OCCOM BILL wrote:Chai wrote:I don't have a maternal gene in my body
You've thoroughly proven my every instinct about you correct. You really don't have a clue how idiotic you sound, do you? Yes, 15 year olds have some grownup skills and experiences. They're also kids who play and dance and giggle and gang up and be mean to others... kind of like you. Perhaps you think they're grown up because you stopped maturing at about that age? I've seen them laugh and I've seen them cry and however old they may look or act; I assure you; they are still kids. I've seen them flirt with the fellas only to get spooked down to their very core when the wrong guy flirts back. They are kids. Sometimes it's cute to behave childish at 15 and sometimes it's not. At your age; it never is. Picking on children exhibits something you should be ashamed to show about yourself... even anonymously. This is twice in a row now you've gotten all catty with a child. Believe me; your actions say more about you than they do about them.

I couldn't care less what you think of Bill. You don't see me defending myself to you, do you? I know who I am, and certainly don't need to explain myself to you.
BTW, I've got good instincts too,Bill. You just don't like it because I don't think you're some sort of babe magnet. I don't flirt and I don't play clever little word games where a person can't even figure out what being said half the time. You want to play the wise elder, go ahead.
Your silly thread about "boobing" pretty much nails your personality. This "why can't all these women leave me alone and stop touching me with their breasts, why do you think they keep doing that to me?" thing was pretty embarrassing coming from a grown man.
However that's perfectly fine to use a childs term for womens breasts, and this false wonderment about how they just can't seem to stop themselves around you. You might as well just do what this girl here did and as "Do you think that means they like me?"
nimh....sorry if you misunderstood my intentions when I said a 15 year old boy thinks every girl is cute. mmmm...how to say this.....ok, a 15 year old boy see's every girl as a potential score, in that it's just his hormones raging. Same for a 15 year old girl, there's plenty of chemical imbalances there too.
If you read me, you'll see I did say we've all been there. I just personally think a lot of girls of that age come on here with the sweet innocent act, just to see who they can twist around their fingers with concern for their terrible dilema.
You'll notice, like with this chick, how quickly they can drop the dewy eyed angel thing.
Girls that age will rip you apart. Don't fool yourself.