Carter blames Israel for Mideast conflict

Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2007 04:17 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2007 04:25 pm
Advocate wrote:

That clears it all up!

I am still interested in understanding your notion that while the United States is surely guilty of mass murder, Israel is not. You cited the total casualties in two wars fought by the U,S since 1964, and compared that to an arbitrary figure of "a few hundred" for Israel.

I asked you where the "few hundred" figure came from, and why you didn't act consistently and use the total casualties in Israel's wars during the same period, and the extra mortality inflicted on the Palestinians in the occupied territories. Finally,I noted the huge disparity in our relative populations, asking if you also considered that.

In view of your bland assertion, the question is fair and reasonable. Why won't you give us an answer?
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Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2007 04:29 pm
Advocate, Israel's background is what concerns most. The bombing of Lebanon should land Olmert at the Hague. The use of WMD by Israel in that war is well documented as well. And America's track record is a horror. Iran has not invaded another nation in over 2 centuries. The war in Gaza is another ongoing Israeli atrocity. The last time Israel showed a real interest in a dignified 2 state solution Rabin took a bullet. I think Ahmadinejad's call for regime change in Israel is a no brainer. Olmert should be charged with crimes against humanity in Lebanon and Gaza.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2007 04:31 pm
George, you don't seem to mind being a disingenuous. Unlike in the case of the USA, Israel's war were not of its making. Israel was attacked and defended itself.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2007 04:38 pm
blueflame1 wrote:
Advocate, Israel's background is what concerns most. The bombing of Lebanon should land Olmert at the Hague.

[That is total bull. Israel went to incredible lengths to avoid civilian casualties (e.g., dropping warnings from planes). It could have easily killed a million or so.]

The use of WMD by Israel in that war is well documented as well.

[This is untrue. Very few civilians were killed. Moreover, Hez used similar weapons on Israel.]

And America's track record is a horror. Iran has not invaded another nation in over 2 centuries. The war in Gaza is another ongoing Israeli atrocity. The last time Israel showed a real interest in a dignified 2 state solution Rabin took a bullet. I think Ahmadinejad's call for regime change in Israel is a no brainer.

[Be honest! Ahmadineejad is calling for Israel to be wiped off the map.]

Olmert should be charged with crimes against humanity in Lebanon and Gaza.

[This is unworthy of response.[
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2007 04:43 pm
Advocate wrote:
George, you don't seem to mind being a disingenuous. Unlike in the case of the USA, Israel's war were not of its making. Israel was attacked and defended itself.

Israel, in company with the Forces of Britain and France, invaded Egypt in 1956, following Nasser's seizure of the canal which the British in turn stole from Egypt 80 years earlier. Though there were preparations for conflict, assaults and offenses on both sides, Israel initiated the wars of 1956, 1967 and later in Lebanon.

What do you imply constitutes a just war? If the U.S. should come to the aid of Israel in one of its struggles against its neighbors, as we did for the South Vietnamese government in 1964, would you call that mass murder? "of our own making" is not an accepted definition of a just war.

One could make a very strong case that even Israel's defensive wars (and they were not all defensive) were unjust because they were defending the illegal and unjust seizure of the territory of other peoples and holding them in bondage, without rights or basic freedoms.

There is no basis here for one to believe that you are applying consistent standards, and considering all the salient facts in your truly outrageous assertion that while the United States is guilty of mass murder, Israel is not. That is a tortured interpretation of carefully selected facts and lies. It is itself a lie.

You still have not chosen to answer a clear and direct question related to your indefensable assertion. Why?
0 Replies
Monte Cargo
Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2007 10:15 pm
blueflame1 wrote:
Advocate, from what Ahmadinejad has said he wants a nuclear free ME and international arms treaties. Non-proliferation. There's no proof Iran is is breaking the Non-proliferation treaty yet on Bushie's suspicions sanctions were brought against them. That sure makes the UN Security Council and the treaty itself look a sham. Israel and the US and others are the ones known to have defied the treaty. As ElBaradei points out the double standards got to end.

What are you thinking? Ahmadenijad has defied every U.N. and security council resolution to stop Iran from pursuing it's nuclear ambitions. That's the single most important goal that Ahmadenijad has.

