more. We could have developed a relationship. I should have responded to him, "Why don't you take flowers from the bush- put some in my hair- and let's see if you're right?"

That would've been cute and sassy, which aint bad ;-). But you know what - you've learned this now! Now, next time, you know not to be too shy, and to just talk some more with the boy. Who knows whether it'll come to something sweet. I'm a shy guy myself, and I regret way too many times I didnt speak up and just talk with the girl. So this is a good thing! You'll meet many more cute boys, and now you know what you wanna be doing the next time ;-)
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Reply Tue 16 Jan, 2007 06:34 pm
It's interesting to me how so many of us more forward types respond relative to our own experiences. Others never give themselves away.

Mostly I appreciate the expressiveness, whether or not I agree with the points.

When I was 9-13, I lived in a mid US city, went to a catholic grade school, had classmates way ahead of me on knowing anything at all about sex. But I went to the parties, learned the dances, and so on.

Then we moved, and I hardly knew anyone in my first years of a private girls' school, living miles away. Say, from 13 - 15.
Those were the years I fell in love with heroes in books, and a guy playing quarterback for Notre Dame. A daydream life.

When I was a day past sixteen, I got a job, and have worked ever since, until, oh, a year ago. From that day on, at sixteen, I could get crushes on real life people.

So... I can well imagine me, back then, asking this question, and can imagine others in a more sequestered culture than mine, now, asking it.

Our poster is not ms. sweet herself but she is in formation. I am guessing most of us reading this had sourpuss aspects in our teens, as well have them now. I include myself.
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Reply Tue 16 Jan, 2007 08:56 pm
Here are links to the story of the boy when he was just adopted:





Sulads is the missionary program which educates the wild people in the mountains
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Reply Tue 16 Jan, 2007 09:01 pm
Our poster is not ms. sweet herself but she is in formation.

Who is not "ms. sweet?" Me or Chai?
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Reply Wed 17 Jan, 2007 07:23 am
Mame wrote:
flushd - are you a Canuck or a mouse? Buck up, for Heaven's Sake and don't let the good side down!

Smile Mame, you are officially invited over to my place for rum n' cokes.

This thread has gotten weird.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Jan, 2007 07:28 pm
You got that right, and I'll be right over so get the ice cubes out. :wink:
0 Replies

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