Ut Oh, Could Nancy Be Facing....

Monte Cargo
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 03:51 am
username wrote:
And you wouldn't find anyone bothering with any idiocy about trying to link Foley and Hastert if they hypothetically marched with a couple people in between them in some parade. What a dumb idea. They actually did have contacts, and it wasn't marching somewhere in the midst of a few thousand people. Barney Frank was censured. The Republicans swept Foley under the rug for years and ignored the whole thing until it grew too public and they had to react.

Too public? Is there anything more public than a parade? I don't understand the vitriol you show for republicans because you support NAMBLA and the age of consent in D.C. is sixteen. I would expect you to be rallying in support of Foley and the page, sending flowers and letters, etc. FYI, Foley didn't break any laws, and will not be arrested. He also had the decency to resign after being discovered, unlike Stutz or Frank. It's a dumb and stupid idea, as long as you are commenting in that manner, of your using Foley to support your argument. You see, you can't go around calling people homophobes who condemn NAMBLA and then cry that republicans aren't watchdogging men who pursue other young men. At least Foley was hitting on a 16 year old boy and not raping a ten year old child.

It's just like when you use ad hominem attacks (because you can't make your point any other way) of calling people homophobic because they don't approve of sex between a man and a ten year old boy. That apparently is okay with you.
0 Replies
Monte Cargo
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 04:01 am
username wrote:
Have you ever read the Constitution, MC? Do you realize that it guarantees the people certain rights, even if you, or somebody else doesn't like those people, they still have rights. Even you right wingers have rights. Even we leftwingers have rights. However much the government tries to trample them (I commend to you for your edification, Jedgar Hoover and his FBI's years of attempts to stifle and deny those rights during the Civil Rights and antiwar era of the 50s, 60s, and 70s). The ACLU defends the exercise of those rights by EVERYONE. That doesn't mean they endorse what they're saying, aanymore than they endorsed the Ku Klux Klan, whom they also defended. If people are denied their rights because they're unpopular, anybody, and everybody, can lose those rights. The ACLU defends everybody's Constitutionally-guaranteed rights, even yours, especially when government tries to take them away.

Yes, an organization gang-raped a 10 year old boy and it killed him. Those are the rights you want to protect? These are the people you are supporting. The entire organization leans toward pedophilia. Whether this was a man/boy, woman/boy, man/girl or woman/girl organization, the premise is the same. The First Amendment does not protect the practice of pedophilia under either the free speech feature or the establishment clause feature.

I hope that the judge rules for the parents of this little boy.

The same flag that you're waving guarantees my own rights to speak out against what I believe and what I believe is that Nancy Pelosi is a complete hypocrite. I speak out that when you are a blanket supporter of special gay rights, your broad base of support includes organizations like NAMBLA.

I disagree completely with your profile of the ACLU. They only support whose rights they select. They don't support the 90% of the population that approves of crosses in chapels or other public places. They don't protect any of the rights of privacy of organizations like the boy scouts not to have gay scout masters.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 04:43 am
There is some goddamned key near the SHIFT key that, if you hit it by mistake when typing an answer, your whole answer disappears, and I just hit it again for the third time to my knowledge while I've been on a2k and all three paragraphs vanished AGAIN.

I reiterate, MC, you and Spectator have shown absolutely no link except that a few thousand people marched and two specific people were somewher in that parade. There is NO evidence cited of any other link between them that I can see. And I also strongly suspect thqat you have zero experience of any actual parade, especially ones involving politicians. If you did, you would realize that bitter enemies can march in the same parade, and they can ceaselessly jockey for prime position, even as they hate each other'g uts. And most of the people in most parades have no idea who most of the people surrounding them are, let alone what the specifics of their political positions might be. Other than a few recognizable faces, everyone's marching in, mostly, anonymity. If that's the best connection you can come up with, I've rarely seen a weaker case.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 04:57 am
Monte Cargo wrote:
dlowan wrote:
Monte Cargo wrote:
dlowan wrote:
candidone1 wrote:
Yeah, I just finshed wiping her slime off my monitor.
Amazing how she did that.

I have said in another thread that LSM has earned from me silence. Perhaps you'll join me.
Perhaps others will join us.

Oh she has earned it indeed.

I will join you.....but sometimes she puts the devil in me.

It's dumb, I know.

Don't feed the troll.

