McGentrix wrote:46 R
42 D
Very good, very good. I love it when people actually start looking up the facts.
OK, so here we are with an actual sample fact: in the House, 46 veterans on the Republican side and 42 veterans on the Democratic side.
Now what was Okie's originally assertion?
Okie wrote:"of course the Democrats have few military heros at the top of their party at this point" <-- "the meaning intended here is anyone that served honorably in our armed forces to defend this country."
McGentrix wrote:It's a cute, but generally pointless list Dys has found on the internet. Is it suppose to signify anything more then some kind of idiotic bias?
Well, it serves to show something that directly relates to the actual discussion at hand: Okie's claim that the Democrats have few prominents who served honorably in your armed forces to defend your country. It shows the claim is the kind of bull that requires one to 'forget' the military service in wartime of Webb, Rangel, Murtha, Kerry, Inouye, Hollings, Boswell, Thompson, and others.