If there Is A Draft....

Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 08:23 am
au1929 wrote:
LoneStarMadam wrote:
au1929 wrote:
Too many lost posts today and having to register and reregister at least five times I think it is time to quit for the evening.

How convenient. Rolling Eyes

Here is your answer you sarcastic blowhard
au1929 wrote:
LoneStarMadam wrote:
au1929 wrote:
Regarding the draft. If and when there is a national emergency and a shortage of people in the Armed forces a draft is inorder. However, when the president, as this one did decides to start a war of choice my response is the hell with him. Put a uniform on him and his neocon followers and let them go to fight it.

What war that we have been involved in do you agree with?
You'd rather wait for an emergency & then draft, I see.
Why would you want all Americans that you don't agree with to fight & maybe die?

WW2 was a war that for the sake of mankind had to be fought. And Korea [my war] was fought against an aggressor and to preserve a sovereign nation as was IRAQ l.

I should point out that prior to about one year prior to WW2 there was no draft. It was only instituted when needed.

I would rather have those who started the unnecessary and unjustified war of choice fight it rather than America's treasure, it's young fight and die for no reason.

you sarcastic blowhard
Hmmm, didn't you whine something like LSM/Monte Cargo, if all you can do is blah, blah, please take it to another forum Of course after I showed you a partucularly nasty ppost where I was called a racist, you just skipped over that. SO being a bit hypocritical, are we? A tad sanctamonious?
WW2, was a war to save mankind, yes it was, do you think terrorists will just set back if we leave Iraq now?
I know there was no draft pre WWII, however, FDR too damn near obliterated what little military we had, then when an emergency arose, he dang near killed the ones that were drafted, they had to do double time to get ready. We lost 1700 on day 1 at Normandy. FDR also censored the media, had he not, we'd have had to cut & run in that war as well.
Korea, was a police action, Truman didn't have the guts to call it a war. Why did we go to Korea? For much the same reason we're in Iraq, why we went to Bosnia. I'm sorry that you & a bunch of blow hards here believe that the only good wars are ones that democrats start.
Did you know that after FDR nearly obliterated our military pre WWII, that France had a bigger military than we did?
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Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 08:47 am
Blowhard was the mildest description I could find to describe you. If you wanted to be treated with respect you have to give it to others. That is something you were never taught or possibly never learned.
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Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 08:53 am
LoneStarMadam wrote:
When our country is at war, you think it's ok to NOT stand with our president?

When said war is unnecessary and immoral, it is the duty of citizens who believe as much to say so, publicly.

I was not for us going to Iraq anymore than I was for bombing Bosnia back to the stone age, however, as we are in Bosnia & we are in Iraq, I stood with BC (& I absolutely deplore him) & our troops, & I stand with GB & our troops.

We didn't "bomb Bosnia back to the stone age," you do your point of view no favors by making **** up. We went into Bosnia only after tens of thousands of Bosnians had been murdered in cold blood by the Bosnian Serbs, sustained by the Serbian government. United States Air Forces did attack Bosnian Serb military targets, and later, United States Army forces took positions as peace keepers. The United States did not launch a "shock and awe" campaign against Serbia, followed by an open-ended occupation with the goal of establishing military bases. You're comparing apples to oranges. Additionally, the operations, first in Bosnia, and then against Serbia and in Kosovo, were NATO operations in which other NATO members participated, by consent. Our invasion of Iraq was a bi-lateral operation by the United States and England, in which, only later, a hodge-podge of nations participated, in the hope of gaining cash or political capital. The two operations don't even remotely resemble one another. I understand, of course, the need rightwingnuts have to being Clinton into any discussion of the Shrub--it's the "oh yeah, well look how bad your guy was" technique. Too bad it doesn't work because the two situations are not even remotely similar.

I truly believe politics stop at the waters edge in time of war

You swim against the tide of American history, in that case. The people of New England, upon whose behalf, largely, the War of 1812 was prosecuted, called it "Mr. Madison's War," condemned the war and the President, and got busy trading with the enemy. The Mexican War was equally opposed--once again, largely in New England, and hence, Thoreau's Civil Disobediance--and Polk was roundly condemned. Ulysses Grant, who fought in that war, and was later President, wrote (after serving two terms as President): For myself, I was bitterly opposed to the measure, and to this day regard the war, which resulted, as one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation. It was an instance of a republic following the bad example of European monarchies, in not considering justice in their desire to acquire additional territory.

