old europe wrote:Brandon9000 wrote:Diplomacy having failed, Bush was right to invade.
That's kind of the essence of it, isn't it? Of course, in Brandon's black-and-white world there's only either diplomacy, or war.
Nonwithstanding the fact that the
sanctions and the weapons inspectors on the ground in Iraq where decidedly more than diplomacy, and decidedly less than outright war.
And successful at keeping Saddam from acquiring WMD, I might add.
i agree. but a restrained and monitored saddam were politically useless to the right wing and an annoyance to the neocons at the project.
it would seem that further inspections would confirm that, as was claimed post gulf I, that nearly all of iraq's wmd had been destroyed by coalition and iaea teams. don't remember the exact percentage quoted, but i seem to remember that the number was something like 95 or 98% of his existing weapons. i am sure it was more than 90%. the numbers are out there for any wishing to do the research...
i do remember that during the inspections saddam had attained a rocket that had a range of 120 miles, which exceeded the imposed limit of 90 miles. 30 miles... those rockets were summarily destroyed by the iaea and un inspectors.
a rocket of 120 miles may have been a threat to the u.s. if our country bordered iraq on any one of it's boundries. however......
nope, it still comes off to me that bush and his handlers were set on iraq as the entered the white house.