Zygote, Fetus, Clump of Cells, Alive, Dead???

Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 11:24 am
parados wrote:
Since it is a moral issue where people hold differing opinions we can all agree there should be no laws.

I am not saying that it should be a moral issue - I'm saying that it is a moral issue. If there were no laws - you are correct - it would be a moral issue - which of course would include a tremendous amount of related issues and problems.

Are you of the opinion that there should be no laws (literal) concerning abortion?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 12:03 pm
baddog1 wrote:
If your claiming that my message inferred that 'anyone who is clueless enough to think that pregnancy only happens when someone "chooses" to have unprotected sex' - you need to go back and re-read my post; because nowhere did I say - or infer the message in your statement above. Please do not add to, delete, and/or twist my words to try and prove a point.

I quoted your words EXACTLY as you posted them. You specifically said "I have a big problem with anyone who makes the choice to have unprotected sex and is not prepared to care for the child that may be conceived by this choice." and made no provision for birth control failure in your list of allowable abortions.

And if you had aborted; you would never have the joys (whatever they may be) of the "surprise-child" that you gave birth to. How do you think you would've felt for the rest of your days had you aborted?

I never had the joys of any of the children I might have had - but didn't because I used birth control. Should I feel guilty for not bearing them?

All consequences of choices.

Birth control failure is an accident, not a "choice" anyone made, and some people cannot use the most effective methods for medical reasons. Being unable to make a good choice due to emotional or hormonal impairment is not a "choice." Yes, the initial use of drugs or alcohol is a choice (prehaps due to peer pressure) but any resulting pregnancy is not - any more than a drunk driver "chooses" to have an accident.

I do not view it as punishment!

I suspect that's because you never experienced pregnancy and childbirth. Laughing How is it NOT punishment to require a woman to go through the discomforts of pregnancy, the pain and suffering of childbirth and its aftermath, and the associated economic loss, just because YOU don't think she should be allowed an abortion for her own "convenience"?

In the case of every abortion though - a life is mutilated!

No, the life is simply terminated. The body may be mutilated by some methods, but I don't see what that has to do with this discussion.

Are you serious? What life did she help to create prior to conception?

The potential life is present even before conception, when an egg begins ripening and is released each month. Pregnancy is measured from the date of your last menstrual period (triggered by the ripening of a new egg), not when conception occurs. Every sperm is also a potential life.

No life is created by two individuals in any of the methods you're suggesting.

????? IUDs and the "morning after pill" prevent pregnancy AFTER conception. Do you object to them? If not, at what point in development do your objections begin? 2nd trimester? 3rd?

That is certainly your right to believe, suggest, etc. and I am not attacking you for this belief. However - it is not your right to demand a certain way - am I correct?

I am not demanding anything - except for the right of every woman to choose, ACCORDING TO HER OWN CONSCIENCE, what to do about an unplanned pregnancy. It seems that your want her choice be limited to what YOUR conscience will allow, and you haven't given me any logical reason for allowing abortion in the case of rape but not birth control failure.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 12:19 pm
Roe v Wade is still a good decision, IMO. States can and should regulate abortion providers, but should leave medical procedures to doctors and moral decisions to women.

3. State criminal abortion laws, like those involved here, that except from criminality only a life-saving procedure on the mother's behalf without regard to the stage of her pregnancy and other interests involved violate the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, which protects against state action the right to privacy, including a woman's qualified right to terminate her pregnancy. Though the State cannot override that right, it has legitimate interests in protecting both the pregnant woman's health and the potentiality of human life, each of which interests grows and reaches a "compelling" point at various stages of the woman's approach to term. Pp. 147-164.

(a) For the stage prior to approximately the end of the first trimester, the abortion decision and its effectuation must be left to the medical judgment of the pregnant woman's attending physician. Pp. 163, 164.

(b) For the stage subsequent to approximately the end of the first trimester, the State, in promoting its interest in the health of the mother, may, if it chooses, regulate the abortion procedure in ways that are reasonably related to maternal health. Pp. 163, 164.

(c) For the stage subsequent to viability the State, in promoting its interest in the potentiality of human life, may, if it chooses, regulate, and even proscribe, abortion except where necessary, in appropriate medical judgment, for the preservation of the life or health of the mother. Pp. 163-164; 164-165.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 12:38 pm
You cannot legislate morals. Even with the majority of Americans belonging to one religion or another, we still have some of the highest crime rates that includes murder, rape, robbery, physical and mental injuries, shop lifting, divorce, pedophiles, plus many other moral breakdowns.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 12:46 pm
baddog1 wrote:
parados wrote:
Since it is a moral issue where people hold differing opinions we can all agree there should be no laws.

