How to end affair--please help

Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 04:34 pm
When breaking up with someone it's critical to say: It's not me it's YOU.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 04:49 pm
Noddy, why do you think I dont love him? Because I want out? I know you are right ~I just need to hear it and he is one bad habit i shall give up believe me. As I am not playing ball, there will be no point in pursuing the affair from his view point.

If you "love" this two-timer, you're a masochist. You take pleasure in being personally degraded.

He is treating you badly.

He's treated you badly for eight years.

Let's not even talk about the way he's treating his wife.

Ditch him.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 05:56 pm
Re: How to end affair--please help
trophy wrote:
I have been involved in an 8 year relationship with a married man--he has 3 grown up kids.
It has been on and off and about 10 months ago I accidentally did bump into him and we rekindled the affair (stupidly, I made it very easy for him.
He phones me about every 8 days (this isn't enough in my book but I hate nagging) and often says that he will see me the following week but doesn't follow through. He then phones as if nothing is wrong towards the end of the week).
My self esteem is suffering as is my health.

I think his wife is on to him as he never stays evenings (usually I take a day off work and he stays from 10.0 am to 4.0pm and never takes me out. When I asked if we were going out for Xmas the other week, he said "Oh do you want to go out. All right then" but there was no enthusiasm there.
He says he wishes he could stay longer but never does. Just lately he has been calling but not making arrangements to see me and I have been cool with him so he detects something is up.

However yesterday morning he called and said we could go out next Monday. I said we needed to talk and he said "Oh is it the season for that?! and I said to him "If you don't want to then just say and we won't meet up". He said it was Ok but I think he was just saying it to fob me off.
Then yesterday I afternoon I bumped into him in a local store and he said that he would phone me today and I said that would be nice so we could meet for coffee. Guess what he hasn't called.
MY friends tell me to go on my holidays on the Sunday and not to wait for him on the Monday. My parents live in Wales and I am spending Xmas with them.
The questions are
1) do you think this man really wants out of the relationship himself but is having difficulty letting go?
2) Only wants me for sex which is usually what happens when he comes round.
3) Do I end it by just severing all contact--no phone calls. He always blocks his mobile number when he calls me and expects me to then call him back in the phone box where he is .
4) His lack of a phone call today suggests that he is annoyed with me as he does not have the control anymore and he is punishing me.
5) OR do I need one more meeting with him.

Please help as I am suffering.


I think you have not been dealing with the data at hand here for many years. Your immediate concern is about the tenor of his recent phone calls and control and punishment issues.

He is clearly - to me, on reading what you describe - trying to keep his marriage going. He is clearly chary of any major emotionally dramatic behavior from you.

What is your interest?

You want to keep up the emotionally rewarding sex life for another twenty years?

You want him to leave her?

It is rather unnatural in the way of things to keep up the high emotion of an "I can't possess him, he is so precious, so exciting" romantic life over years and years. Relationships progress, one way or another, but you are trying to keep things tuned to one string forever.

You have chosen to be with him (none of my business if only with him) for eight years of your life. Why are you tossing these years at something not going anywhere? And worried if he has an annoyed tone?

I can see fear of being alone as part of why you don't shape up and ship out, but to some extent you are alone in this, and not moving towards
connections with other people; I see him as false comfort.

Your self esteem and your health will pick up if you pick up yourself.

It would be courteous if you would explain this to him this personally, though I suppose by phone would do. But don't just not answer the telephone, that is a resort to adolescence, which I know you are past.

You need to stand on your own feet here.
It might help to get into some kind of counselling, or group therapy, some kind of support.

I don't mean to sound too curt, and am not without some sympathy, though the one I've more sympathy about is the wife depending on their marital understanding), who has had to deal with him and you.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 06:16 pm
JL, great comment.
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Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 06:41 pm
JLNobody wrote:
When breaking up with someone it's critical to say: It's not me it's YOU.

