Citizen Border Patrols and the Law

Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 10:01 am
They always bring in Robert Byrd, who came clean and then renounced the KKK many years ago. Unlike certain other racist politicians.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 10:05 am
au1929 wrote:
Brown wrote
I have a far greater fear of Vigilantes than I do of "illegal" immigrants. I have good friends who are illegal immigrants who are quite decent people.

It matters little whether they are good friends and decent people. What does matter is they have no right to be in the US and are breaking the law. The should be expelled on sight.. In addition IMO legal action should be taken against those to harbor and give sustenance to illegals.

Lord have mercy, a reasoned voice, thank you, thank you. It seems that the fact that these people, decent, hard working, or whatever, are breaking the law & to some that just doesn't matter.
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Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 10:07 am
Having lived in the desert south-west all of my adult life I am familiar with "illegal immigration" and it is a problem. It is not the problem that racists demonstrate but it is a problem. It is an economic problem of the have-nots wanting to be the haves. I think (I have been wrong before0 that republican capitalism (supply and demand) would resolve the issue. If there were not jobs for the "illegals" there would not be demand.
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Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 10:07 am
edgarblythe wrote:
They always bring in Robert Byrd, who came clean and then renounced the KKK many years ago. Unlike certain other racist politicians.

Whats the matter, can't stand the heat? well, he/she said it so we can absolve our own little darkness. Rolling Eyes
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Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 10:10 am
NickFun wrote:
As bad as illegal immigration is, I sometimes wonder if there's a bit of racism going on. I suspect that if wealthy Canadians started streaming across our borders we would be welcoming them with open arms and talking about the tyrannical abuses of the Canadian government.

What??? You believe that we that are concerned about our laws being broken to the tune of thousands a month are a little racist? Do you feel that way about other criminals, or just the dark ones?
My family looks like the UN.
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Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 10:17 am
dyslexia wrote:
Having lived in the desert south-west all of my adult life I am familiar with "illegal immigration" and it is a problem. It is not the problem that racists demonstrate but it is a problem. It is an economic problem of the have-nots wanting to be the haves. I think (I have been wrong before0 that republican capitalism (supply and demand) would resolve the issue. If there were not jobs for the "illegals" there would not be demand.

& the problem gets worse by the day. This isn't a republican/democrat problem, this is an American problem. I don't blame the Mexicans for trying to find a better life, I do blame our gov't for allowing the illegal invasion to grow. The "North American Union" is looming closer by the day.
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Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 10:39 am
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Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 10:39 am
au1929 wrote:
Brown wrote
I have a far greater fear of Vigilantes than I do of "illegal" immigrants. I have good friends who are illegal immigrants who are quite decent people.

It matters little whether they are good friends and decent people. What does matter is they have no right to be in the US and are breaking the law. The should be expelled on sight.. In addition IMO legal action should be taken against those to harbor and give sustenance to illegals.

LEGAL action, not vigilante action....
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Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 10:41 am
Yeah, edgar. I saw that article this morning. Looks like yet another bunch of scam artists, taking advantage of people's fear to cash in.
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Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 10:45 am
LoneStarMadam wrote:
edgarblythe wrote:
They always bring in Robert Byrd, who came clean and then renounced the KKK many years ago. Unlike certain other racist politicians.

Whats the matter, can't stand the heat? well, he/she said it so we can absolve our own little darkness. Rolling Eyes

I advised you in another thread to read and think before posting. Byrd was guilty of racist actions when he was young. He publicly admitted this, then denounced the KKK and racism. You are beating a horse dead for many years in an attempt to divert attention from the ones still active in the Republican party.
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Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 10:46 am
blacksmithn wrote:
au1929 wrote:
Brown wrote
I have a far greater fear of Vigilantes than I do of "illegal" immigrants. I have good friends who are illegal immigrants who are quite decent people.

It matters little whether they are good friends and decent people. What does matter is they have no right to be in the US and are breaking the law. The should be expelled on sight.. In addition IMO legal action should be taken against those to harbor and give sustenance to illegals.

LEGAL action, not vigilante action....

Vigilant action has served this country well from time to time. When the gov't does not protect this country, then what? We just allow the intruders to march on? There's not just the economic hardship it brings, there's also the terrorists that it can bring. There's more than Mexicans/Canadians crossing the borders.
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Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 10:51 am
edgarblythe wrote:
LoneStarMadam wrote:
edgarblythe wrote:
They always bring in Robert Byrd, who came clean and then renounced the KKK many years ago. Unlike certain other racist politicians.

Whats the matter, can't stand the heat? well, he/she said it so we can absolve our own little darkness. Rolling Eyes

I advised you in another thread to read and think before posting. Byrd was guilty of racist actions when he was young. He publicly admitted this, then denounced the KKK and racism. You are beating a horse dead for many years in an attempt to divert attention from the ones still active in the Republican party.

Byrd used the "n word" not so long ago on TV, maybe you didn't know that? He of course, was not chastised by his loyal followers for that.
I don't give two hoots about dems or repubs, I do care about the hypocricy that is shown all the time.
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Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 10:52 am
LonestarMadam is as dense as they come, and a racist par excellence,
and it is presented in writing by herself.

I really didn't believe that people like her exist.
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Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 11:05 am
CalamityJane wrote:
LonestarMadam is as dense as they come, and a racist par excellence,
and it is presented in writing by herself.

