I do like your signature quote, Sweet Complication.
It's just not a laughing matter any more. Nor is it a matter of scoring debate points.
It doesn't matter at this point if we do find WMDs buried in the Iraqi desert.
Bush said we were under imminent threat of attack. That's why we couldn't give the inspectors any more time.
They were wrong. And that perhaps gives them too much credit.
The best-case scenario at this point for Bush is that he sent American soldiers to die over a hugely exaggerated threat. And if Bush exaggerated the threat because of faulty intelligence, then why hasn't he demanded an investigation?
How wrong is this, exactly?
Is this an example of Bush being his usual, run-of-the-mill stupid?
Or is it an example of a man in charge of the world's most powerful army and weapons, using them for greed, revenge, or just because he can?
Or something else?
Or all of the above?
re your signature line:
Fighting for peace is like
screwing for virginity.
Why, in all seriousness, are we spending any more time debating this WMD issue? Why do any of us feel compelled to waste time on the pseudo-cons in these discussions who waste time with hypothetical centrifuges. Bush has lied. Already lied. Over and over again. No more proof is needed.
The damage is done, the administration done it, and we should be done with these sicko-phants and onward to a fresh focus on repairing America post-Bush.
C'mon, Frank, PDiddie and (yes) Tart. We're smarter than that. Move On.
Tell me something, anyone - Tell me one truth that the shrub has told?
mmm, no.
The question now becomes how those of us who've got Bush by the cj's can organize to backstop the well-funded dirty tricks he will be using right up to election eve.
Cajones = drawers (as in bureau drawers, boxes)
Cojones = cj's = the family jewels
I'm being excessively didactic today. This too shall pass.
BillW wrote:Tell me something, anyone - Tell me one truth that the shrub has told?
Your wish is my command:
BTW, Tartar, thx for the compliment and Frank, thx for the quote :wink:

I kind of think we anti-Bushies should all have "reminder" signature quotes from Bush. Little bumper stickers on our posts. Just to make sure we remember who this guy really is...
sw, how about - "They misunderestimated me!"
Well, I was close. Some of us older folks take'em out and leave 'em in the drawers at night time!
Okay, Bill W: I'll see your 'misunderestimated' and raise you
Come on, everyone, let's serious up here before a moderator steps in: Big Brother is Watching . . .
"I quit drinking in 1986 and haven't had a drop since then. And it wasn't because of a government program, by the way - in my particular case - because I had a higher call." - November 3,2000, Reported by CNN. Comment made in West Allis, Wisconsin.
Billy: ya, he had a "higher call", I believe it was from cocaine!
But pretzels were his downfall!