Marcus Aurelius
Benvenuto Cellini
Mark Twain
John McPhee
William Trevor
knock out Alexander VI
Lucrezia Borgia
Fanny Kemble Butler
Mary Taylor Simeti
Jane Kramer
Michelle McQueen Martin
These people are in the garden and I have to give one male a mission that will involve missing dinner.
I should explain that I have a revisionist view of Lucrezia, having read a biography on her by Rosalind Bernier. On Fanny Kemble, I found another link that I like better than the first one, this one makes more sense re her diary, which my ex read very thoroughly -
On the men, I am partial to Marcus and to Benvenuto, since they made me understand that history, years ago, wasn't so far away from me, now.
Goethe, he is the one I might send to the spas in California, but no, no, he should talk with Jane.
And Mary Taylor Simeti should talk with William Trevor. Lucrezia and Benvenuto. John McPhee. Maybe I will send him to some towns on the San Andreas Fault, to pick up some good cheese.