Zygote, Fetus, Clump of Cells, Alive, Dead???

Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 10:34 am
parados wrote:
baddog1 wrote:
You're quite right. Answering questions with other questions is always a clear sign of losing

This from the second page of this thread.

baddog1 wrote:
baddog1, what makes you think illegal backyard later abortions are better than legal earlier ones?

Huh? What do you mean?

Why do want to increase the teen suicide rate? Not high enough yet?

What are you talking about?

Your statement about losing resonates rather loudly in this thread when one starts to count the number of times you ask a question in response to a question. Laughing

LOL! I should've figured you to stake your claim on benign, objective questions utilized for the sake of clarity and not own the fact that you're still dodging my direct questions! Continuous denial at it's finest. Oh yes - and still no answers!!! :wink:
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 10:59 am
paarados, The only "source" baddog is able to provide is "worldnet," because that's all he can find. He still can't figure out that what he tries to do is "control" the freewill of women he doesn't even know, while ignoring all the babies already in this world. Hypocrite written all over his position.
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Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 01:20 pm
Well baddog... I see. So now you are changing the parameters of what "losing" is when you do meet the standard set in your statement.

Perhaps you can provide where I answered your questions with nothing but a question. Lets see if you can find questions of mine that aren't "benign."

Nah, you won't do that.
Baddog will dodge and say he doesn't have to provide an example
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Bella Dea
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 01:37 pm
Keep your religion out of my life. And out of the lives of others. (whether or not you want to admit, most pro-lifers are religious zealots)

I am personally against abortion but would never decide that for another person.

For legal reasons, until the baby can live without the mother (about 26-27 weeks with 90% survival rate) abortion should be an option.
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Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 01:41 pm
baddog1 wrote:
parados wrote:
baddog1 wrote:
You're quite right. Answering questions with other questions is always a clear sign of losing

This from the second page of this thread.

baddog1 wrote:
baddog1, what makes you think illegal backyard later abortions are better than legal earlier ones?

Huh? What do you mean?

Why do want to increase the teen suicide rate? Not high enough yet?

What are you talking about?

Your statement about losing resonates rather loudly in this thread when one starts to count the number of times you ask a question in response to a question. Laughing

LOL! I should've figured you to stake your claim on benign, objective questions utilized for the sake of clarity and not own the fact that you're still dodging my direct questions! Continuous denial at it's finest. Oh yes - and still no answers!!! :wink:

It seems the word "always" doesn't have any meaning in your world.

Let's "always" prevent people from having abortions. So that would mean they can have them, I guess, if we follow your word usage.
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Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:54 pm
baddog1 wrote:
Roe v Wade is still a good decision, IMO. States can and should regulate abortion providers, but should leave medical procedures to doctors and moral decisions to women.

Then you might enjoy this article:


And this one:


This one is a bit lengthy, but insightful:


From the 1st one: When McCorvey announced her change of heart on the issue, Kate Michelman, president of the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, said in a statement: The Roe vs. Wade decision "isn't about any single individual. It is about the freedom of all women to make reproductive decisions free from government intrusion."

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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 10:12 pm
It seems even McCorvey missed the important issue on Roe vs Wade; as Pauligirl stated, it's not about any one individual. That Mccorvey can change her mind as if affects herself is what it's all about.
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real life
Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2006 09:37 am
Bella Dea wrote:
Keep your religion out of my life. And out of the lives of others. (whether or not you want to admit, most pro-lifers are religious zealots)

What a lame argument.

Most pro-lifers are religious. Yes, they are.

Most pro-abortion folks are religious too.

Why is this?

Because most people on the planet are religious, in one faith or another, whether you want to admit it or not.

A 'zealot' is someone who believes in something with strong conviction.

Do you have strong conviction in your pro-abortion position?

What about your other political positions?

Do you believe in them strongly, that your position is 'right' and others are 'wrong'?

You zealot.

Why is it ok for you to advocate that YOUR perception of right and wrong is enshrined in the law of the land, but it's wrong if it's the other way around?

ALL laws are based on SOMEONE'S idea of what's right and what's wrong.

What if my idea of right and wrong included the notion that it's ok for me to steal your car, and so I was able to get the legislature or the court to implement my idea of right and wrong to the exclusion of yours?

Should my position be 'if you don't believe stealing cars is for you, then don't do it' ?

How is that any different from the philosophy supporting legal abortion?

Abortion is the killing of a living human being, unless you have MEDICAL evidence to show why the unborn is NOT a living human being.

Do you?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2006 11:17 am
real life wrote:
Bella Dea wrote:
Keep your religion out of my life. And out of the lives of others. (whether or not you want to admit, most pro-lifers are religious zealots)

What a lame argument.

Most pro-lifers are religious. Yes, they are.

Most pro-abortion folks are religious too.

Why is this?