What is it with you? Every last post of yours on this thread is nasty, baiting and taunting and offers no contribution on the subject. If you are that heated over the fact that Nancy Pelosi gets criticized, perhaps you should walk away from the board for a few hours and come back when you're a little more capable of posting reasonably. Ten pages of nasty posts is obsession, dear.

Nancy Pelosi's criticisms come from the superlatives she has uttered. It takes a lot of moxie for someone to call themselves the most ethical Congress in history, only to immediately turn around after saying that to try to arm-twist votes for a corrupt old drunk like John Murtha, or a convicted bribe-taker like Alcee Hastings.

You may see the most honest person in politics when you look into Nancy Pelosi's eyes, but she's burning karma for making some extraordinarily ill-planned declarations. Now she's got leadership and some pizzazz, to get where she is in such a short time, but the free press is going to roll and if you can't hack that, I suggest you get out of the way and let the free press go.


Ah, for the first time I tangle with you, and you are, predictably, full of it.

a. Yes, my posts here on this thread are nasty, because I am actually seriously outraged at the kind of slime this cretin posts re accusations of paedophilia.

Here's a suggestion...before sliming me, you may wish to spend a wee amount of time figuring out why I might react thus to lies re this. Hint: I work with the victims of paedophiles. Therefore I regard it very seriously and find sliming lies about it utterly sickening. Do you support such lies? Why? What defence do you have? What effect do you think these lies have? Why do you support them?

I can't afford to think of this stuff as a cretinous political tool, it is very real to me, and people who fefend false accusations re it make me want to vomit, because they degrade and falsify the reality.

b. Why should I walk away? If you agree with the sliming, give evidence. NOW! Otherwise, you are complicit in this degredation of political discourse, and I consider you no different to the slime madam.

Do you have no regard for reasoned political discourse in your country?

I have little knowledge of Ms pelosi, however, I do see that degraded political discourse in your country, such as you appear to support, has international consequences. And I care re whether your country continues to kill wantonly, or uses its power wisely.

So...evidence of Pelosi supportinfg child abuse, or shut up.

You're all over the map.

How does tossing repeated personal attacks on another poster help to prove your point or help to further the good of political discourse, as you have protested about?

FYI, I didn't slime you, just drew you out to find out what gives.

The ACLU gives a 90% rating to Nancy Pelosi and has contributed to Pelosi's campaign and this is the same association that condones the NAMBLA (National American Man/Boy Love Association).

WIth thanks to LittleBitty for this link and quote:
Which makes one curious about the presence of marcher number 34 in the 2001 Pride Parade. Marching a mere three spots away from the famous Harry Hay, no doubt waving and smiling to the crowd, was, as the Chronicle logged her in the Official Guide and Program Parade Lineup: "U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi."

This is the same Nancy Pelosi who publishes on her website the following:
"Republican leaders admitted to knowing about Mr. Foley's abhorrent behavior for six months to a year and failed to protect the children in their trust. Republican Leaders must be investigated by the Ethics Committee and immediately questioned under oath."

So Pelosi marched right next to the poster boy for the Man/Boy Love Association who claims to chair "the most ethical Congress in history" caught redhanded being a hypocrite.

I suspect your high-running emotions and personal feelings will blind you to the sober truth about the charlaitans and bullshitters that run in the democratic party.

Robert and Barbara Curley have filed a $200 million wrongful death lawsuit against the North American Man Boy Love Association -- an organization that defends what it calls 'intergenerational sex'. Critics call them pedophiles.

The Curleys' lawsuit claims that NAMBLA and seven of the group's leaders encouraged the "illegal rape of young male children," which ultimately led to the 1997 murder of their 10-year-old son Jeffrey Curley.

By the way, see my post about people lying on the internet. You state that you work protecting children, yet you fail to correctly spell the word pedophile. I seriously question the legitamacy of your claim given that someone who is employed protecting children's rights must certainly write letters and anyone who couldn't even correctly spell the word "pedophile" immediately raises a red flag in the credibility department. Sorry.

Your feeble attempts to shift the argument to war politics is easily dismissable. We are not talking about republicans, or George W. Bush, we are discussing Nancy Pelosi.

You people have been really good at bashing Bush for the past six years, and have gotten so steeped in Bush Derangement Syndrome that you freak out at the slightest criticism of one of your people. This is a classic example of being able to dish it out, but not being able to take it.

This is another example of the progressive liberal attempt to condone and encourage abhorent and deviant social behavior and hiding behind the First Amendment and the right to privacy.


There is evidence re the Republican leadership's protection of Foley.