I am not saying that it should be a moral issue - I'm saying that it is a moral issue. If there were no laws - you are correct - it would be a moral issue - which of course would include a tremendous amount of related issues and problems.

Are you of the opinion that there should be no laws (literal) concerning abortion?

Since it is a moral issue what are you arguing then?
You stated that morals should not be made law.Morals really have little to do with science. (Your science is as garbled as your argument about morals.) You have already agreed that someone's morals shouldn't be made law. What are you arguing other than stirring the pot? Do you or do you not have a concrete stance on this issue. When asked you keep backing off and moving your position.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 05:03 pm
If your claiming that my message inferred that 'anyone who is clueless enough to think that pregnancy only happens when someone "chooses" to have unprotected sex' - you need to go back and re-read my post; because nowhere did I say - or infer the message in your statement above. Please do not add to, delete, and/or twist my words to try and prove a point.

I quoted your words EXACTLY as you posted them. You specifically said "I have a big problem with anyone who makes the choice to have unprotected sex and is not prepared to care for the child that may be conceived by this choice." and made no provision for birth control failure in your list of allowable abortions.

"and made no provision for birth control failure in your list of allowable abortions" is the part that you left out while admonishing my message! (See below.) I clearly know that pregnancy can happen by a variety of different planned ways, but only a handful of poorly planned ways.

I have a big problem with anyone who is clueless enough to think that pregnancy only happens when someone "chooses" to have unprotected sex.

And if you had aborted; you would never have the joys (whatever they may be) of the "surprise-child" that you gave birth to. How do you think you would've felt for the rest of your days had you aborted?

I never had the joys of any of the children I might have had - but didn't because I used birth control. Should I feel guilty for not bearing them?

I never mentioned the word "guilt" - there you go again adding words to my post! Why? If you think I am inferring guilt - but did not use the word - then ask me and I will tell you! Otherwise; please do not assume so. As to the children you didn't have due to birth control - I do not understand this. If you controlled the possibility of birth by contraception - there was never a life to control! Confused

All consequences of choices.

Birth control failure is an accident, not a "choice" anyone made, and some people cannot use the most effective methods for medical reasons.

Define birth control failure please. As to medical reasons - I am very close to a family with that very situation. Like all "medical-issues" they had to adjust their lifestyle when it comes to sex [with no problem I might add] and due to their responsible choices - have never put themselves in a position of needing to consider abortion.

Being unable to make a good choice due to emotional or hormonal impairment is not a "choice.

I do not understand - please explain what you're saying.
Yes, the initial use of drugs or alcohol is a choice (prehaps due to peer pressure) but any resulting pregnancy is not - any more than a drunk driver "chooses" to have an accident.

You're even missing the most important point in your analogy! So when a person chooses to get drunk - what happens between the getting drunk - and the accident? The person chooses to drive! People get drunk all the time (w/o consequence). And people get into accidents all the time (w/o consequence). However - when people get drunk - and drive - then have an accident - who's responsible?

I do not view it as punishment!

I suspect that's because you never experienced pregnancy and childbirth. Laughing

Thank God! :wink:

How is it NOT punishment to require a woman to go through the discomforts of pregnancy, the pain and suffering of childbirth and its aftermath, and the associated economic loss, just because YOU don't think she should be allowed an abortion for her own "convenience"?

I feel it's her (and her husband's) responsibility to do all that is possible to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. If/when an "accident" happens - my own belief is that it was simply meant to be - if proper precautions were taken. If you will take a moment and read my posts - you'll find my exact position on abortion. It may surprise you! However - I maintain my position that "convenience" should never be an excuse/reason for abortion!

In the case of every abortion though - a life is mutilated!

No, the life is simply terminated. The body may be mutilated by some methods, but I don't see what that has to do with this discussion.

I used the term "mutilated" because it's the same word that you used to describe what pregnancy does to a woman's body! As "mutilation" is clearly subjective - you're right, there is no sense in discussing it.

Are you serious? What life did she help to create prior to conception?

The potential life is present even before conception, when an egg begins ripening and is released each month. Pregnancy is measured from the date of your last menstrual period (triggered by the ripening of a new egg), not when conception occurs. Every sperm is also a potential life.