There is a difference between those that want everyone to follow their beliefs and those that are just fine with others having different beliefs. "pro abortion" folks aren't going to require you to have one. They think you should be able to choose based on your own religion and morals.

Because most people on the planet are religious, in one faith or another, whether you want to admit it or not.

A 'zealot' is someone who believes in something with strong conviction.

Do you have strong conviction in your pro-abortion position?
I don't think anyone has a strong pro-abortion opinion. Find me anyone advocating forced abortions. You can't.

What about your other political positions?

Do you believe in them strongly, that your position is 'right' and others are 'wrong'?

You zealot.

Why is it ok for you to advocate that YOUR perception of right and wrong is enshrined in the law of the land, but it's wrong if it's the other way around?
Right and wrong? One position says, people can make the choice. The other position says, "You MUST do what I say." So, your position of what it right is others have to do whatever you think is right. That is far different from the "choice" position.

ALL laws are based on SOMEONE'S idea of what's right and what's wrong.
Perhaps. In reality they are based on "rights." People have rights to own property, to safety, to make their own choices if that choice doesn't affect others. If the choice does affect others then the rights of both are weighed.

What if my idea of right and wrong included the notion that it's ok for me to steal your car, and so I was able to get the legislature or the court to implement my idea of right and wrong to the exclusion of yours?

Should my position be 'if you don't believe stealing cars is for you, then don't do it' ?
See, your idea now affects other's rights. By stealing a car, you are affecting the rights of the person that owned the car. We now have to weigh the rights of your stealing vs the rights of ownership. If we allowed anyone that chooses to steal a car to do so, then we would eliminate all ownership rights. Sure, not everyone would steal a car but enough would that no one would then own a car. This is different from abortions. Sure, some people will have abortions but that doesn't ultimately lead to no babies being born.

How is that any different from the philosophy supporting legal abortion?
See above

Abortion is the killing of a living human being, unless you have MEDICAL evidence to show why the unborn is NOT a living human being.

Do you?
That is a silly statement. There is no "medical" evidence required. It is a legal issue.
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Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2006 11:29 am
A little test for those that say a zygote is obviously human.

Please point out which of the following are human and tell me how you know.
At least one is human but not all are.




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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2006 11:31 am
parados, You trouble maker, you! LOL
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2006 02:34 pm
Baddog1, I read the articles. People change their minds about issues. So what? The worldnetdaily article was not insightful but insulting.

I do not believe that NARAL needed to "fabricate" statistics for the public to realize that illegal abortions were dangerous to women, that counselors for abortion providers were more dishonest than anti-abortion counselors (and this whole article is proof of anti-abortion dishonesty), that money is the overriding interest in providing abortions, that early abortions (as 9 out of 10 are) of miniscule, mindless embryos can be compared to the gruesome late-term abortions described, that any abortion can possibly be compared to the killing of thinking, breathing human beings, that sexual freedom is NOT an entitlement, or that Margaret Sanger had "close ties" to Hitler's regime.

Most of all, I do not believe that "Vulnerable young women are deceived by manipulative counselors and unscrupulous "health professionals" into believing their unborn babies are not human, only to find out too late, in the recovery room or shortly thereafter, that they ended the lives of their own children."

The millions of women who have chosen to abort an unwanted pregnancy had no illusions about what they were doing, or why. They KNEW that an embryo/fetus is a potential baby, and that is why they were aborting it - before it became one. They did not end the life of any actual child any more than those who use birth control or abstaining from sex are guilty of denying life to their potential children.

But the article did contain some truths which have been endorsed by the millions of women who resorted to illegal, dangerous abortions before Roe v Wade and the millions who have had safe, legal abortions since:

"Women must have control over their own bodies."

"Safe and legal abortion is every woman's right."

"Who decides? You decide!"

"Abortion is a personal decision between a woman and her doctor."

"Who will make this most personal decision of a woman's life? Will women decide, or will the politicians and bureaucrats in Washington?"

"Freedom of choice - a basic American right."
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Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2006 02:41 pm
baddog1 wrote:
I clearly know that pregnancy can happen by a variety of different planned ways, but only a handful of poorly planned ways.

So why do you think that abortion is OK in the case of rape, but not in the case of birth control failure?

Define birth control failure please. As to medical reasons - I am very close to a family with that very situation. Like all "medical-issues" they had to adjust their lifestyle when it comes to sex [with no problem I might add] and due to their responsible choices - have never put themselves in a position of needing to consider abortion.

I already mentioned several ways birth control can fail but here are more details: condoms can break or spill, pills can be missed or rendered ineffective by antibiotics, IUDs can be dislodged and don't always prevent implantation, diaphragms can be dislodged, spermicides don't kill all of them, the rhythm method doesn't work if ovulation is irregular for any reason, and people are human. They make mistakes and take chances. IMO, people who are irresponsible about birth control are not good candidates for parenthood.
You're even missing the most important point in your analogy! So when a person chooses to get drunk - what happens between the getting drunk - and the accident? The person chooses to drive! People get drunk all the time (w/o consequence). And people get into accidents all the time (w/o consequence). However - when people get drunk - and drive - then have an accident - who's responsible?