Where, apart from this ridiculous "marching in spot 34", is evidence of Pelosi supporting nambla?

Do you seriously consider being in a parade with someone, along with thousands of others, evidence of actually supporting their views?

Do you contend that everyone in that parade is supportive of nambla?

Is your contention that the closer one marched, the closer one's views?

I therefore assume that you will be examining every parade indulged in by your heroes for any untoward fellow marchers?

Oh, please support your ACLU claim....

BTW, I also assume that you take peronal responsibility for every action and speech of every organisation which has ever expressed views supportive of yours, if you hold Pelosi responsible for every view expressed by an organisation which has expressed views supportive of her's.

GIVE ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE...you know, real evidence, words spoken by Pelosi, which support your slime, or shut up.

You are as mendacious and disgusting as LSM so far.

And, to avoid further stooping to your depths and that of your partner in slime, LSM, I will respond to you again IF you display ONE sliver of evidence. Not further pathetic innuendoes and illogical slander, but one shred of actual, direct, evidence that Pelosi supports child abuse.

You know, the type you would like to see if someone accused you and yours of this stuff. EVIDENCE, not malevolent and bigoted (I assume you to be honophobic? If not, PROVE it...after all, you slime with the homophobes...and your standard of proof is slime and innuendo, not any actual evidence...) and irrational libel and slander. Evidence.

You know...something she said, some piece of evidence she promoted...that kind of thing.


Good grief.

I just read your other other posts here, and you are now actually accusing anyone who does not parrot the same views as you of supporting Nambla!!!!!

You people are actually certifiably mad, or you have forever cemented your role here as troll and nothing better.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 04:57 am
You go, Lady Wabbit. Shocking, isn't it, and an indictment of the educational system in Texas, that someone apparently from the Lone Star State, one assumes, could indict you and try to denigrate your credentials for your entirely Classically correct spelling of pAEdophile, direct transliteration of the Greek root, as in archAEology, or AEneas and the AEneid. ah, parochialism.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 05:00 am
Ach...they are not worth wasting ire or debate on.

They are stupid, insane, or trolls.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 05:11 am
Sorry, Texas, mea culpa. By a lot of metrics that I've seen, your educational system really does pretty poorly, but it was actually MC, not LSM, who's the punk speller, and you don't necessarily claim the credit for him. At least as far as I know.

How right you are, deb.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 05:11 am
Yes, that Dlowan sure can be annoying when she gets on her soap box, can't she? Especially on those occasions when she's right (like now). Of course the NAMBLA freaks should be exterminated, but your evidence for indicting Pelosi (who's politics I dislike for real reasons) is a couple degrees to foolish to be considered laughable. Lies are hardly necessary to demonstrate her shortcomings and your cartoonish reaches mostly reflect badly on you.

The ACLU defends scum for the purpose of defending the rights of everyone who is to be presumed innocent... (you know; Americans Idea). If you respect the rule of law, then you, perhaps grudgingly, have to respect the people willing to go to bat for the worst mankind has to offer in order to preserve it.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 05:15 am
username wrote:
You go, Lady Wabbit. Shocking, isn't it, and an indictment of the educational system in Texas, that someone apparently from the Lone Star State, one assumes, could indict you and try to denigrate your credentials for your entirely Classically correct spelling of pAEdophile, direct transliteration of the Greek root, as in archAEology, or AEneas and the AEneid. ah, parochialism.
Pssst. Your indictment of the educational system in Texas, based on one person's shortcomings is just about as silly.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 05:24 am
Yes, that Dlowan sure can be annoying when she gets on her soap box, can't she? Especially on those occasions when she's right (like now). Of course the NAMBLA freaks should be exterminated, but your evidence for indicting Pelosi (who's politics I dislike for real reasons) is a couple degrees to foolish to be considered laughable. Lies are hardly necessary to demonstrate her shortcomings and your cartoonish reaches mostly reflect badly on you.

The ACLU defends scum for the purpose of defending the rights of everyone who is to be presumed innocent... (you know; Americans Idea). If you respect the rule of law, then you, perhaps grudgingly, have to respect the people willing to go to bat for the worst mankind has to offer in order to preserve it.

Surely the Apocalypse is at hand!!!!

0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 05:32 am
Shouldn't be long now. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 06:18 am
username wrote:
You go, Lady Wabbit. Shocking, isn't it, and an indictment of the educational system in Texas, that someone apparently from the Lone Star State, one assumes, could indict you and try to denigrate your credentials for your entirely Classically correct spelling of pAEdophile, direct transliteration of the Greek root, as in archAEology, or AEneas and the AEneid. ah, parochialism.


