I am an extreme liberal

Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 03:39 pm
okie wrote:

And just what sort of program did the left wing students of the 60's dream of? Please explain thoroughly because if I am a "simple idiot" as Dyslexia claims, it won't be easy for me to understand.

I've posted it tens of times over the years, both here and at the late lamented forum many of us were on before coming to a2k.

Left wing students in Michigan wanted to have the same sort of income that our blue collar parents had, which was pretty good. However, we wanted a few more things, like more travel and more books. We also wanted a professional job and intellectual standing. At the same time, both men and women wanted to be actively involved in the raising of our children and the keeping of our homes.

Our solution was for both husband and wife to work part-time in professional jobs and to share equally in childrearing and homekeeping.

We also wanted the merchandising of basic goods to continue as it had, with small shops run by independent owners. We wanted to see a revival of crafts. We wanted to eat good fresh, homemade, seasonal food.

Just the opposite in every way from the yuppie conservative couple that stamped away across the world in the late 70s and 80s.
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Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 03:42 pm
okie wrote:

Here, you need to know that the term "liberal" applies to the political spectrum on the left that kind of runs the gamut, from people that believe the government should help everybody to people that hate free enterprise and would love the government do everything and can be classified as socialists or communist sympathizers. m and responsibility.

Who knows anyone who fits this description?
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Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 03:49 pm
mysteryman wrote:

If you truly believe this,then why do so many on the left oppose Walmart?
They have inexpensive goods,aimed at selling to the middle and lower class.

Walmart is a monopoly, not in actuality, but in intention. As 1/3 of American retail business is through Walmart, it is close to being a monopoly in actuality.

They create the market for their own goods, rather than allowing the public to create the demand.

Most of their goods are not cheap in the sense of less costly but cheap in the sense of shoddy.

Walmart acts like A&P did in the 1930s, pushing out the creative, small entrepreneurs.

Walmart promotes poverty through its pay and benefit structure.

Besides, I am of the lower class in economic terms, but I have taste. Furthermore, I am smart enough to dress with panache and am admired, which would not be the case were I to shop at Walmart.
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Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 03:51 pm
okie wrote:

Uh, cyclops, you need to read the World Federation of Liberalism and Bumble Bee's Liberal International"s grand goals. Free trade and importing products from other parts of the world is promoted by your "ilk"

That's your first mistake: you don't know what free trade is.
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Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 03:53 pm
mysteryman wrote:

The difference between us is that while I dont shop there,I dont try and force them out of business,like many on the left seem to want to do.

Yet it is fine for Walmart to come into towns whose economic needs are well covered by existing businesses, build up over years, even generations, by members of the community and force them out. Terrific!
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Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 03:57 pm
mysteryman wrote:

I dont know about the rest of the country,but the Walmart here pays extremely well for this area.
Their starting wage is just over $8 per hour.
Now I know that many of you will call that "slave wages" (which is just stupid and an oxymoron) but that is above the average starting pay of $7.50 per hour.

Wow! If you can support a family of four on $8/hour, you are a genius!

If you as a student could pay even a state university's tuition on $8/hour, you are a genius!

If you can pay rent for a modest apartment (an $800/month studio) on $8/hour, you are a genius!

Besides, all the big retailers have ways to limit the hours of employees.
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Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 03:59 pm
mysteryman wrote:

As for medical insurance,when did it become a companies responsibility to pay for your medical care?
Its not the job of any corporation to provide medical insurance,nor are they required to.
For you to complain about a benefit that you are being provided,one that is not required,seems a little silly to me.

We all are not rugged hemen like you. None of us live in your bubble either.
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Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 04:01 pm
okie wrote:
Mysterman, debating Plainoldme is hopeless. She seems to detest free enterprise, claiming companies sell us junk and that we have to buy it.

Walter, Plainoldme is an example of an American liberal that loves government and constantly criticizes and apparently detests free enterprise and business. She has so far not claimed to be a socialist or communist (she probably does not know what she is), but I would estimate she is ripe for the taking once a slick talker of that "ilk" comes along to promote that idealogy. She would likely vote for them and it.