You're such a gentleman. Wink
"Don't call me, I call you!" will fall into the same category.
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Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 06:43 pm
I was going to say something, but osso covered all the points I was going to make and better than I would have. Well said as per usual, osso. Smile
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Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 06:51 pm
I often agree with you too, cypher, and if I don't (which I can't remember), appreciate your way of explaining your opinions.

I'll add something a little touchier, in that people have remarked about how the fellow is using Trophy. Well... there is multiple using going on here. I don't say that so much as indictment, but as simple observation.
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Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 06:52 pm
cyphercat wrote:
I was going to say something, but osso covered all the points I was going to make and better than I would have. Well said as per usual, osso. Smile

I agree, c_cat - well done, osso!
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Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 07:20 pm
(I hadn't seen Soz' post before now. Some similar concerns.)
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Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 08:14 pm

A. After 8 years; he's not likely to leave his wife for you.
B. Even if he did; as a habitual cheater he would soon find someone to cheat on you with.

Get rid of this jerk and find a man to date instead.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 08:44 pm
I would think that this man loves his wife dearly and wants to keep his commitment to her and his family. I'm certain that meetings with you are exciting for him and he gets the thrill of knowing that he is desired by other women. I don't get the feeling that he is willing to commit true love to you. You are just a thrill for him to meet his sexual needs on an occasional basis. I'm also certain that for a while you gained the same feelings in return...the fact that you are desirable and sexy and womanly. But you are worth love also, and you are not going to get that from a man who is committed to his wife and children.
It's going to be really hard to turn off that phone, but be strong and just do it. You are not required to be there for his every beacon call. Just know that you are one of a kind and deserving of more. Don't be afraid of being alone. Just take this break-up as an opportunity to grow stronger and find what you love about yourself. When you can do this it will project to others and I'm sure when you feel great about yourself some other man will notice how great you are. Just make sure to never get involved with another married man. Learn from this mistake and find what you are looking for.
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Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 08:57 pm
I substantially agree with Marty.

(I had an affair with a married guy that I'm not sorry about, decades later, but also glad I moved on from..)

Life is long, art, short.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Dec, 2006 05:04 am
end the affair
Thanks to you all and JL and MartyBaker hit a nerve. He once said that he woke up one morning and realised he had nothing in common with her but it was too late by then (presumably because they were married by then).I dont think he therefore loves his wife dearly--why would he cheat for so long? I have told him I want a serious talk on Monday and if he fails to call to arrange a time then that speaks volumes. He nows I want to end it but wont give me the final say. He is under scrutiny at home and deep down he knows there is no way forward and there is only one outcome. His 3 children are all in their twenties so he can't use the excuse of staying for their sake although they might shun him had he left. But that isn't going to happen. You have all helped in my resolve and given me the kick I need to help me regain my self respect and self esteem which have taken a battering.
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Reply Fri 15 Dec, 2006 05:18 am
Paul Simon said (sang) it best:

"The problem is all inside your head", she said to me
The answer is easy if you take it logically
I'd like to help you in your struggle to be free
There must be fifty ways to leave your lover

She said it's really not my habit to intrude
Furthermore, I hope my meaning won't be lost or misconstrued
But I'll repeat myself at the risk of being crude
There must be fifty ways to leave your lover
Fifty ways to leave your lover

You just slip out the back, Jack
Make a new plan, Stan
You don't need to be coy, Roy
Just get yourself free
Hop on the bus, Gus
You don't need to discuss much
Just drop off the key, Lee
And get yourself free

Ooo slip out the back, Jack
Make a new plan, Stan
You don't need to be coy, Roy
Just listen to me
Hop on the bus, Gus
You don't need to discuss much
Just drop off the key, Lee
And get yourself free

She said it grieves me so to see you in such pain
I wish there was something I could do to make you smile again
I said I appreciate that and would you please explain
About the fifty ways