I'm actually quite amazed at the raw naivety of your post.
0 Replies
Monte Cargo
Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2007 10:25 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
Advocate wrote:
George, you don't seem to mind being a disingenuous. Unlike in the case of the USA, Israel's war were not of its making. Israel was attacked and defended itself.

Israel, in company with the Forces of Britain and France, invaded Egypt in 1956, following Nasser's seizure of the canal which the British in turn stole from Egypt 80 years earlier. Though there were preparations for conflict, assaults and offenses on both sides, Israel initiated the wars of 1956, 1967 and later in Lebanon.

What do you imply constitutes a just war? If the U.S. should come to the aid of Israel in one of its struggles against its neighbors, as we did for the South Vietnamese government in 1964, would you call that mass murder? "of our own making" is not an accepted definition of a just war.

One could make a very strong case that even Israel's defensive wars (and they were not all defensive) were unjust because they were defending the illegal and unjust seizure of the territory of other peoples and holding them in bondage, without rights or basic freedoms.

There is no basis here for one to believe that you are applying consistent standards, and considering all the salient facts in your truly outrageous assertion that while the United States is guilty of mass murder, Israel is not. That is a tortured interpretation of carefully selected facts and lies. It is itself a lie.

You still have not chosen to answer a clear and direct question related to your indefensable assertion. Why?

You persist in posting disingenuous statements as if you believed that repeating them ad nauseum would somehow make them true.

History just doesn't support your anti-Israeli prejudice, particularly with respect to the 5 day war of 1967. As I posted earlier, the country of Israel had a complete blockade of goods and services through the Strait of Homuz that was imposed by Egypt. Lyndon Johnson attempted to diplomatically resolve the conflict and Israel abided by the U.S. request not to wage war after the U.S. declared the Gulf of Aqaba to be an international waterway.

Obviously, a total blockade is an act of war. Before Israel launched an offensive, several Arab nations signed a defense pact and called for total destruction of Israel.
0 Replies
Monte Cargo
Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2007 10:31 pm
Advocate wrote:
The USA killed over 3 million in Nam, and about 600,000 in Iraq. That is big-time mass murder.

Some posters here remind me of John Kerry. This post reminds me a lot of his rhetoric.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2007 10:52 pm
Monte Cargo wrote:
You persist in posting disingenuous statements as if you believed that repeating them ad nauseum would somehow make them true.

History just doesn't support your anti-Israeli prejudice, particularly with respect to the 5 day war of 1967. As I posted earlier, the country of Israel had a complete blockade of goods and services through the Strait of Homuz that was imposed by Egypt. Lyndon Johnson attempted to diplomatically resolve the conflict and Israel abided by the U.S. request not to wage war after the U.S. declared the Gulf of Aqaba to be an international waterway.

Obviously, a total blockade is an act of war. Before Israel launched an offensive, several Arab nations signed a defense pact and called for total destruction of Israel.

The Straits of Hormuz are the entrance to the Persian Gulf - I think you meant Terran.

I have posted no disingenuous statements here. You are attacking a point I didn't make - ever. Moreover you, like Advocate, are evading any direct answers to the central points I have indeed made repeatedly. Who then is being disingenuous?

I said Israel initiated the war of 1967 in preemptive attacks on Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. That statement is literally true. I acknowledged Nasser's precipitating actions with respect to expelling the UN observers from Egyptian territory in Sinai (Israel had never allowed them on their side of the border), and by closing the Straits of Terran to Israeli shipping. I indicated that closing the Straits was indeed a causus belli -- against Egypt, but not against Syria and Jordan, which Israel also attacked without warning.

The central argument I have been repeating, and to which neither you nor Advocate have responded, concerned Israel's attempts to grab the land and commerce of the West Bank as a spoil of war, without taking any responsibility for the fate of its inhabitants. You have already acknowledged the truth of this statement - indeed you made it yourself.

Israel has occupied the West Bank and controlled the lives of its inhabitants for almost forty years now, while steadily expropriating their land and property, and granted them none of their basic human or political rights -- all in defiance of repeated Security Council resolutions, and, more significantly, the basic norms of behavior for civilized nations.

The so-called "peace" terms that Israel has offered were no better than those put forward by the late and unlamented Apartheidt government of South Africa, with respect to the African population of the country. Moreover they were misrepresented by Israel as representing 90% of the territory of the West Bank, when in fact it was only 40%, and that in 30+ enclaves, each completely surrounded by Israeli territory, and with no control of airspace or water rights. This is a basis for continued servitude, not a free state.