First, it is hopeless for you because you are naive.

Second, it is hopeless for MM because he is illogical.

Third, you use your narrow minded little preconceptions to describe what you think the boogeyman is and you apply it to me. There is reality. But it is beyond your grasp.

Fourth, I haven't claimed to be either because I am neither.
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Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 04:02 pm
Left wing students in Michigan wanted to have the same sort of income that our blue collar parents had, which was pretty good. However, we wanted a few more things, like more travel and more books. We also wanted a professional job and intellectual standing. At the same time, both men and women wanted to be actively involved in the raising of our children and the keeping of our homes.

Did those students realize that the income that their parents had they WORKED for?
Their parents didnt start at that salary,they worked themselves up the ladder to get to that level of income.
Sounds like those students wanted to start at the top.

You want more travel and more books?
What was stopping you from traveling or buying the books you wanted?
Why did you expect them to be handed to you?
If you want a proffessional job and intellectual standing,you have to earn it.
It isnt going to be handed to you just because you think you desewrve it.
You gotta work for it.

Are you saying that those students couldnt keep a house and have kids?
Why not?

Our solution was for both husband and wife to work part-time in professional jobs and to share equally in childrearing and homekeeping

Thats a good solution,but with it comes the realization that you will be making less money then someone working full time.
Since that was your choice,you have no right to bitch about it.

We also wanted the merchandising of basic goods to continue as it had, with small shops run by independent owners. We wanted to see a revival of crafts. We wanted to eat good fresh, homemade, seasonal food.

And when those small shops had to raise their prices,then you stopped shopping at them.
If you wanted to see a revival of crafts,what stopped you from doing it yourself?
It sounds like you want utopia,but didnt want to work towards it.
Seasonal food?
Define that.
With todays modern shipping and refridgeration methods,seasonal foods are available anytime.
You can get oranges in the dead of winter.
Or,would you prefer to go back to only being able to get fresh produce in the summertime when they could be grown locally?
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Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 04:03 pm
okie wrote:

I would prefer we not import so much from China as well, but the truth is that it is a world market and thats just reality. Many Chinese products are in fact made pretty well and improving in my opinion. As a country, we simply cannot withdraw into a shell and survive economically. We must find a way to continue to compete, and that is why the old unions and some tradional ways of doing things will have to be refined, if not abandoned.

What reality? Your buddies in big business have closed almost all American manufacturing! Why not abandon the guys who take American jobs overseas?
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Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 04:09 pm
mysteryman wrote:

Did those students realize that the income that their parents had they WORKED for?
Their parents didnt start at that salary,they worked themselves up the ladder to get to that level of income.
Sounds like those students wanted to start at the top.

I see you IQ slipped again. Yeah, those students who worked at jobs and started businesses and still earned terrific grades.

Do you acknowledge that a blue collar salary is lower in general than a while collar salary? When I graduated from college in 1969, my dad was making around $13,000 as a skilled laborer. My first job was as a social worker and I made $8,300. The first year I taught, I made $8,100. I was dating an attorney whose starting salary in 1972 was $10,000.

No, idiot. They didn't want to start at the top. They wanted to have an income of around $12-15,000. By the time a couple had kids at around 30, their combined half time or 3/4 time income would have been around $12,000.

Stop arguing for the sake of arguing and make sense.
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Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 04:11 pm
plainoldme wrote:
mysteryman wrote:

The difference between us is that while I dont shop there,I dont try and force them out of business,like many on the left seem to want to do.

Yet it is fine for Walmart to come into towns whose economic needs are well covered by existing businesses, build up over years, even generations, by members of the community and force them out. Terrific!

You need to climb out from under your self imposed rock and see the world.
Most smal towns that have a Walmart are actually doing quite well economically.
Here,Walmart is anchoring a minimall where many of the local samll retailers have set up shop,thereby getting the Walmart customers as well as the travelers that come thru here.

You also said...

Wow! If you can support a family of four on $8/hour, you are a genius!

