stupid is as stupid does

Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 02:45 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Mame wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Mame wrote:
It's pretty obvious that Murtha's saying that terrorist activity in Iraq started when the US invaded Iraq.

That might be what he meant, but that's not what he said. Thus, wouldn't you agree that if he said something that conveyed a completely different meaning than what he intended -- specifically that terrorism started with Abu Ghraib and the invasion of Iraq -- that was a stupid thing to say?

Are any of you reasonable people willing to admit that it was a stupid thing to say?

Sorry, I'm not getting you. Having read the interview, it was pretty obvious to me that he was talking about terrorist activity in Iraq. Not everything needs to be spelled out. Taken in the context in which it was said, it was obvious that's what he meant. He wasn't talking about Sudan, he was talking about Iraq.

Yes, he was indeed talking about Iraq. And what he said about Iraq was that Abu Ghraib and the US invasion of Iraq was "when terrorism started."


You didn't take him to mean "terrorism in Iraq started"? Is this all we're quibbling over?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 02:57 pm
Mame wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Mame wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Mame wrote:
It's pretty obvious that Murtha's saying that terrorist activity in Iraq started when the US invaded Iraq.

That might be what he meant, but that's not what he said. Thus, wouldn't you agree that if he said something that conveyed a completely different meaning than what he intended -- specifically that terrorism started with Abu Ghraib and the invasion of Iraq -- that was a stupid thing to say?

Are any of you reasonable people willing to admit that it was a stupid thing to say?

You do quibble over some fairly non-sensical things, when you do quibble
Sorry, I'm not getting you. Having read the interview, it was pretty obvious to me that he was talking about terrorist activity in Iraq. Not everything needs to be spelled out. Taken in the context in which it was said, it was obvious that's what he meant. He wasn't talking about Sudan, he was talking about Iraq.

Yes, he was indeed talking about Iraq. And what he said about Iraq was that Abu Ghraib and the US invasion of Iraq was "when terrorism started."


You didn't take him to mean "terrorism in Iraq started"? Is this all we're quibbling over?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 03:57 pm
Mame wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Mame wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Mame wrote:
It's pretty obvious that Murtha's saying that terrorist activity in Iraq started when the US invaded Iraq.

That might be what he meant, but that's not what he said. Thus, wouldn't you agree that if he said something that conveyed a completely different meaning than what he intended -- specifically that terrorism started with Abu Ghraib and the invasion of Iraq -- that was a stupid thing to say?

Are any of you reasonable people willing to admit that it was a stupid thing to say?

Sorry, I'm not getting you. Having read the interview, it was pretty obvious to me that he was talking about terrorist activity in Iraq. Not everything needs to be spelled out. Taken in the context in which it was said, it was obvious that's what he meant. He wasn't talking about Sudan, he was talking about Iraq.

Yes, he was indeed talking about Iraq. And what he said about Iraq was that Abu Ghraib and the US invasion of Iraq was "when terrorism started."


You didn't take him to mean "terrorism in Iraq started"? Is this all we're quibbling over?

He didn't say "terrorism in Iraq started," and I've no idea whether or not that's what he meant.

He SAID terrorism started with Abu Ghraib and the invasion of Iraq. This is not a discussion over what someone might have meant by what they said, which could be entirely different from what they actually said. This is a discussion about what he said, and what he said was stupid. I think it's quite obvious that what he said was stupid. It was stupid for him to say it, whether he meant it the way you believe he did, or not. You, apparently, do not think it was stupid for him to say what he said, even though you believe what he said is not what he meant. That's what we're quibbling over.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 04:00 pm
Okay, your last para lost me. I no longer care! LOL
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 04:23 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Yes, he was indeed talking about Iraq. And what he said about Iraq was that Abu Ghraib and the US invasion of Iraq was "when terrorism started."


terrorism started in the garden of eden...

Hey, DTOM. How are you?

I'm glad you agree with me.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 04:24 pm
Mame wrote:
Okay, your last para lost me. I no longer care! LOL

I think we have reached a consensus. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 04:26 pm
Good! I like reaching a consensus Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 09:47 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Yes, he was indeed talking about Iraq. And what he said about Iraq was that Abu Ghraib and the US invasion of Iraq was "when terrorism started."


terrorism started in the garden of eden...