I really didn't believe that people like her exist.

In your world, I'm sure not much exists.
If you think you can draw me out by calling me a racist, think again, you'll find that I don't give a crap what you or any like you thinks of me.
Now get back in your sand box, you're cluttering up reasonable thought.
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ebrown p
Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 11:06 am
LoneStarMadam wrote:

Vigilant action has served this country well from time to time. When the gov't does not protect this country, then what? We just allow the intruders to march on? There's not just the economic hardship it brings, there's also the terrorists that it can bring. There's more than Mexicans/Canadians crossing the borders.

There are many examples of normal citizens deciding that they don't like what their government is doing (or not doing) and decided to take matters in their own hand.

One example of this waslynching. Lynch mobs told themselves that they were defending the law when the government couldn't protect them the way they wanted to be protected.

I can't think of a single example where this kind of "vigilant" activity turned out good.

The fact is we live in a democracy. For every American citizen who feels as you do that these worker constitute an invasion, there is at least one American citizen like me who feels that human beings should be treated with compassion irregardless of their status.

This is the reason that the attempt of some Republicans to pass harsh anti-illegal-immigrant legislation on the national level failed. They were unable to get the public support necessary (yes they got strong support from a very vocal minority, but many of us American citizens opposed them just as strongly.)

I am completely happy to work this out in a civilized manner-- through spirited public debate that leads to political movement through the Democratic process.

I would never suggest people taking up arms, even when conservatives have broken the law in their attempt to act against immigrants illegal or legal.

Let's at least agree to support the democratic process.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 11:15 am
LoneStarMadam wrote:
You apparently do not know the face of desperation.

I didn't get a picture from your webcam.
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Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 11:16 am
E Brown
As usual you are for law and order only when it serves you purpose. Illegal aliens breaking the law OK [you support it} Citizens taking action when the government won't NG. That's illegal. As you have indicated many times in the past law should be adhered to selectively.
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Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 01:58 pm
ebrown_p wrote:
LoneStarMadam wrote:

Vigilant action has served this country well from time to time. When the gov't does not protect this country, then what? We just allow the intruders to march on? There's not just the economic hardship it brings, there's also the terrorists that it can bring. There's more than Mexicans/Canadians crossing the borders.

There are many examples of normal citizens deciding that they don't like what their government is doing (or not doing) and decided to take matters in their own hand.

One example of this waslynching. Lynch mobs told themselves that they were defending the law when the government couldn't protect them the way they wanted to be protected.

I can't think of a single example where this kind of "vigilant" activity turned out good.

The fact is we live in a democracy. For every American citizen who feels as you do that these worker constitute an invasion, there is at least one American citizen like me who feels that human beings should be treated with compassion irregardless of their status.

This is the reason that the attempt of some Republicans to pass harsh anti-illegal-immigrant legislation on the national level failed. They were unable to get the public support necessary (yes they got strong support from a very vocal minority, but many of us American citizens opposed them just as strongly.)

I am completely happy to work this out in a civilized manner-- through spirited public debate that leads to political movement through the Democratic process.

I would never suggest people taking up arms, even when conservatives have broken the law in their attempt to act against immigrants illegal or legal.

Let's at least agree to support the democratic process.

I enjoy reading your posts, you too stand for what you believe in & do it without the vitriol.
I believe that republicans & dems alike, not all of either party, are arm in arm in this lack of border control, & both for nefarious reasons, VOTES.
I welcome legal immigrants, where would we be without our ancestors. I do not support amnesty for those that sneaked across our borders, if nothing else, it isn't fair to those that have & are standing in line I am for sending them home, wherever that may be, & it isn't just Mexico.
As for vigilantes, our forefathers could be looked at as such.
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Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 02:01 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
LoneStarMadam wrote:
You apparently do not know the face of desperation.

I didn't get a picture from your webcam.

King. (or queen) of the one line cheap shots.
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Monte Cargo
Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 02:07 pm
CalamityJane wrote:
LonestarMadam is as dense as they come, and a racist par excellence,

Oh my God! LoneStarMadame is such a racist. Imagine someone having the nerve to want our country to enforce it's borders from the rushing surge of illegal immigrants! Why, how racist of LoneStar! Shocked

It shows your not being exactly a rocket scientist to be gratuiously labeling posters as racists, simply for opposing a runaway influx of illegals.

Hey, if you like it so much, let's send two blacks, two Hispanics, and two Asians, and two Dutch over to your place tonight. They get to eat your food, run your water, electricity, use your towels, your toilet paper, your sofa and your bed. They'll curse you in Spanish or Chinese if you say anything to them. If you do anything to try to kick any of these people out, then you're a perfect racist. Oh, and they get to stay as long as they want and you have to pay for their health care. That's Jane's world.
and it is presented in writing by herself.

I really didn't believe that people like her exist.

The term "Ostrich", with its head tucked neatly under the sand comes to mind when I read your post. If you actually paid attention to the nation's top issues, you'd find lots of people like her that exist, both republican and democrat. Illegal immigration tops the charts.

People like you are perfect for the democratic (and often republican) leadership to use. A block of support for illegals means more democratic votes from the leader's point of view and more cheap labor for big business from the republican's point of view. The people who are truly losing are YOU, CJ, the public. Bright people do manage to understand this concept. Good luck.

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