McGentrix wrote:As far as I know, Rush was only charged with oxycontin abuse and that was all he had prescriptions for. If you can show otherwise, please do.
So what? If he had no presecriptions for Lorcet/Vicodin, then he took them illegally. What difference does that make? Lorcet/Vicodin can cause deafness, especially when you are taking a lot of them.
McGentrix wrote:How do you know what his second favorite was? Were you in his narcanon meetings? How do you know he was overdosing on Lorcet? Did you read on the daily Kos? I sure haven't read that anywhere else but slimeball sites like that pushing their liberal agenda.
We know he was taking Lorcet because the housekeeper who supplied his illegal drugs said he did. The fact that she listed Lorcet second strongly implies that it was his second facorite-that pretty much is the way we customarily talk, isn't it? Yes, it is.
I know what you are trying to pull here, McGentrix. You want a full accounting of how much Lorcet/Vicodin Limbaugh took. And that might make sense if Limbaugh only took
a few more illegal pills than is commonly prescribed, even if they were obtained illegally. However, as we look at the case, we see that Limbaugh purchased immense amount of drugs-up to 90 a day.
The medical literature for Oxycontin strongly suggests 4 pills a day as a limit. For Lorcet, 5 pills a day. This gives you some idea of how far over normal dosages Limbaugh was taking. Even if Lorcet was only a quarter of the total pills Limbaugh was taking, that is still several times the safe dosage.
Sorry, but considering the amounts of pills that Limbaugh was shovelling down his gullet, your shaky argument that we don't know that his Lorcet intake wasn't within normal limits is quite unlikely.
What you are asking us to believe is that during a period which Limbaugh was taking huge amounts of illegally obtained drugs-many, many times the normally prescribed dosage-among which was a drug known to cause deafness, his deafness was most likely caused by something else. I don't see how anyone can seriously believe that.