Nah. MC simply is so parochially Amerocentric that he appears unaware the rest of the English speaking world spells differently from the USA.

I am not from the USA, and I spell accordingly....the British way.

However, his amusing attempt to use his parochial spelling ignorance as evidence against somebody else's argument and credentials is only proof of the lack of quality and validity of his thought. I found it hilarious, and did not deem it worthy of rebuttal. His words will be enjoyed by those who know both spelling and me, though, as they are so completely and gloriously wrong.

This is especially ironically egregious as he does not similarly point out LSM's appalling spelling as evidence of LSM's ignorance and irrationality.


I did not stoop so low against LSM, but I am not surprised MC attempted to do so against me. In the event, it only highlighted his ignorance and the partisanship against which he affects to declaim. It's a classic.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 06:41 am
Lone Star Madam enters a thread, squats, and shits. It's the only thing she does. The smell she sends out is the only means she has to be noticed here. This isn't just a crude metaphor. Arsonists, in their frustrations and sense of alienation from the community around them, not uncommonly **** in the building they are about to set alight. Whatever unfortunate events and unhappy people have brought her to this condition one would wish undone. But the wishing doesn't do the trick. And in the meantime, the place is getting to smell pretty badly.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 06:56 am
blatham wrote:
Lone Star Madam enters a thread, squats, and shits. It's the only thing she does. The smell she sends out is the only means she has to be noticed here. This isn't just a crude metaphor. Arsonists, in their frustrations and sense of alienation from the community around them, not uncommonly **** in the building they are about to set alight. Whatever unfortunate events and unhappy people have brought her to this condition one would wish undone. But the wishing doesn't do the trick. And in the meantime, the place is getting to smell pretty badly.
Lone Star Madam is a she?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 07:47 am
As fun as it has been to read the last few pages,with the childish name calling and the tantrums going on,I would like to interject something.

As much as I detest Nancy Pelosi and her politics,in all fairness the charge that she took money from either NAMBLA or the ACLU does not stand up to scrutiny.

I looked at her finances,both her political AND her personal,and NOWHERE does it say she took money from either group in any of her campaigns.

You can see who the top contributors to her campaign were by clicking here...


You can find the personal and political financial reports of any member of congress at opensecrets.org.

As much as I detest her,I will not support anyone making the claim that she gets money from groups like that.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 07:51 am
mysteryman wrote:
As fun as it has been to read the last few pages,with the childish name calling and the tantrums going on,I would like to interject something.

As much as I detest Nancy Pelosi and her politics,in all fairness the charge that she took money from either NAMBLA or the ACLU does not stand up to scrutiny.

I looked at her finances,both her political AND her personal,and NOWHERE does it say she took money from either group in any of her campaigns.

You can see who the top contributors to her campaign were by clicking here...


You can find the personal and political financial reports of any member of congress at opensecrets.org.

As much as I detest her,I will not support anyone making the claim that she gets money from groups like that.

Integrity speaks.

Such charges are way too serious to make simply as part of partisan smearing.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 07:56 am
mysteryman, is congress a state/federal/other level?

(I asked back on page 9 in reference to one of your comments, but the question seems to have been lost in the sludge)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 07:59 am
ehBeth wrote:
mysteryman, is congress a state/federal/other level?

(I asked back on page 9 in reference to one of your comments, but the question seems to have been lost in the sludge)

Congress is federal,and as far as I kow Bush never ran for congress.
He ran for and won the job of governor of Texas (state) then ran for and won the office of President of the Us (federal).

If I am wrong and he did run for congress,please enlighten me.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 08:04 am
President Bush was born on July 6, 1946, in New Haven, Connecticut, and grew up in Midland and Houston, Texas. He received a bachelor's degree in history from Yale University in 1968, and then served as an F-102 fighter pilot in the Texas Air National Guard. President Bush received a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School in 1975. Following graduation, he moved back to Midland and began a career in the energy business. After working on his father's successful 1988 Presidential campaign, President Bush assembled the group of partners who purchased the Texas Rangers baseball franchise in 1989. On November 8, 1994, President Bush was elected Governor of Texas. He became the first Governor in Texas history to be elected to consecutive 4-year terms when he was re-elected on November 3, 1998.


Nope, he never was in Congress.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 08:11 am
Thanx Phoenix,
I didnt think he had ever run for Congress.
0 Replies

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