But the "potential life" can never happen unless the sperm(s) and egg meet! All that other stuff cannot result in a pregnancy.

No life is created by two individuals in any of the methods you're suggesting.

????? IUDs and the "morning after pill" prevent pregnancy AFTER conception. Do you object to them? If not, at what point in development do your objections begin? 2nd trimester? 3rd?


You're correct about IUD's - I stand corrected. As to what point in development about the others - I am unsure. (It's still under consideration.) When - in your opinion is it "too late" for a woman to choose to abort?

That is certainly your right to believe, suggest, etc. and I am not attacking you for this belief. However - it is not your right to demand a certain way - am I correct?

I am not demanding anything - except for the right of every woman to choose, ACCORDING TO HER OWN CONSCIENCE, what to do about an unplanned pregnancy. It seems that your want her choice be limited to what YOUR conscience will allow, and you haven't given me any logical reason for allowing abortion in the case of rape but not birth control failure.

You can certainly demand whatever you'd like - it's America! That - and about $5 will get you a cup of bean at Starbucks. And I've never said that a woman should not have the choice on what to do if raped. (Where did you see my words stating this?)
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 05:25 pm
"and made no provision for birth control failure in your list of allowable abortions" is the part that you left out while admonishing my message! (See below.) I clearly know that pregnancy can happen by a variety of different planned ways, but only a handful of poorly planned ways.
Please provide real statistics to back your claim about pregnancy happening "but only a handful of poorly planned way."

I have a big problem with anyone who is clueless enough to think that pregnancy only happens when someone "chooses" to have unprotected sex.

And if you had aborted; you would never have the joys (whatever they may be) of the "surprise-child" that you gave birth to. How do you think you would've felt for the rest of your days had you aborted?
Why do you make everything "personal?" There are thousands of women/girls that choose abortion for many reasons only important to themselves. It's none of your business what and how they choose.
I never had the joys of any of the children I might have had - but didn't because I used birth control. Should I feel guilty for not bearing them?

I never mentioned the word "guilt" - there you go again adding words to my post! Why? If you think I am inferring guilt - but did not use the word - then ask me and I will tell you! Otherwise; please do not assume so. As to the children you didn't have due to birth control - I do not understand this. If you controlled the possibility of birth by contraception - there was never a life to control!
You don't understand "this," because it's none of your business how couples choose to have or not to have.

All consequences of choices.

Birth control failure is an accident, not a "choice" anyone made, and some people cannot use the most effective methods for medical reasons.

Define birth control failure please. As to medical reasons - I am very close to a family with that very situation. Like all "medical-issues" they had to adjust their lifestyle when it comes to sex [with no problem I might add] and due to their responsible choices - have never put themselves in a position of needing to consider abortion.
That happens to be their "choice." Get it?Quote:
Being unable to make a good choice due to emotional or hormonal impairment is not a "choice.

I do not understand - please explain what you're saying. Quote:
Yes, the initial use of drugs or alcohol is a choice (prehaps due to peer pressure) but any resulting pregnancy is not - any more than a drunk driver "chooses" to have an accident.
It depends on the circumstances - all personal ones to the couple involved. They must deal with it by their own decision.

You're even missing the most important point in your analogy! So when a person chooses to get drunk - what happens between the getting drunk - and the accident? The person chooses to drive! People get drunk all the time (w/o consequence). And people get into accidents all the time (w/o consequence). However - when people get drunk - and drive - then have an accident - who's responsible?
If anybody drinks, drives, and has an accident, the drunk driver is usually at fault. But that's for the police to determine. It may be the nondrunk driver crossed a red light.
I do not view it as punishment!

I suspect that's because you never experienced pregnancy and childbirth.

Thank God!

How is it NOT punishment to require a woman to go through the discomforts of pregnancy, the pain and suffering of childbirth and its aftermath, and the associated economic loss, just because YOU don't think she should be allowed an abortion for her own "convenience"?

I feel it's her (and her husband's) responsibility to do all that is possible to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.
Please return to the "real" world.
If/when an "accident" happens - my own belief is that it was simply meant to be - if proper precautions were taken. If you will take a moment and read my posts - you'll find my exact position on abortion. It may surprise you! However - I maintain my position that "convenience" should never be an excuse/reason for abortion!
How do you define "convenience?" To whom? You?

In the case of every abortion though - a life is mutilated!
It's funny you continue to worry about what others do about a fetus, but not worry about the infanticide and killings of innocent men, women, and children in India, Iraq and Sudan. Many are also starving. Their lives are mutilated and killed daily.

