McCain is too much of a hawk. Supporting bush will sink him.
McCain stood up to Falwell and Robertson back when the Republican party was openly embracing them, and ever since he has gotten the reputation of being an independent type.
If you examine most of his positions he really is not much different from most Republicans, and since voters tend to vote on image as much as anything, he might just be able to support Bush on this and pull it off.
mysteryman wrote:Obama cant run.
He smokes,and the nannies in the loony left that want smoking outlawed and smokers shot would never vote for him.
He wouldnt win the election.
Hmmm. I wonder if you can legally smoke in the White House... I'd sure hate to deny a smoker a smoke during a crisis...
kelticwizard -- You hit the nail right on the head when you wrote that most voters vote on image. One of the things about Barrak Obama that gives me pause is he was introduced to the nation as a man with a way with words prior to his ever having held public office.
Of course, this is nothing new. Lincoln's nickname, "the railsplitter," came from a short period in his life, which sounds like a time equivalent to today's "being between jobs," when he worked for the railroad. The other thing about Lincoln that is like Obama is that the young Lincoln was immediately latched onto by his party for his star power and his way with words. The nascent Republican party wanted him to move to the Pacific Northwest so they could get him into Congress from there.
pom, I wouldn't worry none about Obama being introduced too early. There are many variables that can make or break a candidate, so it's those future months that will resolve his future as a candidate; too early to call.
I wouldn't worry about anything but John McCain... and possibly Giuliani. Hillary will shoot herself in the foot, as Edwards makes his move for the front, but alas, he's a scumbag and it will be easy to paint him as what he is, so Obama will get the Nomination!
Re: Presidential candidates I Would and Would Not Vote For
edgarblythe wrote:For:
list may be expanded or reduced in the future
virtually any other Republican
I don't rule out voting Green. Depends what happens. Not that a Texan's Green vote would make a dent.
Thank God I am not an American None of them are worth voting for just like the politicos in my country impeach Bush is whats needed if and when you get a Democrat as your president.
and if they have the guts to do it
Re: Presidential candidates I Would and Would Not Vote For
whizzer wrote:Thank God I am not an American None of them are worth voting for just like the politicos in my country impeach Bush is whats needed if and when you get a Democrat as your president.
and if they have the guts to do it
You haven't researched this very much, have you?
hey heartland whatever
I have been to your country many times..we are allies.,... we don't like Bush or his policies and we don't like our own much either but we are not I must stress naive like a lot of Americans are I suggest you go out into the world and find out about your selves.
you won't sitting at home in your heartland.
I actually like most Americans and have many friends there and they saved my life in WW11 but that was long ago.
You have lost your self esteem and only a democratic president will hopefully correct this. so YEAH I have researched it for your info
Re: hey heartland whatever
whizzer wrote:I have been to your country many times..we are allies.,... we don't like Bush or his policies and we don't like our own much either but we are not I must stress naive like a lot of Americans are I suggest you go out into the world and find out about your selves.
you won't sitting at home in your heartland.
I actually like most Americans and have many friends there and they saved my life in WW11 but that was long ago.
You have lost your self esteem and only a democratic president will hopefully correct this. so YEAH I have researched it for your info
World War Eleven?
I actually like most Australians ... well, at least the ones I've met.
Impeachment in the United States
Quote:Impeachment in the United States is an expressed power of the legislature which allows for formal charges to be brought against a high official of government for conduct committed in office. The trial or removal of an official is separate from the act of impeachment. Typically, the lower house of the legislature will impeach the official and the upper house will conduct the trial.
At the Federal level, the House of Representatives has the sole power of impeaching the President, Vice President and all other civil officers of the United States. Officials can be impeached for: "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors." The United States Senate has the sole power to try all impeachments. The removal of impeached officials is automatic upon conviction in the Senate.

I still like the part about the new Democratic President impeaching the current one (assuming he has the guts, that is). Neat trick, that.
It's all about matchups. Let's see:
Hillary vs Rice
That would be awesome ......... the race. But then it would suck because one of them would be our president.
chiso, I view Hillary v Rice the same way I viewed Bush v Kerry; not worth the vote.
I'm not being a man and all.
That's what's wrong with this country!! That's why it's in such a mess!
Too many men have been elected to office -- who make decisions with the head between their legs instead of the head on their shoulders!!
I'm Hillary Clinton.......and I have approved of this message.
Stray Cat, It's not the issue of whether it's a man or woman. I vote for the candidate that best reflects my values - whether it's a man or a woman. Hillary Clinton is not one of them.
I'm Hilary Clinton....and I did not approve of the previous message!
Phoenix, There seems to be extremism to 'womanism' too! LOL
Quote:I only would vote for whom I consider the best candidate................and if she is a woman, great!
Me too, Phoenix. But to be honest, my post was meant as a goof on Hellary. I don't like her.