naah. You just need to see thwe first one because then, each separate episode is almost self sustaining.
Its about a cop who is a descendant of the Brothers Grimm and has inherited a power and a mission to root out the evil fairies and daemons. He alone can see these creatures and he bwefriends one who is like a "Gilligan " kind of a doofus . His befriended monster is a "Bludbaden" (which is supposedly dialect for a werewolf). Together they get involved in various tangles with the supernatural. It is kind of humorous as well as light supernatural.
I just got into it as something Id DVR and watch later on a Fri night, when it went on a hiatus, I think they retooled a bot and were seeing some positive ratings (I really have no idea what Im talking about , maybe they ran out of episodes and hadda make new)