No, the life is simply terminated. The body may be mutilated by some methods, but I don't see what that has to do with this discussion.

I used the term "mutilated" because it's the same word that you used to describe what pregnancy does to a woman's body! As "mutilation" is clearly subjective - you're right, there is no sense in discussing it.
No sense in discussing it? Then, what's your problem with abortion?

Are you serious? What life did she help to create prior to conception?

The potential life is present even before conception, when an egg begins ripening and is released each month. Pregnancy is measured from the date of your last menstrual period (triggered by the ripening of a new egg), not when conception occurs. Every sperm is also a potential life.

But the "potential life" can never happen unless the sperm(s) and egg meet! All that other stuff cannot result in a pregnancy.

No life is created by two individuals in any of the methods you're suggesting.

????? IUDs and the "morning after pill" prevent pregnancy AFTER conception. Do you object to them? If not, at what point in development do your objections begin? 2nd trimester? 3rd?


You're correct about IUD's - I stand corrected. As to what point in development about the others - I am unsure. (It's still under consideration.) When - in your opinion is it "too late" for a woman to choose to abort?
That's for the woman and doctor to decide. What's it to you?

That is certainly your right to believe, suggest, etc. and I am not attacking you for this belief. However - it is not your right to demand a certain way - am I correct?

I also agree with:
I am not demanding anything - except for the right of every woman to choose, ACCORDING TO HER OWN CONSCIENCE, what to do about an unplanned pregnancy. It seems that your want her choice be limited to what YOUR conscience will allow, and you haven't given me any logical reason for allowing abortion in the case of rape but not birth control failure.

You can certainly demand whatever you'd like - it's America! That - and about $5 will get you a cup of bean at Starbucks. And I've never said that a woman should not have the choice on what to do if raped. (Where did you see my words stating this?)
We're not talking only about rape; it's about abortion and the woman's right to choose. Why do you want to continue to insiste and impose your beliefs on somebody you don't even know? How does her decision affect you?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 06:07 pm
We're not talking only about rape; it's about abortion and the woman's right to choose. Why do you want to continue to insiste and impose your beliefs on somebody you don't even know? How does her decision affect you?

I am insisting and imposing my beliefs on her the exact same way that you are on me right here. (You don't know me!) Her decision affects me none in the least. How does my decision affect you? You see ci - this is why I say you are the pot calling the kettle black. You've perfected the double standard position. (Look up "double standard"!)

Terry and I are bantering as we choose to. We will continue to do so for as long (or short) as we choose to. Your input will have no effect on that!
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 07:00 pm
No. I'm not imposing my beliefs on you or anybody else. This is a discussion on the issues of abortion. We're just showing you that your arguments for prolife is full of holes. A fetus is not a baby. My vote for prochoice is to allow women the right to choose. Not for some stranger like you to impose your beliefs on a complete stranger that doesn't affect you in any way. I'm saying it's the choice of the woman and her doctor to have an abortion or not. Not you; a complete stranger that will not support the baby when born in any way. What is your interest anyway? There are plenty of babies alive today in the US that needs health care, food and shelter. You should concentrate your efforts there if you're really interested in the life of a baby.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 06:28 am
baddog1 wrote:
You want to make abortion illegal don't you? Face the consequences.

LOL - you might want to look up my beliefs about abortion - on the abortion-thread before making assumptions eorl!

I do not like abortion. I think it's a bad thing. Yet here you are trying to convince me that abortion is a bad thing. Why?

Again - look on the abortion threads - you're off-base.

A foetus is alive, a foetus is human.
Pull a hair from your head...see the cells at the base?....alive, and human. Better push that hair back in, or face a murder trial.

Not even close to being analagous! What is the hair developing into - an aardvark? Come on!
Developing into?....Is a zygote developing into something? I thought your entire point was that it already was a something.

