Exactly, osso! I think we who live(d) in southern California have
a pretty good picture of what illegals are capable of - namely working
hard and trying to stay out of trouble. They don't deserve to be hunted
down by white supremacists or any other lunatic group.
ossobuco wrote:
I know there are some vicious thugs out there, but fright of an illegal in the garage seems very bugaboo-ish.
Reminds me a little, not, of my grandmother, who used to feed the "old soldiers", that was back in west LA in the thirties.
My "fright" was very real and I didn't know this person was illegal. I just heard someone break in, end of story. There's more to why I am personally afraid of someone,
anyone breaking in, but that's really none your business.
Did your grandmother also call the police on the old soldiers as has been suggested to me here?
CalamityJane wrote:Exactly, osso! I think we who live(d) in southern California have
a pretty good picture of what illegals are capable of - namely working
hard and trying to stay out of trouble. They don't deserve to be hunted
down by white supremacists or any other lunatic group.
Southern California is a big state. You may not be the only two people who live there.
ebrown_p wrote:KKK wrote:
There is a civil war happening in America. What do I mean by a civil war? It is not between the northern and southern states, it is a civil war of legal and illegal immigration and invasion.
Historians have told us that throughout history great nations have risen and fallen. An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit national suicide. I believe today that America is committing Immigration suicide and we are truly in the midst of an immigration war.
Our white European Christian heritage is being invaded and replaced by a third world alien culture. The white European immigrants of years before are now at a trickle compared to the mass of Mexicans, Asians, and Africans. The Mexican illegals and other non-whites from South America pour across our border - over 2,000 a day. With all immigrants - legal and illegal totals close to 37 million annually...
Link from KKK website
Thomas Robb (the leader of the largest modern KKK group) is at the root of the rhetoric of "invasion" that has seeped into the mainstream.
I see that the KKK is supportive of this cause, but what I don't see is any information showing that the Minutemen Project is a front for the KKK. They've been called names, yes, but I don't see anything to support the contention that they are in fact the KKK.
"Southern California is a big state. You may not be the only two people who live there."
Laughing, I bet between us we know a lot of the others.
On fear of intruders, I understand that. Freaking because they might be illegal and therefore dangerous????
My grandmother didn't call the police, she answered the door and fed people. And my family was pointed at earlier, walking together to church as they did, back in the early twenties. LA is a melange and I'm part of it.
My husband, back when he was about sixteen, was a victim of home invasion over in south LA. Guys came in the door with one of them having a shotgun. Family down on the floor. His older brother told them where the piggy bank was. Their mother, crippled from arthritis, but closer to the door, hobbled out the front door and ran for help, yelping help, just as I would, sorta squeaky. One of the intruders said, get the bitch.
But they didn't, they just left.
Took years for him to stop looking over his shoulder, after he met me and we got a house together.
But, those intruders weren't illegal. They were local kids, sons of fathers whose factory jobs had gone down, raised as small boys in gang territory.
My niece is black and has gone to a LA publc highschool. She's dealt with a lot of stuff, and someone being illegal would be the least of it.
ossobuco wrote:"Southern California is a big state. You may not be the only two people who live there."
Laughing, I bet between us we know a lot of the others.
On fear of intruders, I understand that. Freaking because they might be illegal and therefore dangerous????
No, freaking because of a personal experience involving a crime that was not a burglary. I'm not comfortable sharing anything more than that.
Suffice it to say that the least of my worries were the status of the person in this circumstance. It was only upon learning that it was only a burglary and the additional information offered by the police that I could properly reflect on what happened that night.
ossobuco wrote:My grandmother didn't call the police, she answered the door and fed people. And my family was pointed at earlier, walking together to church as they did, back in the early twenties. LA is a melange and I'm part of it.
My husband, back when he was about sixteen, was a victim of home invasion over in south LA. Guys came in the door with one of them having a shotgun. Family down on the floor. His older brother told them where the piggy bank was. Their mother, crippled from arthritis, but closer to the door, hobbled out the front door and ran for help, yelping help, just as I would, sorta squeaky. One of the intruders said, get the bitch.
But they didn't, they just left.
Took years for him to stop looking over his shoulder, after he met me and we got a house together.
But, those intruders weren't illegal. They were local kids, sons of fathers whose factory jobs had gone down, raised as small boys in gang territory.
My niece is black and has gone to a LA publc highschool. She's dealt with a lot of stuff, and someone being illegal would be the least of it.
I'm not sure what comparison you were trying to make with regard to your grandmother and the soldiers.
I'm sorry to hear about the situations above. Sometimes an experience can inflict such deep wounds that it takes years for one to truly recover.
I still cannot minimize the fright I felt that night, and I offer no apologies.
I understand about the original instance.
But this other galumph landing in your garage is a reason we should fear all illegal aliens (whatever their status)?
Sorry, I don't mean to diminish your fear, I'll easily accept that fear. I've had people I'm afraid of, though not, as it happens, illegally in the US. Just won't jump to that we all need to do that too, re illegals as a group.
ossobuco wrote: I understand about the original instance.
Good, great. I would think the rest that follows would then be deemed unnecessary.
Quote:But this other galumph landing in your garage is a reason we should fear all illegal aliens (whatever their status)?
Who said that? Please show me where I've made that statement.
Quote:Sorry, I don't mean to diminish your fear, I'll easily accept that fear. I've had people I'm afraid of, though not, as it happens, illegally in the US. Just won't jump to that we all need to do that too, re illegals as a group.
And yet you do just that, or attempt to in my opinon. Can you please point out where I have said I was afraid of someone because they were illegal?
Well, my fragile grandmother didn't worry about weirdos coming to her door. Not that I was there, I was a forties baby. But I heard about it.
