Got a copy of the 6 part BBC movie "State of Play" , upon which the Russle Crowe movie was based. I hafta say that it was waaay too long and was , like many BBC things, too busy with the minutae of which we got sufficiently in a few minutes. The Russel Crowe remake was really tightly edited and , upon reflection, maybe I would have made the screen version a tad longer but, ocverall, the remake of this was superior by a longshot.
Also saw SMILEYS PEOPLE. Not for me, Ive gotta take a break on all this BBC stuff, They can make some good products and then turn around and make a few real stinkers. MAybe US viewers have been ADDized
What's ADDized?
On Sunday I watched an old fav, "Dead Ringer" with Bette Davis as twins. Also "As Good As It Gets" and "Sommersby". Last night "Woman On Top", a little Penelope Cruz movie. Pure fantasy fluff but fun.
I want a nickle for the times I've seen "Dead Ringer" -- always an entertaining thriller with Bette Davis pulling off the personalities and character of the two twins with her usual aplumb. Also liked Karl Malden's, oh-he-couldn't-be-that-dumb, clueless detective.
Karl Malden. Great in everything he did but he always played the chump in love. "Dead Ringer", "Streetcar...", "Gypsy", etc. Always the chump. Sad.
Hey, that's true and I'd hadn't thought of that recently. I think there are a several more, but, of course, he wasn't traditional leading man material.
eoe wrote:
What's ADDized?
On Sunday I watched an old fav, "Dead Ringer" with Bette Davis as twins. Also "As Good As It Gets" and "Sommersby". Last night "Woman On Top", a little Penelope Cruz movie. Pure fantasy fluff but fun.
I was interested in what you thought of "Sommersby" (an Americanized version of "The Return of Martin Guerre"). Did you see the French film, eoe? "The Return of Martin Guerre" is based on an actual court case in France from the fifteenth century.
I liked the story a lot. Jodie Foster was very good in her role and while Richard Gere's acting was weak some of the time, she and Bill Pullam carried him. I've never seen the French film.
The original French film, made in 1982, is beautiful and deals with the same themes as "Somersby" in a much more convincing way. I saw "Somersby" as soon as it came out, knowing that it was based on the French film. I liked "Somersby" but "Return of Martin Guerre" is stronger and more believable.
I absolutely loved the Return of Martin Guerre and I absolutely hated Somerby.
I expected that "Somersby" would be somewhat disappointing, only because I had seen the French original first. Jodie Foster is always great, though.
'Sommersby" was rather sexy and I liked that aspect of it. He wooed her in a sweet but purposeful manner, until she invited him into her bed. Once he was in there...
Finally watched "Sweeney Todd" last night with J. Depp. Tim Burton certainly made a great looking movie. He always does but this one was just superb. I loved the cinematography, the sets, costumes, hair & makeup, it was just a visual delight all around. But I got tired of following so much of the plot through all of that singing. I do like some stage musicals, especially with dance, but I rolled my eyes a few times on this, annoyed by the constant singing. At the same time, I give credit to non-singers Depp, H.B. Carter, etc. for taking on such heavily singing roles at all. Very plucky of them.
I also finally saw "Benjamin Button..." the other day. I liked it but wasn't as bowled over as expected. But I'm particularly fascinated with "The Making of..." aspect of it. How many actors portrayed Benjamin in his "youth" and when did Brad Pitt actually take over the role?
I liked it quite much. But I too wasn't as "bowled over" as I heard the experience was going to be. Felt it was too long and could have used a little more clipping in the editing room.
Brad Pitt did a lovely and convincing job. Sure sign that he has matured as an actor, though I didn't think it was nomination worthy.
I just finished watching the bittersweet and heartbreaking film
Married Life starring
Chris Cooper,
Pierce Brosnan,
Patricia Clarkson, and
Rachel McAdams.
What a great cast and great performances had by all. Though I kind of wished I ignored the alternative endings extra on the DVD. Kind of took some of the cinematic based high off the edge of watching such an underrated film.
It appears to be five different actors, three in his early youth from 12 years old -- so Brad took over the role after 1937?
I just finished Seven Pounds, with Will Smith. I thought the technique a bit jumbled and some parts dragged, but in the end, I was glad I watched it all.
Hmmm...have to try to catch that one on cable.
Just watched Cloverfield on DVD. I thought it was a great re-think on a classic genre.
Spoiler (highlight or quote to see): A "Godzilla" flick from the civilians' point of view.
SAW Eastern PRomises, with Vigo Morgensen last night. A sort of Sopranos in Cyrillic.