Huh? Do you know what a zygote is? Besides - I explained my point about "the zygote" - on this thread! You implied (aobove) that a hair is analagous to a fetus and I maintain that it's not. (A fetus is developing into a child, a hair pulled from a head (despite having cells et al) is developing into - a dead hair!

what about dolly's mom's mammary cells? that developed into little dolly, didn't it? where do you draw the line on hair cells, zygotes and a human being with rights?

abortion is quite possibly the hardest, most overwhelming decision a woman makes -- do not cheapen this decision by being pro-life only because it suits a political/religious agenda. this is a personal decision that every woman has a right to make. to compare it to murder or to something that is callous and casually carried out is plain ignorant.

and, if you want to be utterly objective, then what would you rather have: an orphan that will be tossed from foster home to foster home, with noone to take responsibility for it, or one dead fetus that didn't spend one waking moment outside the womb to form memories or develop a living history. come on!!

until we can come up with a plan that insures the proper care for every living orphan on earth, one cannot force the pro-life issue. talk is cheap, in my opinion.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 07:35 am
No. I'm not imposing my beliefs on you or anybody else.

LOL Laughing What do you call these examples:

...There are thousands of women/girls that choose abortion for many reasons only important to themselves...

You don't understand "this," because it's none of your business how couples choose to have or not to have.

That happens to be their "choice." Get it?

It depends on the circumstances - all personal ones to the couple involved. They must deal with it by their own decision.

Pot calling the....
This is why I cannot take you serious! Even if/when I try - it doesn't work.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 07:40 am
Please show us how those beliefs force you to have an abortion...

You however do support forcing people to not have them. Although you pretend to not do it when convenient. You still haven't answered my question concerning legislating morality by banning abortions.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 07:48 am
Roe v Wade is still a good decision, IMO. States can and should regulate abortion providers, but should leave medical procedures to doctors and moral decisions to women.

Then you might enjoy this article:


And this one:


This one is a bit lengthy, but insightful:

0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 07:53 am
parados wrote:
Please show us how those beliefs force you to have an abortion...

You however do support forcing people to not have them. Although you pretend to not do it when convenient. You still haven't answered my question concerning legislating morality by banning abortions.

When you begin to answer my prior question(s) - I will reciprocate. :wink:

Are you of the opinion that there should be no laws (literal) concerning abortion?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 07:54 am

0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 07:54 am
heartofthesun wrote:
baddog1 wrote:
You want to make abortion illegal don't you? Face the consequences.

LOL - you might want to look up my beliefs about abortion - on the abortion-thread before making assumptions eorl!

I do not like abortion. I think it's a bad thing. Yet here you are trying to convince me that abortion is a bad thing. Why?

Again - look on the abortion threads - you're off-base.

A foetus is alive, a foetus is human.
Pull a hair from your head...see the cells at the base?....alive, and human. Better push that hair back in, or face a murder trial.

Not even close to being analagous! What is the hair developing into - an aardvark? Come on!
Developing into?....Is a zygote developing into something? I thought your entire point was that it already was a something.

Huh? Do you know what a zygote is? Besides - I explained my point about "the zygote" - on this thread! You implied (aobove) that a hair is analagous to a fetus and I maintain that it's not. (A fetus is developing into a child, a hair pulled from a head (despite having cells et al) is developing into - a dead hair!

what about dolly's mom's mammary cells? that developed into little dolly, didn't it? where do you draw the line on hair cells, zygotes and a human being with rights?

abortion is quite possibly the hardest, most overwhelming decision a woman makes -- do not cheapen this decision by being pro-life only because it suits a political/religious agenda. this is a personal decision that every woman has a right to make. to compare it to murder or to something that is callous and casually carried out is plain ignorant.

and, if you want to be utterly objective, then what would you rather have: an orphan that will be tossed from foster home to foster home, with noone to take responsibility for it, or one dead fetus that didn't spend one waking moment outside the womb to form memories or develop a living history. come on!!

until we can come up with a plan that insures the proper care for every living orphan on earth, one cannot force the pro-life issue. talk is cheap, in my opinion.

Have already responded to all of this.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 07:54 am
I did answer your questions. You just didn't like the answers.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 07:55 am
parados wrote:


Typical "denial" response! Smile

0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 08:00 am
parados wrote:
I did answer your questions. You just didn't like the answers.

You're quite right. Answering questions with other questions is always a clear sign of losing - which is exactly what you're attempting to do. So - until you are able to answer my questions directly, don't expect a response from me. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:23 am
baddog1 wrote:
You're quite right. Answering questions with other questions is always a clear sign of losing

This from the second page of this thread.

baddog1 wrote:
baddog1, what makes you think illegal backyard later abortions are better than legal earlier ones?

Huh? What do you mean?

Why do want to increase the teen suicide rate? Not high enough yet?

What are you talking about?

Your statement about losing resonates rather loudly in this thread when one starts to count the number of times you ask a question in response to a question. Laughing
0 Replies

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