Re: I am an extreme liberal
Cycloptichorn wrote:Interestingly enough, one of the favorite arguments of Conservatives is that the poor in America have TVs and cars, etc... so, to a certain extent, could it not be argued that the 'great society' has been effective in some ways?
I would have said it showed that technical progress has been effective in some ways -- an uncontroversial point between American liberals and conservatives.
Also, I'm sure it could be argued that the "great society" has been effective in some ways. Many things can be argued. It could be argued by Rush Limbaugh, for example, that trees pollute the air in some ways. But in Limbaughs case as in yours, I think the argument was weak. For evidence, I encourage you to look up the Statistical Abstract and compare the number of Americans in poverty with government spending on the "war on poverty" (income security programs). You will find a steep decline in poverty
before Johnson cranked up federal spending on poverty relief, followed by stagnation after the programs got started.
"The patient was recovering rapidly. Then the doctors operated, and his condition stabilized." Bulletins like that, on the face of them, don't foster confidence in the doctors.