Hey, DTOM. How are you?

I'm glad you agree with me.

doin' great, tico. merry christmas! happy to say that i've recently converted a bass player buddy of mine to the church of gilmour Very Happy

there's nothing new about terrorism. just different episodes instigated by different folks for different reasons (i.e., excuses).
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 12:02 am
Ticomaya wrote:

Let's set aside for the moment your assertion about what "terrorism started" at the beginning of a sentence implies....

Now why should I want to do that? LoneStarMadam wrote the garbled version of what Murtha actually said for the express purpose of trying to make it seem that Murtha was saying that terrorism was unknown to the world before the US took over the Abu Ghraib prson. That's the whole point of garbling the quote in the first place.

If she posted the actual quote, it would become apparent, even in that short except you posted, that Murtha meant the Iraqi attacks on Americans began with the invasion-not before. Which is certainly not stupid.

Ticomaya wrote:
Quote #1: "Terrorism started with Abu Graib" .

Quote #2: "Well, I say that the fight against Americans began with Abu Ghraib. It began with the invasion of Iraq. That's when terrorism started. ..."

The plain language used by Murtha shows a clear meaning to express the belief that terrorism started with Abu Ghraib and the invasion of Iraq.

"The fight against the Americans" IS the terrorism Murtha was clearly referring to. Murtha made it clear by that sentence. The invasion and the putting of people in Abu Ghraib happened in the same time frame. We invaded, we stuck people in Abu Ghraib shortly after, and then the Iraqis fought back by use of terrorism. Later, foreign terrorists joined them.

Ticomaya wrote:
Thus, we can revise Quote #2 by taking out extraneous matter and be left with the following:

Revised Quote #2: "The fight against Americans began with Abu Ghraib [and] with the invasion of Iraq [and] that's when terrorism started."

If you don't agree with that revision, please explain why.

Revised Quote #2 can be further revised as follows:

Further Revised Quote #2: "Terrorism started with Abu Ghraib and with the invasion of Iraq."

What's wrong with Revised Quote #2 is that it ignores that the terrorism Murtha was referring to was the terrorism that Iraqis and the foreign sympathizers who came to join them was against the Americans who invaded Iraq. Your Revised Quote #2, as well as LoneStarMadam's, makes it seem that Murtha was trying to claim that terrorism was unknown before the Americans took over Abu Ghraib. That is a big difference.

Ticomaya wrote:
I don't know what Murtha meant...
Why? Murtha made it plain as day that the terrorism he referred to was the fight against the Americans. That is the very reason he said "the fight against the Americans" in the previous sentence!

Ticomaya wrote:
....and I'm not willing to concede that you have a grasp on his true meaning.
I'm not willing to concede that you haven't realized that Murtha was referring to the terrorism the Iraqi insurgents are using against the American troops there. Do you think he interrupted a whole interview about Iraq to suddenly wax historical about worldwide terrorism and it's origins? Please.

Ticomaya wrote:
But what I do know is IF that was his [Murtha's] meaning as you claim, it was very stupid for him to say, "[T]hat's when terrorism started," because those words carry an entirely different meaning, and the context does not rescue him.

Considering that he made it plain that the terrorism he was talking about was the Iraqi insurgents' fight against the American soldiers there, there was nothing stupid about it at all. Especially in the context where Adminstration supporters were still trying to draw links between Iraq and 911.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 01:25 am
Thank you, Kelticwizard, for letting me know I'm not on another planet. That's what I was trying to get across.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 02:56 am
it may well be that murtha, one of the few in congress that has military experience, understood that until the abu ghraib revelations the guys that wanted to rock the boat didn't have any leverage in the p.r. department.

on the other hand, maybe he really does think that all terrorism began in iraq. 3 years ago. as some insist he meant.

and why not? there are plenty of folks in america that truly believe that the earth is 10 thousand years old, despite accepted scientific evidence to the contrary.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 07:33 am
It amazes me that you guys can follow all the convolutions of what Murtha meant to say, yet are completely oblivious to anything Bush might say.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 07:35 am
McGentrix wrote:
It amazes me that you guys can follow all the convolutions of what Murtha meant to say, yet are completely oblivious to anything Bush might say.