She said why don't we both just sleep on it tonight
And I believe in the morning you'll begin to see the light
And then she kissed me and I realized she probably was right
There must be fifty ways to leave your lover
Fifty ways to leave your lover

You just slip out the back, Jack
Make a new plan, Stan
You don't need to be coy, Roy
Just get yourself free
Hop on the bus, Gus
You don't need to discuss much
Just drop off the key, Lee
And get yourself free

Slip out the back, Jack
Make a new plan, Stan
You don't need to be coy, Roy
Just listen to me
Hop on the bus, Gus
You don't need to discuss much
Just drop off the key, Lee
And get yourself free

Essentially, bottom line, just walk. The rest is just window dressing.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Dec, 2006 05:44 am
So jespah, you don't think he deservs or needs to know all the reasons why I am walking? Makes it seem like I dont give a damn. Maybe a few home truths face to face might strike a chord with him.
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Reply Fri 15 Dec, 2006 05:47 am
Yep, he doesn't deserve to know. He's used you for years (BTW, I have to run to work so sorry if I can't be more elaborating or reply again for a while), you don't owe him any favors.

I'm not without sympathy, I just have to get to work. You'll be fine. And, welcome to A2K. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Dec, 2006 02:50 pm
He was with you (using you) dishonorably. Why should you feel obliged to leave him honoably?
Just get on the bus, Gus (oops that name might conjure one of our regulars who might mess things up for us).
Don't even worry about a plan, Stan. All that matters now is your dignity and self-respect. If he wanted to be with you, there is no doubt that many other, more worthy, men would as well.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Dec, 2006 02:43 am
Re: end the affair
trophy wrote:
I am from Scotland and I amnot pulling anyone's leg. This is real for me and I do need a push. I did want to tell him a few home truths but why should I put myself through that. He offers me no explanations for his behaviour and he must know how he is behaving himself without me telling him.

I agree with you, trophy. You said it! Telling him a 'few home truths' and telling him face to face will most likely be hard as hell for you, and may not resolve a thing for you. It might even make it harder to walk. If you are the type to think "Ok, now I need to clear up that. Now, I need to get him to understand what he wasn't clearly understanding bc he was evading it." Or if anger gets your passion flaring, to move impulsively...or...just a lot of possibilities for that choice not to work out.

Guys like this married fella love to dangle a bit of cheese and a little bit of exlax is always in it.
The lack of respect he shows you - not even touching on the fact that this is an affair here - by not listening to you, evading addressing issues that are important to you, not acknowledging your feelings and position -
well, for some people it goats them on to try harder.

Don't be conned! His lack of regard for your feelings and time does NOT reflect on you one bit.
It doesn't mean you aren't worth being treated well! You do deserve that, and you can find it.

I suspect the most difficult aspect of this is not so much accepting what he has done to you, but what you have done to yourself.
Let it in. Allow yourself to know the truth.
It's the only way out, for the long haul, and it is what will raise your self-esteem.

You deserve better than this. Look at this forum here: we are all strangers, and yet we share this outlook and belief that you are worth a whole lot.

Cut this guy from your life and rediscover your own sense of worth. You can do it, we are pulling for you.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Dec, 2006 06:21 am
how to end an affair
You are so right--I realise this.
I am annoyed that I have allowed myself to become embroiled with this user. He has been playing me for years.

Telling me that he will pop round to see me and we don't have to do anything and then not phoning for a further 7 days. When he phones he tells me that he is going to the library for the afternoon which is obviously more important than seeing me. He also lets me know where he iwill be as the library is only about a mile from me so that I can chase after him if I want to. You are correct, I have been seeing it as a challenge and the more shoddily he treats me, I continue to pursue it. Treat them mean to keep them keen. It as if I want him to mend his ways because of me and I have to stop so that I can heal myself and never let it happen again.
He has the problem not me.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Dec, 2006 12:50 pm

Guys like this married fella love to dangle a bit of cheese and a little bit of exlax is always in it.

Great line. Well said.
0 Replies

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