These are the two most striking examples, although men and women of good conscience have opposed every war in which the United States has been involved. It is reasonable for Americans to object to and oppose wars they consider unjust, and i can think of few things more stupid than to claim that we should "support" (translation: don't question) a President just because the idiot has involved us in a war.

As another President wrote, and a Republican President who proportionally polled more votes than any other President except Washington (who ran unopposed):

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."

-- Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., The Kansas City Star, May, 1918.
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Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 08:57 am
au1929 wrote:
Blowhard was the mildest description I could find to describe you. If you wanted to be treated with respect you have to give it to others. That is something you were never taught or possibly never learned.

I'm sorry, what gave you the impression that I want your respect? That I care what you think of me? It would be nice if you would post to the topic rather than trying to be a nanny. I would rather that you weren't so hypocritical & sanctamonious, but, I enjoy posting & realize that there are all kinds of people.
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Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 09:06 am
Setanta wrote:
LoneStarMadam wrote:
When our country is at war, you think it's ok to NOT stand with our president?

When said war is unnecessary and immoral, it is the duty of citizens who believe as much to say so, publicly.

I was not for us going to Iraq anymore than I was for bombing Bosnia back to the stone age, however, as we are in Bosnia & we are in Iraq, I stood with BC (& I absolutely deplore him) & our troops, & I stand with GB & our troops.

We didn't "bomb Bosnia back to the stone age," you do your point of view no favors by making **** up. We went into Bosnia only after tens of thousands of Bosnians had been murdered in cold blood by the Bosnian Serbs, sustained by the Serbian government. United States Air Forces did attack Bosnian Serb military targets, and later, United States Army forces took positions as peace keepers. The United States did not launch a "shock and awe" campaign against Serbia, followed by an open-ended occupation with the goal of establishing military bases. You're comparing apples to oranges. Additionally, the operations, first in Bosnia, and then against Serbia and in Kosovo, were NATO operations in which other NATO members participated, by consent. Our invasion of Iraq was a bi-lateral operation by the United States and England, in which, only later, a hodge-podge of nations participated, in the hope of gaining cash or political capital. The two operations don't even remotely resemble one another. I understand, of course, the need rightwingnuts have to being Clinton into any discussion of the Shrub--it's the "oh yeah, well look how bad your guy was" technique. Too bad it doesn't work because the two situations are not even remotely similar.

I truly believe politics stop at the waters edge in time of war

You swim against the tide of American history, in that case. The people of New England, upon whose behalf, largely, the War of 1812 was prosecuted, called it "Mr. Madison's War," condemned the war and the President, and got busy trading with the enemy. The Mexican War was equally opposed--once again, largely in New England, and hence, Thoreau's Civil Disobediance--and Polk was roundly condemned. Ulysses Grant, who fought in that war, and was later President, wrote (after serving two terms as President): For myself, I was bitterly opposed to the measure, and to this day regard the war, which resulted, as one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation. It was an instance of a republic following the bad example of European monarchies, in not considering justice in their desire to acquire additional territory.

These are the two most striking examples, although men and women of good conscience have opposed every war in which the United States has been involved. It is reasonable for Americans to object to and oppose wars they consider unjust, and i can think of few things more stupid than to claim that we should "support" (translation: don't question) a President just because the idiot has involved us in a war.

As another President wrote, and a Republican President who proportionally polled more votes than any other President except Washington (who ran unopposed):

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."

-- Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., The Kansas City Star, May, 1918.

We didn't bomb Bosnia back to the stone age? you're correct, we bombed them into submission, killing thoudands of innocents from 30,000 feet. All's fair in love & war, right?
I never said that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong & i had & have plenty of criticisms of him, I did say in time of war, politics should stop at the waters edge. We are at war, it doesn't matter if it was/is right or wrong, criticism of our military action hurts our troops, remember Vietnam? I believe that this war could be fought a lot defferently, but I'm not in the Pentagon & those decisions are way above my pay grade. Like i said, I was not in favor of this war, but we are there, all of the coulda, woulda, shoulda, doesn't change anything & all we can do now is win, by any means necessary, or get out & suffer the consequences.
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Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 09:21 am
If there is a draft I always insist that the window be closed. Oh wait...wrong kind of draft. Never mind.
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Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 09:28 am
criticism of our military action hurts our troops

No, bombs and bullets hurt our troops.

