Thomas wrote:What do you mean specifically by "accepts sympathy"?
McGentrix wrote: Rush has publically taken responsibility for his addiction and has asked for no sympathy.
Some years before his addiction was discovered, Limbaugh, with great fanfare, went partly deaf. Sympathy was poured all over him, and he accepted it. He portrayed himself as a man fighting the medical odds to continue to blast away at the supposed hipocrisy of liberals.
Years later, Limbaugh was exposed to be taking drugs illegally which cause that hearing loss-in dosages which almost certainly far exceed the dosages necessary to do so. At exactly the time that he lost his hearing.
Yes, Limbaugh has admitted his illegal drug use, and his addiction. Yes, he has publicly proclaimed he wants no sympathy
for his addiction, how heroic.
But nowhere does anyone mention the all the sympathy he gladly took when the hearing was lost. Limbaugh played that bit up for all it was worth. But nobody ever says, "Not only did he criticize everyone opposed to him when he was himself engaging in illegal behavior, but he got everyone feeling sorry for him for his hearing loss and it turns out he was doing it to himself with illegal drugs."
As far as I am concerned, this sympathy ploy he used on the hearing loss is still on the table. That is a gigantic hypocrisy in itself that nobody has ever held him accountable for. And then Limbaugh has the nerve to turn around, after accepting all that sympathy on his self-induced hering loss, and lambaste a fellow who makes commercials supporting candidates who support government funding for a type of research which might well help others with his
natuarally occurring[/b] condition.
Michael J Fox didn't do anything illegal to get his medical condition. Limbaugh did. And Limbaugh thinks he has the right to decry the sympathy shown Michael J. Fox?