People have sex all the time without getting pregnant. If they do (whether or not their judgment was impaired by drugs, alcohol, or hormones at the time) they can then responsibly decide what to do about it when they are no longer under the influence.

People who are drunk may be incapable of making a responsible decision about driving, just as people under the influence of drugs, alcohol, hormones, or stupidity are incapable of making a responsible decision about sex/birth control. That's why drunk drivers are not executed for killing people, and abortions are available.

I feel it's her (and her husband's) responsibility to do all that is possible to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. If/when an "accident" happens - my own belief is that it was simply meant to be - if proper precautions were taken. If you will take a moment and read my posts - you'll find my exact position on abortion. It may surprise you! However - I maintain my position that "convenience" should never be an excuse/reason for abortion!

Your position on abortion seems a little hard to pin down. Who do you think "means it to be" when an unwanted pregnancy occurs? Why shouldn't we be able to alter our own fate, and that of others (as we do with every other action that affects the lives of others)

Why should other people be greatly inconvenienced by your personal objections to them making decisions that have nothing to do with you?

Why shouldn't convenience be a valid reason for early abortion? Who is hurt by the decision? Not the mindless embryo. Not the woman who may choose to have other children later in her life when she is financially and emotionally ready for them. Not society which is spared the expense of caring for them. Not the earth which is already overpopulated.

As to what point in development about the others - I am unsure. (It's still under consideration.) When - in your opinion is it "too late" for a woman to choose to abort?

In my opinion, all abortions should be done as early in the pregnancy as possible - and virtually all are when women have ready access to safe and legal abortions. I do not think abortions should be done in the third trimester unless medically necessary - which they are not.

And I've never said that a woman should not have the choice on what to do if raped. (Where did you see my words stating this?)

??????? I never said that you said women should not have the choice of what to do if raped. I said that "It seems that your want her choice be limited to what YOUR conscience will allow, and you haven't given me any logical reason for allowing abortion in the case of rape but not birth control failure."

I'd still like an answer to the question of why you find abortion acceptable in the case of rape but not birth control failure (or sex that was in some way coerced but not actually rape, for that matter).
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Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2006 02:41 pm
c.i., I wish everyone would realize, as you do, that the woman and man involved are the only ones who can make such a personal decision, based on their own circumstances and medical advice. Too many people think that everyone else should share their beliefs, no matter how irrational.
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Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2006 02:42 pm
parados, great illustration of the point. I give up. How do you tell that a particualr cell is a "human being"?
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2006 02:58 pm
Terry, Their religions succeed in making them unthinking automatons. I find it both frightening and sad.
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Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2006 04:38 pm
How far must one go, would the twinkling in the eyes of lovers be counted as a human being?
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Bella Dea
Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2006 05:23 pm
real life wrote:

Why is it ok for you to advocate that YOUR perception of right and wrong is enshrined in the law of the land, but it's wrong if it's the other way around?

Because enacting a law that allows a CHOICE is different than saying you can only do it one way. That's why.

real life wrote:

What if my idea of right and wrong included the notion that it's ok for me to steal your car, and so I was able to get the legislature or the court to implement my idea of right and wrong to the exclusion of yours?

Should my position be 'if you don't believe stealing cars is for you, then don't do it' ?

How is that any different from the philosophy supporting legal abortion?

Abortion is the killing of a living human being, unless you have MEDICAL evidence to show why the unborn is NOT a living human being.

Do you?

Yes. A fetus cannot survive without the mother until 26 weeks of age therefore it is a part of the mother. And the mother has all rights to her body and what is part of it. Is that MEDICAL enough for you?

So where is YOUR medical proof that it is a living human being?
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Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2006 05:45 pm
Terry wrote:
c.i., I wish everyone would realize, as you do, that the woman and man involved are the only ones who can make such a personal decision, based on their own circumstances and medical advice. Too many people think that everyone else should share their beliefs, no matter how irrational.

Terry, I understand and agree, but the problem with that argument is that logically it can be extended to allow you to drown your 2 year old and molest your 6 year old. I think your position is only viable if the foetus is not a full-human-rights-bearing person.

That's why the only point worth debating is...when is it?

Real life continues to demand evidence that round things are not yellow, but refuses to show us an independent medically accurate definition of "human being" that doesn't exclude a zygote, or a foetus.

Real life wants the laws changed, he needs to supply the medical evidence, not us.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2006 05:49 pm
EorI, I'm not sure how you reached the conclusion that it's okay to drown a two year old or molest a six year old child. We're talking about the fetus.
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