The theft of property and ethnic cleansing that Israel has practiced in the West Bank are acts of injustice comparable to those of Serbia and the former Government of South Africa.

I have no prejudice against Israel. I do have opinions based on observable facts. For your part, you have misrepresented my arguments, and gone to rather great lengths to avoid answering them directly.

Will you will next suggest I am an anti Semite? That is the usual (and most contemptable) last ditch escape from addressing the basic issues here.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2007 10:57 pm
The fact that Powers was not shot down does not prove that the U2 was not a spy plane. The fact that he has Russian Rubles shows a priori that he was on a mission related to Russia or the Soviet Union.

There is a saying that victimology may not necessarily makes the victim innocent. There is a make-up in Judaism and Israel that ensures isolation. It is based on a Book of Mythical proportions giving exclusive rights to righteousness based on Cleanliness taken from Zoroastrianism. It is an exclusive religion thus it isolates itself. It is a myth that Isaac was Abraham's ONLY begotten son when his first-born was Ishmael from his union with Hagar, the Egyptian hand-maiden. Abraham's many disowned sons and daughters from his other wives and concubines shows Abraham's lack of filial responsibility. The book presents a flat earth and a Babylonian myth of Creation.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 01:53 am
Overwrought nonsense. Few Christians or Jews take the scripture literally as you imply. There are zealots in nearly every religion who advocate exclusivity for themselves and oppression or a second place for others. Even in the contemporary world we see such things among Hindus, Sikhs, Moslems, Christians and Jews. Hardly an indictment of Judiasm exclusively.

Moreover Israel was largely the creation of secular, socialist Jewish emigrants from central Europe. I agree the concept of an exclusively Jewish state was advocated strongly by many Zionists, but it was far from certain in 1945 that things would turn out that way. Indeed it wasn't entirely exclusive after 1948, as a fairly large number of non Jewish Palestiniand remained in the new state. That they were not admitted to the IDF and suffered some degree of discrimination in the new state, and that immigration of non-Jews was subsequently eliminated was the result of the subsequent conflict and a number of what I believe were tragic mistakes on the part of Israel. The continuing hostility of the neighboring states was also a significant factor in this unhappy evolution.
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Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 07:53 am
Monte Cargo, let's see I can believe your spin or listen to El Baradei. Of course you completely ignore the violations of the US and Israel on non-proliferation. Double standards and hypocrisy. One thing that stands out with Bushie pushing preemptive wars and a blueprint for world domination is that the rest of the world is forced to seek deterrents. Maybe that's what war manufacturers like Bushie really want. Constant confrontation and war.
0 Replies
Monte Cargo
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 11:17 pm
blueflame1 wrote:
Monte Cargo, let's see I can believe your spin or listen to El Baradei.

Are you asking me to make a bet on which one you're more inclined to do? Laughing
Of course you completely ignore the violations of the US and Israel on non-proliferation. Double standards and hypocrisy.

If I do, it's because that particular chorus doesn't need any more choir members on this thread. It's not as final as all that. Did you also happen to hear that Bush condemned Israel for Israel's recent attacks on Gaza?
One thing that stands out with Bushie pushing preemptive wars and a blueprint for world domination is that the rest of the world is forced to seek deterrents.

Now it is this particular claim that most strongly strikes me as spin, and is something I'd expect hear from someone in Ahmadenijad's circle, instead of from a fellow American citizen. Try looking deeper, not only on Iran's fatwahs and jihads on Jews, but also give consideration to Hezbollah's dirtywork in Lebanon. There is also evidence that Ahmadenijad has been fueling both sides of the Iraqui insurgency, Blueflame, at the same time. Is Iran trying to take over the Lebanese government as a deterrent also? Is the action of deliberately sending two opposing sides into a nation to kill each other as well as Iraqui citizens, in addition to American soldiers also because Iran is being forced to "seek a deterrent"?

Maybe that's what war manufacturers like Bushie really want. Constant confrontation and war.

It seems that you are much harsher on the American president than you are on the Iranian president.

Were you also against the pursuit of the Taliban in Afghanistan? I hope, blueflame, that you are not part of the conspiracy 9-11 "Truth" cult. I have a higher regard for you than that.

