Roberta wrote:Algis and Nimh, Care to tell us why you've chosen whom you've chosen? Also, Nimh, I've never heard of some of your guests. Please enlighten me. Are they all musicians?
Well, I kinda meant to summarize all of the "why" in that last line: "let talk be rowdy, flirts be explicit, bottles go flying and fights be instant raw poetry, yeh." Hey, I never said the selection was about a thoughtful concept. These people together would simply make a, ahem, interesting and lively evening, heh.
The who:
johnny rotten, lead singer of the sex pistols (epitomal punk band, london 1977)
john cooper clarke punk singer turned spoken word performance artist (or whatever), mostly very witty, and very british.
bez from the happy mondays (the guy on stage who didnt play any instrument) err, like it says - bez was the one standing on stage flapping his arms around or jangling some maracas - the happy mondays were one of those manchester bands that crossed over between indie and rave. Bez
was E.
iggy pop iggy pop is iggy pop. "lust for life"
george clinton fun(k) genius
lee "scratch" perry dub magician - taking reggea to the parallel dimensions of deep, weird and laid-back
jim "cert" horacek czech "folk" singer. very ... basement pub. kinda.
screamin' jay hawkins ok, perhaps i should just give up on the description thing altogether ...
bessie smith you know her. blues singer. brilliant.
josephine baker blues/jazz singer, film star, legend, pretty.
bjork (back when she was cute, more rebellious pixie than vanity diva) - and einar, too i liked bjork when she was in the sugarcubes, not so now, cause of see description. einar was her sidekick in the sugracubes, her loud counterpart, big bald guy, juming around stage energetically bawling out really cute lyrics.
manu chao formerly in fun-ethno-punk band mano negra, then made it big with two cds of his own, as subtle as they are fun. totally original and hybrid mix of styles and sources and languages, french, spanish, arab, gypsy .. got his heart in the right place (politically), and also, reputedly, really nice guy (and according to the girls really cute, too).
jack kerouac beat poet (etc)
billy childish kinda the americana version of john cooper clarke.
oh, and i forgot flavor flav. and pictures, the list is supposed to come with pictures! <grins>