If you as a student could pay even a state university's tuition on $8/hour, you are a genius!

If you can pay rent for a modest apartment (an $800/month studio) on $8/hour, you are a genius!

Besides, all the big retailers have ways to limit the hours of employees.

Most of the people that work at the Walmart here are using it as a second income for their family.
The coal mines here pay quite well ,so many of the women working there have husbands working in the mines.
Also,many of the people that work at Walmart here are high school students,still living at home.
So the money they make goes totally into their pockets.

$800 a month for a studio apt?!?!?
I am paying $535 a month house payment on a 5 bedroom house on a 19000 square foot lot.
I am buying the house.
If you are paying that much for a cheap,dirty little apt,you need to move someplace else.

As for university tuition,please show me the figures for all the college students in your area that are paying their own tuition,instead of getting grants,student loans,or other types of assistance to pay for school.
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Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 04:14 pm
mysteryman wrote:

You want more travel and more books?
What was stopping you from traveling or buying the books you wanted?
Why did you expect them to be handed to you?
If you want a proffessional job and intellectual standing,you have to earn it.
It isnt going to be handed to you just because you think you desewrve it.
You gotta work for it.

Your reading comprehension can be improved if you go to the local school system and ask for an Orton-Gilligham tutor.

I said the difference between us and our parents would be travelling -- I edited travelling to Europe which some blue collar people did then -- and buying books instead of televisions as most of us didn't want a tv.

No, the sorority kids, you know, the righties. the girls with the padded bras and the boys with their mothers' Oldsmobiles? They were the ones that didn't work.

Getting a college degree -- which I suspect you don't have -- is the sort of preparatory work for earning that we did. While working jobs at restaurants, newspapers, department stores, gas stations, etc.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 04:16 pm
mysteryman wrote:

Are you saying that those students couldnt keep a house and have kids?
Why not?


We were the ones who wanted to do the work ourselves and raise our own kids and keep our own house.

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Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 04:19 pm
mysteryman wrote:

Our solution was for both husband and wife to work part-time in professional jobs and to share equally in childrearing and homekeeping

Thats a good solution,but with it comes the realization that you will be making less money then someone working full time.
Since that was your choice,you have no right to bitch about it.

Who is bitching? We couldn't do that because the structure was unbending.

We didn't care about money but about intellectual matters.

We had an idea but we could not actualize it. Why? Because business saw things differently.
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Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 04:23 pm
mysteryman wrote:

And when those small shops had to raise their prices,then you stopped shopping at them.
If you wanted to see a revival of crafts,what stopped you from doing it yourself?
It sounds like you want utopia,but didnt want to work towards it.
Seasonal food?
Define that.
With todays modern shipping and refridgeration methods,seasonal foods are available anytime.
You can get oranges in the dead of winter.
Or,would you prefer to go back to only being able to get fresh produce in the summertime when they could be grown locally?

What a bunch of non sequitors.

It is too bad that places like Walmart -- or Kmart (a terrible place to work, I know) -- forced out the small shops. Shopping is a bore these days.

Crafts? I made all of my clothes and my daughter's when she was small. I returned to that recently. So, shut up.

Intelligent people buy local food that is fresh. Hate to starve out the farmers, but, obviously, you have no conscience about that. BTW, oranges ripen in the winter, not the spring or summer. Jeez! I would hate to send someone as ignorant as you to the store.
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Merry Andrew
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 04:37 pm
Mystery -- $800/mos. for a very small studio apartment is average in cities like Boston, San Francisco or Chicago. In New York, you couldn't get that studio for under $1,000/mos. unless you had an in with a rent-contolled apartment manager. Not everybody can live in a coal-mining town.
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Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 06:43 pm
plainoldme wrote:
mysteryman wrote:

And when those small shops had to raise their prices,then you stopped shopping at them.
If you wanted to see a revival of crafts,what stopped you from doing it yourself?
It sounds like you want utopia,but didnt want to work towards it.
Seasonal food?
Define that.
With todays modern shipping and refridgeration methods,seasonal foods are available anytime.
You can get oranges in the dead of winter.
Or,would you prefer to go back to only being able to get fresh produce in the summertime when they could be grown locally?