This doesn't amaze me one bit....
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 07:35 am
I understand your amazement. Because it probably closely resembles my amazement at how much benefit of a doubt you and a few others are willing to extend to Bush.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 08:51 am
"They have an extera chromosome"
Al Gore once again sticking his foot in his mouth, he thought he was making fun of Republicans, but he was dissing Downs Syndrome kids. Disgusting
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 09:02 am
LoneStarMadam wrote:
"They have an extera chromosome"
Al Gore once again sticking his foot in his mouth, he thought he was making fun of Republicans, but he was dissing Downs Syndrome kids. Disgusting
Yes of course republicans have always felt the Downs children shoud be instutionalized.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 09:09 am
dyslexia wrote:
LoneStarMadam wrote:
"They have an extera chromosome"
Al Gore once again sticking his foot in his mouth, he thought he was making fun of Republicans, but he was dissing Downs Syndrome kids. Disgusting
Yes of course republicans have always felt the Downs children shoud be instutionalized.

Whatever that has to do with Al Gore & his really stupid is as stupid does
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 09:19 am
"I am running for president to enable the Godess of Peace to encircle within her arms the children of this country & the world"
Guess who? lol
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 10:44 am
kelticwizard wrote:

Ticomaya wrote:
Thus, we can revise Quote #2 by taking out extraneous matter and be left with the following:

Revised Quote #2: "The fight against Americans began with Abu Ghraib [and] with the invasion of Iraq [and] that's when terrorism started."

If you don't agree with that revision, please explain why.

Revised Quote #2 can be further revised as follows:

Further Revised Quote #2: "Terrorism started with Abu Ghraib and with the invasion of Iraq."

What's wrong with Revised Quote #2 is that it ignores that the terrorism Murtha was referring to was the terrorism that Iraqis and the foreign sympathizers who came to join them was against the Americans who invaded Iraq.

Oh, you mean Murtha meant to say that there wasn't any terrorism being used against Americans in Iraq before they actually invaded Iraq and became physically present in the country? Such sublime analysis ...

Nevermind then ... Murtha's clearly a genius. Rolling Eyes <---- Added in case anyone couldn't gather from the context that I was being sarcastic.

Your Revised Quote #2, as well as LoneStarMadam's, makes it seem that Murtha was trying to claim that terrorism was unknown before the Americans took over Abu Ghraib. That is a big difference.

Perhaps, but that's what he communicated.

Ticomaya wrote:
I don't know what Murtha meant...
Why? Murtha made it plain as day that the terrorism he referred to was the fight against the Americans. That is the very reason he said "the fight against the Americans" in the previous sentence!

Excuse me? "Plain as day"? You have struggled to argue the nuance of his intent based on subtle contextual clues, and you claim his communication was "plain as day"?

The question posed to Murtha that he was responding to was: "[Bush says], Iraq has become the center of terrorism - that if the U.S. appears to retreat in the face of that, that it will be a blow to the American fight against radical Islamic terrorism? What do you say to that?"

His response was to say there wasn't any terrorism before the US invaded Iraq. He might just be a poor communicator, but his response seems to ignore 9/11.

If all he is is a poor communicator, then for him to say what he said was stupid because it did not communicate what he intended to say.

Ticomaya wrote:
....and I'm not willing to concede that you have a grasp on his true meaning.
I'm not willing to concede that you haven't realized that Murtha was referring to the terrorism the Iraqi insurgents are using against the American troops there. Do you think he interrupted a whole interview about Iraq to suddenly wax historical about worldwide terrorism and it's origins? Please.

The only reason he would "interrupt" the interview to talk about "worldwide terrorism" was because the question asked of him related to worldwide terrorism and the fact that Iraq has become the center of it, and that a retreat would be "a blow to the American fight against radical Islamic terrorism." For him to respond to that question by saying -- as you claim he meant -- that terrorism in Iraq against Americans only started after the UN invaded, would be idiotic. After all, prior to the US invasion, all of the terrorism against Americans in Iraq would necessarily be limited to tourists. (And I don't recall Iraq being all that hot a tourist destination for Americans prior to the invasion.)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2006 10:44 am
Mame wrote:
Thank you, Kelticwizard, for letting me know I'm not on another planet. That's what I was trying to get across.

No, you're not on another planet, Mame. You're just on the wrong side of this one.

0 Replies

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