Hi there,
Well I was doing OK until HE showed up in the library where I was on the computer.
He looked really shocked and so was I. I just said "Hello" and as I went to turn away, he ran his fingers along my lips!
Then he said that he was booked on a computer upstairs and asked me to come up and chat to him.
Well do you know I am strong enough now not to fall back into my old ways.
I waited nearly 2 hours and then went to his computer and I walked towards him but there wasn't a seat available. Well I walked off and he came running after me and beckoned me to where he was sat so that I could stand beside him.
He asked about work etc etc and then he asked if he could call me and I thought well I'll say "Yes" because I would like to hear what he has to say.
In earlier times he would have logged off the computer and gone straight back to my house. However that was not on offer from me and he knew it!
He was bright red in the face and said he would call me but it wouldn't be the next day because he had to get his hair cut and run errands.
Two days later I went to the library and logged onto the computer. Suddenly he came rushing in, pretended he hadn't noticed me and then he turned round and acted all surprised to see me.
He then told me that he was reserving the computer next to mine (there were others available upstairs).
I hardly glanced over at him but after 30 minutes my session was up and so I said to him that I was off. He again made a point of saying that he "would call me soon" after he had thrown some sweets over at me in a light hearted way.
I just smiled and said good-bye and you have guessed right--he hasn't called and I don't care.
I think he is pathetic, but I expected him to just say "Hi" when he first saw me and then to distance himself from me and not ask me to chat to him let alone book a computer right next to mine.
It really has made me realise how pathetic he is and, since then, I have avoided going in the library altogether as there are more that I can visit. I did tell him that I would be in that library most days, but then I thought, why should I always do what I say, and hopefully he will realise that I am avoiding him and have no real desire to see or hear from him again.
Your views on his behaviour would be appreciated but I am not spending any time pondering as to what he is about.
trophy wrote:.... hopefully he will realise that I am avoiding him and have no real desire to see or hear from him again.
He'll never really know until/unless you tell him. So do it.
Why tell him? He'll know when he never sees or hears from her again. Until then, let him wait and hope, if that's what he's doing, until the end of time.
Well, the thing is (and there's another topic on this in R & L so there's more discussion there), he doesn't seem to be taking the hint and is hanging around where trophy wants to go. Why should trophy have to duck out of his way?
trophy wrote:Your views on his behaviour would be appreciated but I am not spending any time pondering as to what he is about.
All evidence to the contrary. This isn't so complicated. If you're done, be done. I woudn't wager more than even money that you are. Your fixation remains and obviously so. Take steps to get over it.
Occom Bill I am not wanting to resume the affair and have avoided the library since. No big deal for me to go to another library or go to THAT library in the evening when he won't be there. I think that he hoped I would continue to visit THAT library so he could test out the water with me and see how I was reacting to his presence and if I would hang around more--unlike the last time. Bottom line--the end of the affair. He would only phone if he was sure I wanted to rekindle things and I don't so he has nothing to gain by meeting up with me. As he is a very mixed up control freak, he may take some sadistic pleasure in sayng he will call when he has no intention of doing so. He now comes across as pathetic and pitiful and this is helping me to move on.
Occom Bill I am not wanting to resume the affair and have avoided the library since. No big deal for me to go to another library or go to THAT library in the evening when he won't be there. I think that he hoped I would continue to visit THAT library so he could test out the water with me and see how I was reacting to his presence and if I would hang around more--unlike the last time. Bottom line--the end of the affair. He would only phone if he was sure I wanted to rekindle things and I don't so he has nothing to gain by meeting up with me. As he is a very mixed up control freak, he may take some sadistic pleasure in sayng he will call when he has no intention of doing so. He now comes across as pathetic and pitiful and this is helping me to move on.
That's right girlfriend. Say it twice.