Quote: I'm waiting to see some guest lists. Music?
I've chosen only those who are alive now and they're almost all musicians. A strange mix, I know. I'd just want a nice dinner party with some after-dinner music. I've seen interviews and thought they were pleasant and funny or else somebody has told me they were. We really need a drummer... there was an a2k guy who said he was a drummer. We'll take him, too. (Guess that'd make it eleven!) I'd want to invite Letty and Squeedleboink, too.
Yo Yo Ma -- well, I like him. His Smile.
Lyle Lovett -- he needs to get out more. From Texas.
Leo Kottke -- wonder if his voice really sounds like goose farts. Nostalgia.
Joni Mitchell -- hope she'll sing some songs. Blue.
Dolly Parton -- she's funny & the guys will love her. Tits.
Bonnie Raitt -- we need another guitarist. I think she'd be friendly. Radio.
Hugh Masakela -- I dunno, I like him. He'd have a good time. Foreign.
Graham Norton -- he's really funny, will keep the party hopping. Brit.
Carlos Nakai -- I'm sure he'd like to play a little. Soloist.
Wynton Marsalis -- I'd like to hear him play Taps. Smart.
Maria Muldaur -- She's about my age & is into blues now. Cool.