Bush the war manufacturer...here's the problem I have with that epithet:
So your condemnation of war manufacturers can and must extend to Congress. 77 yes votes was more than the total of republicans in the 109th Congress. Quite a few democrats voted to authorize the use of force.

I'm also not understanding the world domination thing you're talking about. What world domination?
0 Replies
Monte Cargo
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 11:57 pm
talk72000 wrote:
The fact that Powers was not shot down does not prove that the U2 was not a spy plane. The fact that he has Russian Rubles shows a priori that he was on a mission related to Russia or the Soviet Union.

I posted two Wiki entries, both which supported the fact that Powers flew the U2 on a reconnaisance mission over Soviet territory. Powers was shot down but parachuted. He was found with Russian rubles.
There is a saying that victimology may not necessarily makes the victim innocent. There is a make-up in Judaism and Israel that ensures isolation. It is based on a Book of Mythical proportions giving exclusive rights to righteousness based on Cleanliness taken from Zoroastrianism. It is an exclusive religion thus it isolates itself. It is a myth that Isaac was Abraham's ONLY begotten son when his first-born was Ishmael from his union with Hagar, the Egyptian hand-maiden. Abraham's many disowned sons and daughters from his other wives and concubines shows Abraham's lack of filial responsibility. The book presents a flat earth and a Babylonian myth of Creation.

What particular group are you applying this metaphor to?
Please don't tell me that this is Ward Churchill rerun about the 9-11 victims in the hijacked airliners, the WTC and the Pentagon. You aren't going there, are you?
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Reply Tue 9 Jan, 2007 12:13 am
Reconnaissance means spying to me. There was no war. However, I do agree that Communism was a threat. I am just pointing out the mentality of Krushchev and probable cause for his belligerence that may have caused him to deliberately seek a confrontation with Kennedy after the U2 affair.

I want to deny both fanatical groups their claims. The Jews their Biblical claim and the Muslims their barbaric claims. These two religious groups are fueling the conflict as both are "an eye for an eye" creeds.
0 Replies
Monte Cargo
Reply Tue 9 Jan, 2007 12:53 am
georgeob1 wrote:
Monte Cargo wrote:
You persist in posting disingenuous statements as if you believed that repeating them ad nauseum would somehow make them true.

History just doesn't support your anti-Israeli prejudice, particularly with respect to the 5 day war of 1967. As I posted earlier, the country of Israel had a complete blockade of goods and services through the Strait of Homuz that was imposed by Egypt. Lyndon Johnson attempted to diplomatically resolve the conflict and Israel abided by the U.S. request not to wage war after the U.S. declared the Gulf of Aqaba to be an international waterway.

Obviously, a total blockade is an act of war. Before Israel launched an offensive, several Arab nations signed a defense pact and called for total destruction of Israel.

The Straits of Hormuz are the entrance to the Persian Gulf - I think you meant Terran.

Touché, George.

I have posted no disingenuous statements here. You are attacking a point I didn't make - ever. Moreover you, like Advocate, are evading any direct answers to the central points I have indeed made repeatedly. Who then is being disingenuous?

I said Israel initiated the war of 1967 in preemptive attacks on Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. That statement is literally true. I acknowledged Nasser's precipitating actions with respect to expelling the UN observers from Egyptian territory in Sinai (Israel had never allowed them on their side of the border), and by closing the Straits of Terran to Israeli shipping. I indicated that closing the Straits was indeed a causus belli -- against Egypt, but not against Syria and Jordan, which Israel also attacked without warning.

The statement is literally true, but some thought should be directed toward the context in which you made the statment, which was an item on a list of littanies to paint Israel as being the warmongering aggressor. The circumstances in which Israel attacked in the 1967 war are distinct from the manner in which Israel settled the war which was to keep the lands as their spoils.
The central argument I have been repeating, and to which neither you nor Advocate have responded, concerned Israel's attempts to grab the land and commerce of the West Bank as a spoil of war, without taking any responsibility for the fate of its inhabitants. You have already acknowledged the truth of this statement - indeed you made it yourself.

I never denied Israel kept land and did make the statement, as you pointed out, however I disagreed with you on the treatment of its inhabitants in that same post. It was I who argued that Palestinians receive health care and maintain rights to vote in the Knesset.
Israel has occupied the West Bank and controlled the lives of its inhabitants for almost forty years now, while steadily expropriating their land and property, and granted them none of their basic human or political rights -- all in defiance of repeated Security Council resolutions, and, more significantly, the basic norms of behavior for civilized nations.

