Didn't the Pentagon say that they needed no more people to enlist. I'd think they'd know a lot more about their numbers than you or me. There is one problem with the Liberals of today, and it was summed up by George0B1. If I shouldnt quote this for some reason, then I'll be happy to delete it.
He said
Quote:My objection to *****s views is that he assumes the necessities that; the intent of the U.S. government is objectively wrong; the motives of its leaders are equally wrong on a human level; the public utterances of its spokesmen are uniformly deceitful; its execution of the recent war was carelessly wasteful of Iraqi lives; its motives in allowing reporters unprecedented continuous access to combat units were to hide and deceive; etc.
On the other hand he also assumes the necessities that; his views are objectively correct; his subjective motives and those of the leaders of other governments which opposed the war are free of human foibles and frailties; newsmen freed from the shackles of the U.S. government would deliver complete, accurate, and objective reports of the conflict; other available means of carrying out the war could predictably lower the cost in human lives; and so on.
The profound bias here should be self-evident. It goes beyond the facts and beyond reason. Of course there are elements of truth in nearly all of his accusations. However the critical reader should recognize that his conclusions flow directly from his basic beliefs, and not from either the facts or a balanced view of history.
When I know people who were instrumental in her saving, and when I've read the articles about how it was fake (all speculation), and when I see quotes like this: "These questions overshadow other government TRUTHs, such as the made-up story of the capture of Pvt. Lynch. " it makes me glad that there is some place on this forum where we're free from such rhetoric. Its called The Roundtable. I always know I shouldn't venture out into the uitlandes! =p Seriously though, it would be one thing if, on a continuum, you'd get the middle 50 or 75%, but sometimes on these boards you get outer 25%.