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Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 09:29 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
criticism of our military action hurts our troops

No, bombs and bullets hurt our troops.


ALSO bombs & bullets
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Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 09:36 am
Setanta, you're really good at saying you make s*** up, but you can't seem to take the stink from your posts, soooo, maybe it's you that makes....
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Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 09:49 am
Get an Atlas sometime (that's a book of maps), look for Bosnia-Herzegovina, and then look for Serbia, and finally, look for Kosovo.

We sent American war planes to attack Bosnian Serb military targets on the ground in Bosnia, along with the other NATO nations which had agreed to help protect the United Nations peacekeepers on the ground there, after the attack on the Dutch at Srebrenica, and the slaughter by the Serbs of more than 8,000 Bosnians. That took place in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Subsequently, as a result of allegations of the slaughter of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo, we launched massive air strikes against Serbia, including attacks on civilian infrastructure, and attacks on the capital, Belgrade. That took place in Serbia, as a result of Serb actions in Kosovo.

The only stink here is the stink of the bullshit you peddle, from the depths of your appalling ignorance.
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Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 09:57 am
Setanta wrote:
Get an Atlas sometime (that's a book of maps), look for Bosnia-Herzegovina, and then look for Serbia, and finally, look for Kosovo.

We sent American war planes to attack Bosnian Serb military targets on the ground in Bosnia, along with the other NATO nations which had agreed to help protect the United Nations peacekeepers on the ground there, after the attack on the Dutch at Srebrenica, and the slaughter by the Serbs of more than 8,000 Bosnians. That took place in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Subsequently, as a result of allegations of the slaughter of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo, we launched massive air strikes against Serbia, including attacks on civilian infrastructure, and attacks on the capital, Belgrade. That took place in Serbia, as a result of Serb actions in Kosovo.

The only stink here is the stink of the bullshit you peddle, from the depths of your appalling ignorance.

Ooooh, hit a nerve, did I? you can't stand to be outted, huh.
Ok, I've played with you long enough for today, you are soooo boring that it almost makes me sorry for you, not quite tho, disgust is more what i feel for your posts.
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Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 09:59 am
ooooh, strong retort - you succeeded in addressing exactly -zero- of Setanta's points, and simultaneously made yourself look even more disruptive and clueless.
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Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 10:01 am
You have outed nothing--you have, however, displayed appalling ignorance.

You can't tell the difference between Bosnia and Serbia, and you have also demonstrated that you can't tell a Sunni from a Shi'ite, and you have demonstrated that you don't know who the Wahhabis are, and that you know next to nothing about Osama Been Forgotten.

You have shown a wonderful ability to puke up hateful and foul-mouthed rhetoric, though, which befits the Madame of the Lone Star Whorehouse.
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Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 10:02 am
snood wrote:
ooooh, strong retort - you succeeded in addressing exactly -zero- of Setanta's points, and simultaneously made yourself look even more disruptive and clueless.

& I'm supposed to care what you think....why?
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 10:02 am
Actually, it's even worse, snood.

But I'd always thaught that.
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Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 10:07 am
LSM sure has a loveable personality. Don't you think? Evil or Very Mad
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Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 10:11 am
au1929 wrote:
LSM sure has a loveable personality. Don't you think? Evil or Very Mad

Ya see, it's like this, I am not out to win admiration & popularity at the cost of my principals, I stand up for what I believe, & whether you or anybody else likes it, I could give two figs. I refuse to go along to get along, you might want to try it. Evil or Very Mad
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 10:13 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Actually, it's even worse, snood.

But I'd always thaught that.

Back to king of the one liner insults?
oops, two liners. You're getting better.
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Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 10:15 am
LSM wrote
Ya see, it's like this, I am not out to win admiration & popularity

Let me congratulate you for being eminently successful
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Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 10:21 am
au1929 wrote:
LSM wrote
Ya see, it's like this, I am not out to win admiration & popularity

Let me congratulate you for being eminently successful

Thank you, I believe too that I have been successful in that I don't suffer fools readily nor do I sell out.
As he/she whined LSM/Monte cargo, if all you can do is blah, blah, please take it to another forum.

You fine people will have to excuse my absence for now, I have much more important things to do than to entertain you, I have to clean the cats litter box, I will think of y'all while doing that chore. ta ta
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