JLNobody wrote:Thanks Cyclo and Thomas for correcting Okie's patently a bad-faith conclusion that the Great Society was a failure because we still have poverty. What about an examination of those lives that were advanced and even saved? Why do conservatives think that all that is accomplished by welfare assistance is the "rewarding of irresponsibility." If you ask me the truly irresponsible are the heirs of the superwealthy who do nothing constructive with their advantages--Paris Hilton may serve as its poster child.
Actually, I think you need to go back and read more carefully the posts, especially that of Thomas, as I think that although he concedes that the Great Society may have had some minimal positive effects, if I read it correctly, he agrees with me that the initiative did in fact show an overall negative effect on reducing poverty by slowing the progress that was being made at the time.
I have heard not only conservatives, but black conservatives point out the obvious fact that intact 2 parent families have declined significantly, especially in inner city and black neighborhoods, thus increasing the amount of poverty for families and children. This has created a domino effect with increased school dropouts, inadequate education, and job preparatory skills. The cause for this can be argued, but certainly the tax policies and welfare policies of the government bears much culpability in this. LBJ's Great Society enabled single women to realize that husbands were not needed to gain benefits, and the more children, the more benefits, thus creating the domino effect. Children raised in such conditions do not have the support needed to succeed at higher rates.
Interestingly, this subject is not widely reported in the news, nor is it easily found and ballyhooed on the web in my opinion. You can bet that if this information fit into the liberal cause, we would be bombarded with this information daily, blaming conservatives for the problem. Of course, liberal policy is to blame on many fronts, morally and government policy wise. Instead of calling for more moral responsibility and family values, liberals continue to preach the solutions are condoms, abortion, and more government assistance.