Re fear -
I'm more in between, personally. I'm touchy about answering the door,
I've an eye problem re night vision, and am less physically adept than I used to be even in daytime, so I understand fear in a variety of ways. My new neighborhood seems to be virtually all welcoming me, latino or anglo, and I am relieved to see my immediate neighbor has a black friend, for when my niece visits she'll be quite the apparent person. On the other hand, she'll make friends faster than me.
LittleBitty wrote:CalamityJane wrote:Exactly, osso! I think we who live(d) in southern California have
a pretty good picture of what illegals are capable of - namely working
hard and trying to stay out of trouble. They don't deserve to be hunted
down by white supremacists or any other lunatic group.
Southern California is a big state. You may not be the only two people who live there.
LittleBitty wrote:ossobuco wrote:
Sorry, I don't mean to diminish your fear, I'll easily accept that fear. I've had people I'm afraid of, though not, as it happens, illegally in the US. Just won't jump to that we all need to do that too, re illegals as a group.
And yet you do just that, or attempt to in my opinon. Can you please point out where I have said I was afraid of someone because they were illegal?
Diminished personal experience with southern California immigration situation vs. diminished personal experience with fear of strangers.
Is one of the above statements any more diminishing than the other?
Butrflynet wrote:LittleBitty wrote:CalamityJane wrote:Exactly, osso! I think we who live(d) in southern California have
a pretty good picture of what illegals are capable of - namely working
hard and trying to stay out of trouble. They don't deserve to be hunted
down by white supremacists or any other lunatic group.
Southern California is a big state. You may not be the only two people who live there.
LittleBitty wrote:ossobuco wrote:
Sorry, I don't mean to diminish your fear, I'll easily accept that fear. I've had people I'm afraid of, though not, as it happens, illegally in the US. Just won't jump to that we all need to do that too, re illegals as a group.
And yet you do just that, or attempt to in my opinon. Can you please point out where I have said I was afraid of someone because they were illegal?
Diminished personal experience with southern California immigration situation vs. diminished personal experience with fear of strangers.
Is one of the above statements any more diminishing than the other?
Neither is true in my case, so I'm not in any position to answer your question.
Walter Hinteler wrote:LoneStarMadam wrote:Walter Hinteler wrote:I see. Yes, they didn't come with Mayflower.
Ya know, I'm still waiting for you to add something to a thread, other than cheap shots.

You see, dear madam, I'm here a couple of years and some thousands of posts longer than you.
Can you please explain how YOU are waiting for that? Did you really read all my own threads (you started how many, you said?) and replies
But don't get desperate: I'll continue to try and to do my best.
I don't care if you've been here since dirt, that doesn't change the fact that all you've done with your posts to me is to take cheap shots.
Desperate? You apparently do not know the face of desperation.
As bad as illegal immigration is, I sometimes wonder if there's a bit of racism going on. I suspect that if wealthy Canadians started streaming across our borders we would be welcoming them with open arms and talking about the tyrannical abuses of the Canadian government.
CalamityJane wrote:LoneStarMadam wrote:& when was the last time YOUR property or you, your family were confronted by an illegal immigrant wanting to take YOUR property or do you/your family harm?
The gov't isn't stopping it, do you listen to or read the news?
Sweetheart, I am in San Diego, and we live with a huge population of
illegals. None of them ever took anything from me, never even attempted
to. All they want, is work to feed themselves and their hungry family.
They're decent people, just poor and in need of work and food.
I probably get more firsthand experience than you ever gather from
the newspapers, and judging from your writing you seem to just read the
headlines, as the fine print is not visible through your blinders.
I don't believe that I asked where you live, however, living in San diego isn't the same as living on a ranch, is it. You do have the advantage of police protection, the ranchers do not, not as readily anyway,
I don't get my info from the newspapers, I live in it!!
CalamityJane wrote:LoneStarMadam wrote:Do you people know that most Mexicans, LEGAL ONES, are as angry over the invasion as MOST WHITE AMERICANS ARE?? They are here in South central Texas for sure.
Why would you single out white Americans? Aren't we a bit racist, hm?
A bit PC are we?

Why is it that some believe that to
win a debate that they can throw on that boogieman racist card & all will gasp & go away, that dog quit huntin a long time ago with me.
I don't give a damn if the invader or perp is purple with green spots. or whatever, they break the law, they're fair game!! The cops can't get there in time to protect me or mine, too bad, they're mine. You want to sit on your haunches & have your family raped, abused, fine, I won't allow it for mine!!
ebrown_p wrote:KKK wrote:
There is a civil war happening in America. What do I mean by a civil war? It is not between the northern and southern states, it is a civil war of legal and illegal immigration and invasion.
Historians have told us that throughout history great nations have risen and fallen. An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit national suicide. I believe today that America is committing Immigration suicide and we are truly in the midst of an immigration war.
Our white European Christian heritage is being invaded and replaced by a third world alien culture. The white European immigrants of years before are now at a trickle compared to the mass of Mexicans, Asians, and Africans. The Mexican illegals and other non-whites from South America pour across our border - over 2,000 a day. With all immigrants - legal and illegal totals close to 37 million annually...
Link from KKK website
Thomas Robb (the leader of the largest modern KKK group) is at the root of the rhetoric of "invasion" that has seeped into the mainstream.
Robert Byrd, the former grand poop of the KKK tell you that?
Brown wrote
Quote: I have a far greater fear of Vigilantes than I do of "illegal" immigrants. I have good friends who are illegal immigrants who are quite decent people.
It matters little whether they are good friends and decent people. What does matter is they have no right to be in the US and are breaking the law. The should be expelled on sight.. In addition IMO legal action should be taken against those to harbor and give sustenance to illegals.