Tell me, George, if you think what is found at this site is inclusive of those resolutions:
Now, have a look at the Security Council Resolutions concerning Iraq:
This annotated timeline of Iran's nuclear energy objectives predates the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq:
Iran is quickly earning its own set of sanctions from the Security Council and loudly scorns them, as is reported in this article:
The so-called "peace" terms that Israel has offered were no better than those put forward by the late and unlamented Apartheidt government of South Africa, with respect to the African population of the country. Moreover they were misrepresented by Israel as representing 90% of the territory of the West Bank, when in fact it was only 40%, and that in 30+ enclaves, each completely surrounded by Israeli territory, and with no control of airspace or water rights. This is a basis for continued servitude, not a free state.

The theft of property and ethnic cleansing that Israel has practiced in the West Bank are acts of injustice comparable to those of Serbia and the former Government of South Africa.

The Serbians might take the viewpoint that our former president led the charge to commit the most Serbian ethnic cleansing in the 1990s. Confused

On the subject of comparing the two Government of South Africa with the government of Israel, how many acts of terrorism do you suppose have ever been commited by the citizens of South Africa against the South African government? How many people in the South African government were killed by the South African citizens? How many bombs were planted by the South African citizens? How many missles were fired by the South African citizens?

Isn't it true that the citizens of Israel have been targeted by the neighboring Palestinians and other Arab operatives and groups countless times?

Isn't there a good reason for Israel to be protective of its airspace and land against its deadly and insurgent neighbors?[/QUOTE]
I have no prejudice against Israel. I do have opinions based on observable facts. For your part, you have misrepresented my arguments, and gone to rather great lengths to avoid answering them directly.

My only complaint is that you exaggerate a great deal and twist the facts out of context, which consistently comes out against Israel.
Will you will next suggest I am an anti Semite? That is the usual (and most contemptable) last ditch escape from addressing the basic issues here.

That's a pretty broad statement to make. What I have noticed mostly in your posts is a non-stop littany of Israel, while apologizing for and softsoaping the involvement of the Arab nations.
0 Replies
Monte Cargo
Reply Tue 9 Jan, 2007 01:14 am
talk72000 wrote:
Reconnaissance means spying to me.

Me too.
There was no war. However, I do agree that Communism was a threat. I am just pointing out the mentality of Krushchev and probable cause for his belligerence that may have caused him to deliberately seek a confrontation with Kennedy after the U2 affair.

The ongoing tension with Russa and Russia's allies after we were allies in World War II has often been called the Cold War.

On the one hand, Kennedy was talking peace but as you have aptly pointed out, he was suspicious as hell of the Soviets. In this one regard, it suddenly strikes me that perhaps the reason Gorbachev respected Reagan enough to pay his last respects at the Reagan funeral was because with Reagan, like him or not, you knew where you stood. While Reagan was friendly with Gorbachev, Reagan had a policy of "Trust but verify". Flying a U2 over Russia would have been much more consistent if Kennedy had said this instead of promising no spying and making all of the 1961 State of the Union rhetoric.

The point of the U2 fiasco presents one possibility, but I see quite a leap from knowing your adversary is spying on your nuclear missle sites and perpetrating an act of war. What do you think?

I see the Bay of Pigs invasion as an act of war on one of Russia's newest allies. I'm glad it's behind us.

I want to deny both fanatical groups their claims. The Jews their Biblical claim and the Muslims their barbaric claims. These two religious groups are fueling the conflict as both are "an eye for an eye" creeds.[/quote]
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jan, 2007 08:20 am
Yes, There is Apartheid in Israel

Jewish self-righteousness is taken for granted among ourselves to such an extent that we fail to see what's right in front of our eyes. It's simply inconceivable that the ultimate victims, the Jews, can carry out evil deeds. Nevertheless, the state of Israel practises its own, quite violent, form of Apartheid with the native Palestinian population.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jan, 2007 08:41 am
Monte Cargo, of course I'm one of the over 70 million Americans who dont believe the government's 911 theories and demand new and independant even international investigations. America deserves to see the government's scientists debate the likes of Steven Jones who has evidence of a demolition at WTC. Hopefully the new Congress will hold 911 hearings.
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