What a bunch of non sequitors.

It is too bad that places like Walmart -- or Kmart (a terrible place to work, I know) -- forced out the small shops. Shopping is a bore these days.

Crafts? I made all of my clothes and my daughter's when she was small. I returned to that recently. So, shut up.

Intelligent people buy local food that is fresh. Hate to starve out the farmers, but, obviously, you have no conscience about that. BTW, oranges ripen in the winter, not the spring or summer. Jeez! I would hate to send someone as ignorant as you to the store.

Lets see.where do I start.

First off,I do have a college degree.
I graduated from SDSU in 1987,while I was in the service.
So,your assumption is,as usual,wrong.

As for when oranges ripen,since I have spent 18 years hauling produce from all over the world and from Ca in particular,I know when oranges ripen.
Since they are imported to the US from all over the world,any time of year is "in season" for oranges.

If you make all of your own clothes,then you have seen a return of crafts.
So what are you complaining about?

As for starving out the farmers,tell me what fresh produce can you get grown locally in your area?
Most of the produce in the US this time of year is grown in either southern Arizona or imported from Mexico.
In spring,the farmers will move back up to the San Joaquin valley of Ca and start growing for the season.

If you didnt care about money then,why are you complaining about it now?

As for traveling now,who says you cant?
The only limits you have are the ones you are placing on yourself.
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Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 06:55 pm
Merry Andrew wrote:
Mystery -- $800/mos. for a very small studio apartment is average in cities like Boston, San Francisco or Chicago. In New York, you couldn't get that studio for under $1,000/mos. unless you had an in with a rent-contolled apartment manager. Not everybody can live in a coal-mining town.

He can't be that smart if he dosn't realize that rents in an coal town in Ky differ drastically from a large metropolitan area.
Unless you want to live near gunshots, rapes, and drug deals, you can't by a 1 bdrm apt here for less than like, 220 grand plus condo fees.
Good luck renting anything for less than about a grand--they exist for less than that, but some man-whore is sucking dick on your lawn for dime.

A 21st century coal mining town is a ghost town in the making.
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Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 07:46 pm
plainoldme wrote:
okie wrote:

And just what sort of program did the left wing students of the 60's dream of? Please explain thoroughly because if I am a "simple idiot" as Dyslexia claims, it won't be easy for me to understand.

I've posted it tens of times over the years, both here and at the late lamented forum many of us were on before coming to a2k.

Left wing students in Michigan wanted to have the same sort of income that our blue collar parents had, which was pretty good. However, we wanted a few more things, like more travel and more books. We also wanted a professional job and intellectual standing. At the same time, both men and women wanted to be actively involved in the raising of our children and the keeping of our homes.

Our solution was for both husband and wife to work part-time in professional jobs and to share equally in childrearing and homekeeping.

We also wanted the merchandising of basic goods to continue as it had, with small shops run by independent owners. We wanted to see a revival of crafts. We wanted to eat good fresh, homemade, seasonal food.

Just the opposite in every way from the yuppie conservative couple that stamped away across the world in the late 70s and 80s.

I would like to not work at all, plainoldme, and travel anywhere I wanted with plenty of money. I would like alot of things. So what? Has it ever occurred to you that there is something called "reality?" Besides, it sounds like you got most of what your ilk wanted, so quit yer complainin. We're all tired of hearing it. If you don't like it here, go somewhere else and quit calling everyone idiots that don't agree with you.

I think we have a great life here. If you work hard, our creature comforts are pretty plentiful, and they are even for the poor. If you like small shops, go open one up, or if you want fresh fruit, go plant your own fruit trees. Quit expecting somebody else to feather your nest and deliver everything you want to your door. In other words, get a life.

Frankly, I am tired of unhappy liberals that either don't like what they have or have a guilt complex over it, so they want to spread their misery.
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